Friday, May 15, 2020

Job Vacancy Palladium International - Strategic Partnerships & Resource Mobilization Consultancy - HP+ (Health Policy Plus) Project

Assignment Overview
The USAID-funded Health Policy Plus (HP+) project is supporting PT Sijariemas Teknologi Inovasi (STI) to strengthen its core business model as a health technology company focused on improving maternal and newborn health. HP+ will provide support in improving scale and sustainability of STI’s core product (SijariEMAS Rujukan) and strengthening one or two priority products that have the highest potential for expansion.

STI was established in 2017 after the end of the USAID-funded EMAS program and is continuing to sell products independently with the lead of their founders, Bambang Wijayanto and Carwoto Sa’an. The company has 17 full-time employees—and has operated with positive net profits for the last three years. STI’s product portfolio includes:

  • SijariEMAS Rujukan: emergency referral platform for mothers and babies
  • SijariEMAS PWS KIA: tracks and monitors high-risk pregnancies
  • SijariEMAS PSC 119: call center for emergency referrals
  • SijariEMAS Covid-19: tracks positive patients for Covid-19
  • SMILE Puskesmas: health management system for local clinics (Puskesmas)
  • InfoBidan: education and consultation app for midwives
  • InfoBunda: education and consultation app for pregnant mothers
  • E-Promoter: emergency situation reporting to police department
  • IT Maintenance: general IT maintenance (server, storage, security, etc.)
The majority of its products are offered to local government at the district/city level as support to their health system and management of emergency referrals. Only one product (IT Maintenance) is offered to private companies. Because STI has a clear competitive advantage with several of its products in the public sector (with relatively little competition), in the short-term STI will focus its emphasis on expanding their business-to-government (B2G) business model. STI has also successfully partnered with companies and NGOs (e.g. AT&T and CARE) to supplement services in priority districts. Given the impact of COVID-19 on district budgets, STI seeks to partner with multinational and national companies that have a vested interest in maternal and child healthcare products.
HP+ is therefore seeking a consultant to support STI’s strategic partnerships/resource mobilization strategy for 2020. The Consultant will report to the STI senior management team and closely follow their guidance and vision for the company, and also deliver regular updates of ongoing activities to HP+.


This role is to support STI as a partner of HP+, in identifying alternative partnerships/resource mobilization during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Consultant’s Responsibilities
  • Identify list of potential organizations to reach out for strategic partnerships.
  • Work together with STI senior management on developing strategic partnerships/resource mobilization strategy.
  • Initiate cold calls/contacts to identify companies that interested in virtual meeting.
  • Support STI in developing talking points/partnership ideas for virtual meetings.
  • Participate in periodic calls and meetings with HP+ as necessary and requested by the project; actively communicate with HP+ on issues/delays affecting the assignment

Final Products

  1. List of organizations and contact information for strategic partnerships.
  2. Detailed notes of initial calls and suggested ideas for next phase of discussions.
  3. Strategic partnerships strategy (PowerPoint).
  4. Feedback and recommendations for PT STI going forward in identifying strategic partnerships.

  • Bachelor’s degree in business and/or corporate social responsibility/philanthropy
  • At least 10 years’ experience in a corporate role with contacts in different business sectors
  • Experience in Indonesia’ health sector with private sector clients preferred
  • Strong attention to consistency, detail, and quality
  • Ability to write high quality, clear, and concise report in Bahasa Indonesia and English
  • Ability to respond to comments and questions in a timely and appropriate manner
  • Strong knowledge and understanding on local contexts preferably

Period of Performance
June – December 2020 (6 months)
Interested candidates should submit their CV, salary history (past 3 positions), and letter of interest by Friday, May 15th, email to, subject Strategic Partnerships Resource Mobilization_Name. Follow-up online interviews will be held for qualified candidates.

About the Organization
Palladium implements the USAID-funded Health Policy Plus (HP+) Project. HP+ works with key stakeholders to advance health policy and financing for family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH), HIV, and maternal and newborn health at national and subnational levels.

PT Sijariemas Teknologi Inovasi (STI) is a leader in online referral platforms in Indonesia. They have been working to implement a tech-based referral system across Indonesia since 2017 with focus in Banten, West Java, and Central Java. Their products are used by 65 districts/cities across Indonesia, and they are contributing to the decrease in  maternal and neonatal  (MNH) deaths with innovative solutions urgently needed to improve the Indonesian healthcare system. With their holistic approach to healthcare solutions and steady increase in technology adoption, STI has a limitless room to grow and expand across the nation.

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