Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Call for Application - Final Evaluation JSER Project- Yayasan Fondasi Hidup


Yayasan Fondasi Hidup (YFH), Yakkum Emergency Unit (YEU) and Tearfund Netherlands are calling for proposals to lead the final evaluation of the Jakomkris Sulawesi Emergency Response (JSER) earthquake and tsunami response programme in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, as outlined in the Terms of Reference (ToR) below.

Interested bidders should submit the following:

1.     A covering letter outlining how the bidder meets the skill requirements outlined in section 4 below.

2.     A brief proposed methodology for how the work will be undertaken, including a succinct work plan and schedule of activities in line with the proposed timeline in section 5 of the ToR.

3.     A budget (in IDR) setting out the full cost for the evaluation, including fees charged by the bidder.

4.     Curriculum Vitae (CV)

5.     A sample of previous written work e.g. a report written by the bidder for a previous review or evaluation.


DEADLINE: Applications should be submitted by 22.00 WIB on Wednesday 6 January 2021 to recruitment-ina@fh.org

Submissions to this call for applications will be assessed based on the following criteria: experience and qualifications of the consultant as outlined in the ToR below, technical quality of past written reports, strength of proposed methodology, work plan and schedule of activities, as well as the proposed budget and value for money.

It is expected that the contract will be awarded within January 2021, with the fieldwork element of the evaluation scheduled for February 2021 and the final report due by 15 March 2021.

Please note that the terms of reference below may be subject to change depending on the latest COVID-19 travel advice and guidance of the Indonesian Government.




Final Evaluation of Jakomkris Sulawesi Emergency Response (JSER) Project


Yayasan Fondasi Hidup






Program Title:


Background to the Program:

On 28th September 2018, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck just off the coast of the central island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. This was followed by a tsunami and liquefaction that hit the west coast of Sulawesi, severely affecting Palu City and the coast of Donggala. As well as 2,081 confirmed deaths, 1,309 missing/ buried, 206,494 people displaced, and 4,438 seriously injured, it is also estimated that 68,451 houses were damaged.  Based on population surveys it is estimated that up to 1.5 million people were affected by the earthquake and about 191,000 left in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. The Government of Indonesia welcomed the offer of international assistance as of 1 October 2018.


Local Response - Tearfund Netherlands & Partners


Tearfund Netherlands, an INGO based in the Netherlands, partnered with the Yayasan Fondasi Hidup (YFH) an affiliate of Food for the Hungry US, a US-based INGO, to respond to the Sulawesi earthquake. Since October 2018, Tearfund Netherlands and YFH have conducted two projects funded by various back donors including the government of Belgium, Cedar Fund, Tear Australia, and World Relief.

Phase 1 focused on providing immediate relief and lasted 6 months, whilst phase 2 focused on longer-term recovery and lasted a total of 18 months.


Key activities in the Jakomkris Sulawesi Emergency Response (JSER) projects include:

      Phase 1:

      Food and non-food items distribution,

      Provision of unconditional cash transfer,

      Construction of temporary shelters, health clinic, and toilet

      Provision of general health services

      Health promotion and supplementary feeding for pregnant and lactating women and mothers with 0-36 months old children.

      Psychosocial support activities

      Phase 2:

      Kitchen gardening

      Savings group

      Health Training and the creation of safe space

      Unconditional cash transfer for response COVID-19

      Development of village-based mechanism disaster risk reduction (DRR) plan


Implementing Partners

In phase 1 YFH partners with Mennonite Diakonia Service (MDS) Indonesia and Persekutuan Pelayanan Kristen untuk Kesehatan di Indonesia (PELKESI) and in Phase 2 YFH partners with YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU).



The beneficiaries of the two phases are the most affected population of the Central Sulawesi earthquake. They are the internally displaced people (IDPs) of liquefaction living in temporary shelters and coastal and high-land communities with almost 100% damaged buildings.




a) Requirement and audience for evaluation

This evaluation seeks to assess the impact and sustainability of the project, including the extent to which it achieved what it set out to do. This will also be an opportunity to gather learnings that contain information on the reasons why some approaches in the project design of this response sometimes may not fit to achieve the expected output or outcome. This information will help to improve future programming.

An Indonesian national will ideally lead the evaluation as this will allow for easier communication and understanding of the local context. Additionally, travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic will impact the ability of non-nationals to travel to and within Indonesia. As this evaluation will require travel to Central Sulawesi and Jakarta it is recommended that the successful consultant have the right to live and work in Indonesia.

