Friday, June 5, 2020


Location: Jakarta
Grade: X8
Type of contract: Individual Contractor (National) (ICA)
Start Date: As soon as possible
Contract End:  December 31st, 2021 (with option of extension).


Based in Seoul, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a model of economic growth known as "green growth", which targets key aspects of economic performance such a poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. GGGI works with countries around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies that can impact the lives of millions. The organization partners with countries, multilateral institutions, government bodies, and private sector to help build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change.

GGGI has a diverse portfolio of programs in developing countries around the world. These in-country programs, together with global products and services, focus on delivering results through an integrated approach of evidence-based green growth planning and implementation aligned to countries’ development priorities. The GGGI Indonesia Program, known as the 'GoI-GGGI Green Growth Program' (GGP), aims to demonstrate that green investment is possible and can become the norm both for investors and for planners, ultimately improving the quality of growth and development. Through the Program, GGGI collaborates with the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (“PT SMI”).

GGGI Indonesia closely collaborates with the Fiscal Policy Agency (FPA) under the Ministry of Finance (MoF) to provide technical advice and consultancy relevant to climate finance and investment. GGGI also supports the the FPA in its capacity as the National Designated Authority (NDA) for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in Indonesia.

In its role as the NDA, the FPA has nominated GGGI as the Delivery Partner to design and implement two GCF readiness and preparatory support programs (“The Readiness Programs”). The first and the second readiness program will be completed on 31st December 2020 and 31st December 2021 respectively. The Readiness Programs consists of a wide range of activities to achieve big four readiness outcomes:
  1. Institutional coordination mechanism to coordinate climate finance focal points established;
  2. Stakeholder engagement relevant to country programming strengthened;
  3. Direct access to climate finance strengthened; and
  4. Climate finance mobilized.

The Green Investment Officer is responsible for supporting the implementation of the Readiness programs and applies his/her specialized technical knowledge to ensure efficient and timely delivery of the Readiness Programs. The position provides day to day technical support internally as well as to relevant government and other counterparts.

The Green Investment Officer will report to the Green Investment Specialist of the GGGI Indonesia program and will be located three days per week in the FPA office (there is a specific office space in the NDA). On other days, the Green Investment Officer will be working from the GGGI Jakarta office. He/She should be willing to travel.

The Green Investment Officer carries out analytical and operational work related to GCF Readiness Programs and provides a wide range of support to the Readiness Programs’ different deliverables. The Candidate oversees the development and implementation of multiple components of the Readiness Programs and provides technical inputs. A full list is provided below:
  1. Institutional coordination mechanism is in place to coordinate climate finance focal points. The position collaborates with the NDA and the consultant/consulting firm to establish a coordination mechanism with other climate finance focal points;
  2. Stakeholder engagement relevant to country programming. The position supports the NDA in engaging public, private and civil society stakeholders to prioritize project pipeline in accordance with the GCF Country Program Document and during Annual Preparatory Review fora. 
  3. Direct access to climate finance. The position becomes the main focal point to support:
    1. the existing DAE to develop Concept Notes/Proposal to the GCF;
    2. the nominated DAE in the accreditation process and increase the readiness of the nominated national entities.
  4. Climate finance strategy and project pipeline strengthened. The position supports the NDA in expanding the GCF project pipeline in Indonesia, developing a climate finance strategy, aligning the project pipeline of Direct Access Entities (DAEs) and International Accredited Entities (AEs) with the recent GCF Country Programme Document.

The position will spend 80% of his/her time to deliver the Outcome 3 and 4 above.

  • This position will actively engage regularly with the private sector, civil society, government, DAEs, and other (local) stakeholders. Direct communication with the GCF (on behalf of the NDA or GGGI) is foreseen as well;
  • Work as the key climate change investment expert to relevant stakeholders, strengthen these stakeholders’ capacity and provide necessary assistance and guidance to improve green projects initiated by direct access entity. Ensure effective and efficient delivery of related project deliverables;
  • Working closely with government officials, (D)AEs and the private sector in implementing the Readiness Programs and/or developing GCF concept notes.
  • Coordinate with GGGI colleagues in Indonesia and other countries, especially those working on the GCF readiness programs and green investment;
  • Collaborate closely with the FPA staff and the appointed staff of candidate DAEs in progressing with the accreditation process.

·         Initiate and conduct relevant workshops, roadshows, and focus group discussions with key national and subnational stakeholders from both public and private sector;
·         Develop and initiate climate change projects and prepare concept notes, especially for submission purpose to the GCF;
·         Ensure the development of existing and candidate DAEs project pipeline to align with the most recent  GCF Country Program Document;
·         Support the nominated entities in the accreditation process and increase the readiness of the nominated entities to enhance their accreditation status;
·         Initiate, maintain and strengthen relationships with key officials in the government (other than the FPA) and other relevant public and private institutions;
·         Provide high-quality climate finance/investment technical advice to the FPA and DAE(s); and
·         Independently manage the technical team’s outputs (consisting of staff members and consultants from various fields[1]) to meet challenging timelines and ensure successful quality delivery in line with the agreed outputs;
·         Write progress reports for the Indonesia Readiness Programs to the GCF and GGGI.
REQUIREMENTS (only recruitment purpose)

  • At least a Master’s degree in environmental and natural resources economics, development economics, finance, business/ business management, or a related field;
  • Minimum 5 years of relevant experience, preferably in managing government relations, working with NGOs/CSOs, and/or engaging with private sectors;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of GCF framework and policies, modalities and procedures, including reporting requirements and guidelines;
  • Technical knowledge of climate change, mitigation, adaptation and/or climate financing;
  • Experience with the development and structuring of investment projects, ideally in climate change projects;
  • Experience in managing team;
  • Previous experience with the management of donor-funded activities;
  • Demonstrated project and policy experience in Indonesia;
  • Excellent written and spoken communication skills in Indonesian and English.

·         Proven ability to provide high-quality advice on project development and investments on climate change
·         Proven analytical, problem-solving, and strategic skills
·         Demonstrated ability to build collaborative working    relationships with government counterparts
·         Demonstrated capacity to facilitate in-depth, outcome oriented, stakeholder dialogues
·         Excellent interpersonal, stakeholder engagement and consensus-building skills
·         Ability to foster strong relationships with key government agencies and ensure ownership of program’s input

·         Commitment to gender equality
·         Ability to value diversity in team, counterparts, and related stakeholders
·         Ability to advocate and incorporate GGGI value within and outside the organization

To apply, please visit before June 17th, 2020 (KST).


  1. Admin numpang promo ya
    cuma disini tempatnya game online proses mudah,cepat dan terjamin 1onQQ ^^
    Bisa dp via pulsa juga (min 25rb)

  2. Izin ya admin..:)
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