Thursday, May 21, 2020

Vacancy : Tech Specialist Social Development Unit

Terms of Reference

Tech Specialist

Social Development Unit


1.       In 2014, the Government of Indonesia passed the Village Law, which aims to support poverty reduction, improve quality and access to service delivery, promote community harmony, and bring citizens and the state closer together, by increasing the voice of local communities in development decisions. The Village Law significantly increased fiscal resources for development and community empowerment in Indonesia’s 74,954 rural villages. In 2019, the Government of Indonesia transferred an average IDR 1.6 billion to each village. Between 2014 and 2019 villages increased from approximately IDR 16.8 trillion ($1.2 billion) to IDR 123 trillion ($8.6 billion). 

2.       Indonesia’s central government now faces the challenge of influencing behavior of 75,000 village governments to ensure value from the more than IDR 123 trillion in public resources now at their disposal.  In such a context, a cascaded supervision and support regime is the only viable option.  Under a cascaded model, central government enables and supports provincial governments, which in turn enable and support districts, which in turn support villages. However, noting the size of districts in Indonesia (both population and geography), villages are often unable to directly access district-level government systems. 

3.       Bottom up accountability systems for improving village spending also have yet to be fully strengthened. Recent regulations under Village Law have mandated public disclosure of village budgets, but the information, while available, is not fully accessible to the population. In addition, village planning meetings are often by invitation only, leading to the effective exclusion in particular of women, the poor, and other marginalized populations. When effectively put in place, bottom up accountability mechanisms can play a critical role in driving decision making over spending village funds, in social monitoring to ensure transparency and accountability, and to improve the outcomes of village level service delivery. 

4.       On the other hand, Indonesia is rapidly digitizing, driven in part by its young and tech-savvy population, as well as the increasing affordability of smartphone and mobile data. In only five years, the total number of internet users in Indonesia spiked from roughly 63 million in 2013 to 143.26 million people in 2017. Digital growth has been concentrated in urban areas, but the government is making important strides to narrow the digital divide. However, the government is contributing to Indonesia’s digital transformation by promoting connectivity and digitizing its services.

5.       Building on Indonesia’s evolving digital ecosystem, the Village Law presents an unprecedented opportunity to leverage technologies to strengthen service delivery at community level. Building on Indonesia’s evolving digital ecosystem, the Village Law presents an unprecedented opportunity to leverage technologies to strengthen service delivery at community level. To effectively implement technology-based solutions for development, the proposed Project will draw on global best practices for digital development. In particular, all technology solutions will follow a user-centered design, rooted in the understanding of the target user’s characteristics and needs.

6.       The World Bank Social Development unit seeks a Tech Specialist to improve the quality of frontline service delivery, strengthen alignment between the district and the village levels, and develop social accountability of Village Law implementation. The consultant will provide technical inputs to the design, development, and transfer of various technological prototypes (applications, chatbots, management information system, learning management system, etc.) to various government counterparts. Initial inputs will be primarily for the following projects, with possibilities for providing inputs to development of new prototypes in the long run:

a.       Institutional Strengthening for Improved Village Service Delivery Project (Program Penguatan Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan Desa -- P3PD) with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) and Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration (MoV) as key counterparts to design and develop the following:
                                                   i.      Digital backend support for the rolling out of Desa Melawan COVID-19 (DMC) application.
                                                 ii.      Learning Management System (LMS) for village apparats and village facilitators.
b.      Improving Teacher Performance and Accountability Phase 2 Pilot (Kinerja dan Akuntabilitas Guru – KIAT Guru) with the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) as key counterpart, to:
                                                   i.      Transfer e-KIAT Guru application and MIS functionalities to MoEC.
                                                 ii.      Adapt and develop e-KIAT Guru functionalities for different setting.

Scope of work

7.       The Tech Specialist will be responsible for the following:
a.       Work as a key member of the design team for the development of the tech prototypes.
b.      Undertake user design for key features of the design work and user research for the applications, including with prospective users and stakeholders.
c.       Organize and manage design sprint sessions with key stakeholders and under the guidance of the Task Team Leaders (TTLs) to identify key design inputs.
d.      Take the lead in integrating different design features into the platform and application designs.
e.      Communicate and present the designs to counterparts and World Bank.
f.        Design the UX/UI designs using interactive software to showcase designs to multiple stakeholders.
g.       Based on the design and features, develop guidance note to software developers to adopt the key aspects of the design.
h.      Support the supervision of the software developers in the development of the systems.
i.         Support the task team in presenting the software development cycle to key counterparts.
j.        Participate in relevant meetings/ presentations/ events.
k.       Carry out any other tasks assigned by and agreed with the TTLs.
8.       The main deliverables for the position include:
a.       inputs to the strategic workplan design for the technological platforms.
b.      draft mock ups of the platforms based on initial feedback from key stakeholders.
c.       organization of several sprint sessions to garner feedback on the designs.
d.      UX/UI designs for the platform and applications.
e.      integrated guidance notes to software developers as well as a supervision plan.


The Consultant will report to Senior Social Development Specialist for the relevant projects/ tasks: Dewi Susanti for KIAT Guru, and Anna O’Donnell for P3PD. The Consultant will also work closely with other team members and consultants in the Social Unit and World Bank, as well as with government and other counterparts.

Period of Assignment

The Consultant will be contracted initially for 50 days for the period of July – December 2020. Contract may be extended based on needs and Consultant’s performance.


a.       Preferred qualifications: Master’s degree or similar advance degree in technology, statistics, economic, public/business administration.
b.      Experience: 5 years of relevant experience with 3 years of experience in human-centered design and experience in product prototyping and product development is required.
c.       Technical skills:
a.       Working knowledge of current developments in fields of big-data and market research, data collection and analytics and reporting methods.
b.      Ability to translate high technical terms into language that is easily understood by community.
d.      Interpersonal skills: Proven record of in providing prompt and quality response to client requests. He/she should be able to effectively communicate internally and externally, share information with colleagues, clients, and management.
e.      Soft skills: Independent, proactive, collaborative, and responsive. A strong record of working across organizational boundaries is required.
f.        Time management skills: A proactive approach to achieving key results. Ability to prioritize and manage time efficiently. Can handle multiple tasks effectively to meet deadlines; ability to manage uncertainty and adjust to a changing work program.
g.       Language Skills: Excellent writing and communication skills in both English and Bahasa is a must.

Please send your Cover Letter along with your Resume (in PDF) to:
Please fill the “subject” column othe e-mailin this format: 
< Tech Specialist > - <your name>  
Closing date fothe applicatiois 31 May 2020.
(Only short-listed candidatewilbe notified).

1 comment:

  1. Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman darurat dalam bentuk apa pun? Pinjaman untuk melikuidasi hutang atau kebutuhan pinjaman untuk meningkatkan bisnis Anda pernahkah Anda ditolak oleh bank dan lembaga keuangan lain? Apakah Anda membutuhkan pinjaman atau hipotek? Disinilah tempatnya untuk melihat, kami di sini untuk menyelesaikan semua masalah keuangan anda. Kami meminjam uang untuk umum. Butuh bantuan keuangan dengan kreditur buruk yang membutuhkan uang. Untuk membayar investasi komersial pada tingkat yang wajar sebesar 3%, izinkan saya menggunakan metode ini untuk memberi tahu Anda bahwa kami menyediakan bantuan yang andal dan bermanfaat dan kami akan siap meminjamkan Anda. Hubungi kami hari ini melalui email: Telepon / SMS: +1(501)800-0690 Dan Whatsapp: +1 (315) 640-3560

    Tanya saya.