The following main audiences will utilize findings from this evaluation:

      Tearfund Netherlands

      Tearfund supporters and sub-grantees (in particular YFH and YAKKUM Emergency Unit)

      Integral Alliance member agencies

      Program participants - communities, beneficiaries, local leaders



b) Scope of evaluation

This evaluation will focus on Tearfund Netherlands projects with YFH in Central Sulawesi, covering both phases one and two of the response program (October 2018 - September 2020).


Phase 1 has already been included in several learning reviews and previous evaluations (including Tearfund’s RTR, the Integral Alliance Evaluation, and FH’s own learning review). With the current COVID-19 restriction, it can be very challenging to arrange FGD with beneficiaries from this project. However, an impact observation can be done for phase 1 specifically on the construction site in Donggala district supplemented with KII to assess sustainability if required.


Phase 2 of YFH’s project will be the primary focus of this evaluation and will take a broader methodological approach, as outlined in section 3 below.



c) Evaluation goal and objectives


The aim of this assignment is twofold:

  1. Accountability: To assess Tearfund Netherlands partner-led intervention with YFH and its implementing partner, YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU), in Central Sulawesi from October 2018 - February 2021. This exercise will evaluate implementation against project plans to determine whether the project met its key objectives and to what extent it had a positive impact on the affected communities.
  2. Learning: In addition, the evaluation will produce recommendations for improving the effectiveness of future disaster response programs globally and specifically in Indonesia.


The final report should highlight the successes of the program and also identify the key challenges faced and lessons learned which can be applied to future interventions.




  1. To assess the quality of emergency project delivery against the key evaluation criteria with reference to the Food for the Hungry value, OECD-DAC evaluation criteria, and Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS). The key evaluation criteria for phase 1 are impact and sustainability; for phase 2 are impact, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. 
  2. To assess the extent to which project adaptation was effective and relevant to the changing context (including changing need) in the target location, particularly in relation to the impact of COVID-19 and the project’s responses to this.
  3. To document what works and what was not, and how it transforms the YFH organizations and staff.
  4. Document good practices, significant challenges, and lessons learned thereby making practical and actionable recommendations for future programming.


Assessment Criteria

The evaluation will use the OECD-DAC criteria as a framework and will consider the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS), Food for the Hungry (FH) Values, and four drivers of change from the Theory of Change (ToC) of Tearfund Netherlands within this framework.

For this evaluation, the chosen criteria from OECD-DAC are impact, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. The consultant may identify specific evaluation questions for each of the five key criteria, some suggestions and aspects for considerations from CHS, FH Values, and ToC of Tearfund Netherlands including how it will be presented in the report will be provided to the consultant.



The consultant (or evaluation team) will be selected by the Tear Netherlands and YFH. The evaluation team will be led by an external national evaluator who will be overseen by YFH Program Manager.

Activities are expected to include:

   Consultancy proposal outlining the methodology, budget, profile of evaluator(s) with previous experience, a sample of findings report, and a recommendation from the former users.

   Desk review of key documents prior to departure

   Review of project documents as well as any third-party reviews e.g DEC Response Review

-      Review of Real-Time Report from Tearfund’s RTR of the response (March 2019).

-        Review of Final evaluation report from Tearfund UK-DEC JSER SCALe project (October 2020).

   Review of YFH and YEU implementation and monitoring documents such as reports and distribution lists.

   Interviews with key YFH and YEU staff supporting the program.

   Semi-structured interviews with beneficiaries and local communities, assisted by YFH and YEU.

   In-country key informant interviews with local government officials, sector leads, and other humanitarian actors in sectoral areas where YFH and YEU have intervened

   Community Focus Group Discussions

   Direct Observations of the work being carried out during visits to Central Sulawesi

   Discussion of initial findings with Tearfund Netherlands, YFH, and YEU staff team

   Discussion of the final report with Tearfund Netherlands, YFH, and YEU after submission to finalize any corrections and review findings.




All applicants should demonstrate experience and competence in the following areas: 


  1. Degree or Masters qualification, or equivalent, in Social Science/Disaster Risk Reduction/WASH Engineering/Psychosocial Studies or similar relevant subject. 
  2. Previous experience working in Indonesia and fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English
  3. Proven experience in conducting crisis response evaluations
  4. Provision of a strong proposed methodology, work plan, and schedule of activities for the evaluation.
  5. Knowledge and understanding of the Indonesian government and the humanitarian system in emergency response, including the cluster/sector system, UN/NGO coordination.
  6. Familiarity with the international quality standards applied in emergency contexts, including the Core Humanitarian Standard
  7. Experience of programming in emergency response, in particular, some or all of the following sectors: psychosocial, WASH, DRR, NFI, livelihoods, cash-based programming
  8. Experience in the use of participatory methodologies including strong facilitation and coordination skills
  9. Excellent report writing in English and analytical skills, including proven ability to form concise, actionable recommendations
  10. Suitable cost and required availability


These criteria will be used in the tender committee to compare applications and select a consultant.




The consultancy will take place between 15 January and 15 March 2020 with the proposed number of work days is 20 day. The hiring process of an evaluator(s) is scheduled to take place between December 2020 and mid of January 2021. The preparation and desk review by the consultant will follow after the hiring. A suggested itinerary is below but this will be finalized in consultation with the Consultant and the YFH team. It is proposed fieldwork will take place in the week starting 1 February 2021. Final report to be received by YFH on 15 March 2020.

The finalized version of the timetable will be included separately in the contract.



Number of days required

Inception workshop (most likely virtual)

0.5 days

Desk review of key program documents

2 days

Discuss approach and finalize visit itinerary with YFH and YEU.

0.5 days

Interviews with Tearfund Netherlands & Tearfund UK staff (virtual)

0.5 days

Interviews with YFH and YEU head office staff (Medan & Yogyakarta by virtual)

1 day

Travel to Central Sulawesi

1 day

Preparation & planning time

1 day

Key informant interviews with key stakeholders in Palu/Kulawi - govt, sectors, other NGOs

3 day

Field visits and interviews with YFH and YEU project staff 

3 days

Consolidate findings and any final interviews

2 day

Present findings to Tearfund Netherlands, YFH, YEU staff in Indonesia, and other stakeholders (either virtual or in Palu) for validation

1.5 days

Writing a draft report

3 days

Receive feedback and comments from Tearfund Netherlands, YFH, and YEU on the draft report


Incorporate comments into Final report

1 day

Proposed number of days

20 days total





The expected outputs of this evaluation include:

      Inception report outlining the final methodology, detailed work plan, and budget.

      In-country feedback on initial findings to Tearfund Netherlands, YFH, and YEU staff  - delivered via a workshop (virtual or face-to-face if possible)

      A final report of a maximum of 40 pages in a recommended reporting format, including the following sections:

Section 1 – Executive Summary (no more than two pages)

Section 2 – Introduction

Section 3 – Methodology

Section 4 – Context Analysis

Section 5 – Project Overview

Section 6 – Key Findings

Section 7 – Conclusions

Section 8 – Key Insights

Section 9 – Specific Actionable and Prioritised Recommendations (maximum of 7 recommendations)

Section 10 – Annexes

      A summary of the evaluation maximum of 6 pages



a)   Dissemination of Findings

The lead evaluator is to submit the evaluation report to the Indonesia country office and Tearfund Netherlands. On approval, Tearfund will pass the report onto the supporters and a summary may be published on the Tearfund, FH, partners/supporters website.  YFH will ensure that findings and actionable recommendations are disseminated across the organization as appropriate for action and learning purposes. A workshop to validate and share the initial findings with relevant stakeholders is scheduled in the third week of February 2021 and will be held virtually or in Palu if the situation allows.

b)   Action Plan:  A draft action plan is to be developed as part of the evaluation report using the linked template.



The evaluator is to conduct a self-assessment against the Bond Evidence Principles (Voice and Inclusion, Appropriateness, Triangulation, and Contribution and Transparency) checklist.  The assessment is to be completed using this BOND checklist as this ensures that the data is automatically captured.

Please submit your application letter at the latest on January,6th 2021 addressing the above qualifications and experience with your CV, 3 references, salary expectation,certificate to: recruitment-ina@fh.org.

Email Subject : (Candidate Name_Job Code), i.e. JAMES_FEJSER

Supporting Documents: (Candidate Name_Job Code_Supporting documents), i.e. JAMES_FEJSER CV

Format should be in PDF, DOC, JPEG only – please do not ZIP/RAR it. Please send it within the same email.


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