Thursday, January 14, 2021

Call for Bidding for Service Provider for Researcher


Terms of Reference – Researchers for 2020-21 Case Studies



IBCWE and Investing in Women conducts annual case studies of firms’ actions around Workplace Gender Equality (WGE).   The case studies aim to document the change that has occurred, understand how and why change around WGE is happening among firms, and understand impacts of the COVID-19 environment on WGE.   The study may also provide summary communications material for use by the BC and firm, in order to publicise any major achievements.

Activity overview

In 2020-21, IBCWE and IW will undertake Case Studies of two to three firms that actively implemented changes in 2019-20.

Firm 1

Firm 1 operates in industrial manufacturing - a male dominated sector.  In 2018, 20% of their employees were female overall, and at operations level only 1% of employees were female.  Only one woman occupied a role in upper or top management.

In the past year, since their engagement with IBCWE began, two women have been appointed to senior roles in this company, increasing the representation of women’s voices at the top.

The case study at this firm will examine factors that influenced these hires, including actions to promote WGE that the firm has completed.  This company introduced a target to achieve 30:70 ratio of women to men at management level, conducted training on gender biases’ and revision of recruitment standard and procedures.

The case study will also examine the impact of having more female voices in leadership roles, both on other employees at top management levels, and on staff in operational roles.

Firms 2 and 3

Two IBCWE members have implemented sophisticated flexible work arrangements that demonstrate leading practice in Indonesia. 

Firm 2 is a professional services firm. 39% of their staff are women, and 33% of staff at upper and top management levels are women.  Firm 2 had introduced an extensive menu of flexible work options, however uptake of FWA was low.  Firm 2 has completed a number of EDGE actions including increased communications and promotion efforts regarding flexible work options. 

This case study will investigate the impact of these efforts on uptake of flexible work across the company, as well as impacts of flexible work on individual employees from different management levels. Flexible work will also have been impacted by COVID-19 and the case study will examine its implementation in light of this context.

Firm 3 has achieved gender balance among their staff at entry level and senior management levels.  Representation of women at supervisory and mid-level management could be improved (33% and 30% respectively) and there are no women at the executive management level.

Staff turnover at the supervisory management level is higher than other levels at around 33%.  Retention of female employees is higher than male employees at mid and senior management levels, and retention of male employees is higher than females in entry level jobs.

Firm 3 has achieved leading practice in flexible work policies and practices. Flexible work is mainstreamed within the organization, with acknowledgement that outputs and results are valued. Policies related to family and caring support to all employees and are communicated and employees are notified of any changes. Opportunities for improvement include developing re-entry programs or integration measures for employees returning from long-term leave; and develop a personal development program for parents returning to work from parental leave and parenting workshops.

Activity overview

IBCWE is recruiting local researchers or a local research organisation to undertake data collection and analysis and produce case study reports.

The case studies will

·       Collect and document information about the WGE initiative and how it was implemented

·       Identify enablers and barriers faced to successful implementation of the initiative

·       Assess the impact of the initiative on the work life of individual employees, and perceived or actual impacts on broader organisational outcomes

·       Assess whether and how BC activities are supporting the firms to meet their WGE objectives.

Specific services




Participate in orientation on IBCWE and IW activities around Workplace Gender Equality and the MEL system used to track changes


In consultation with BC and the IW MEL team, develop a methodology for the Case Studies outlining ethics, confidentiality, purpose, research questions, processes, quantitative/qualitative tools for data collection and analysis, and template for reporting.  The process will need to be appropriate to the operational constraints that firms are currently facing due to COVID-19. 


Develop a timeframe for roll out of research, and coordinate logistics for research activities with the Business Coalition and selected firms.


Prepare a brief profile of each case study firm, based on publicly available sources and firm data provided by IW for the purpose of internal planning and preparation for work with each company


With a representative of IBCWE, conduct introductory meetings/calls with case study firm managers to explain the purpose and scope of the case study research – including discussions on what type of information would be most useful to the firm for their own integration of WGE, and selection of informants


Conduct primary data collection within case study firms as per the agreed methodology, including as appropriate individual interviews, focus group discussions, staff surveys (using the BC’s own survey tool) and document review.


Offer a courtesy debrief meeting with the firms’ top management when data collection is completed.


Conduct data processing and initial data analysis, with careful attention to privacy and confidentiality measures


Conduct a presentation of preliminary findings with BC and IW following preliminary data analysis.


As requested, participate in Business Coalition or IW meetings to support dissemination and uptake of findings.


Prepare succinct individual reports for each company with findings and recommendations, and a two-page communications summary for each firm.


All deliverables to be provided in English language, unless otherwise agreed as part of case study methodology:




Methodology and workplan for case studies, to be agreed with BC and IW


Data collection undertaken in accordance with methodology and as agreed with selected firms


Debrief on data collection provided to firms’ management


Presentation of preliminary findings to BC and IW


All raw data with names and identifiers redacted


Draft case study report (maximum 20 pages plus annexes) and summary slide deck (maximum 20 slides) on each firm submitted to BC and IW


Final case study report and summary slide deck incorporating any feedback from BC and IW on the draft report


A two page summary of each firm’s achievements in the area studied, to support BC or firm’s communication efforts.


Criteria to be addressed in proposal:

·       Strong research skills, including experience in managing and conducting quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis

·       Strong analytical and writing skills, including experience in preparation of clear, succinct reports in English and in local languages where appropriate

·       Understanding of workplace gender equality and business environments

·       Ability to liaise productively with stakeholders, including management and staff from private companies


February 2021 to April 2021

Financial Proposal

The financial proposal must be expressed in the form of a lump sum all-inclusive cost linked to deliverables specified in TOR, supported by a breakdown of costs.


All envisaged travel costs (if any) must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to/from duty station research locations. 

In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be shouldered by the researcher(s).

Schedule of payments

1.       1st Payment: 20% of payment upon signing of contract agreement

2.       2nd Payment: 30% of payment upon completion of data collection

3.       3rd Payment: 30% of payment upon completion of first draft report

4.       FINAL Payment: 20% of payment upon completion of FINAL Report and Service Report to IBCWE


How to apply

We welcome research firms and individual researchers to apply. Applications to be a service provider for the research include:

A proposal that describes the proposed research approach including methodology and workplan for the data collection and a proposed approach to analysis and learning. The application should also include a list of prior clients, and CVs of staff who will conduct the research, and a financial proposal.

The curriculum vitae for the lead researcher should include contact details for three referees, including a telephone number and email address.

All correspondence should be addressed to Indonesia Business Coalition for Women Empowerment via email: and should indicate “Application for Service Provider for Researcher” on the application letter and email subject.

Applications will be considered until January 25th, 2021 or until a suitable candidate is identified and selected.  Please note that only short-listed firms/applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.

1 comment:

  1. Ragu sama K0munitas aBaL-aBaL.?
    D!sini saja (AjoQQ"c0m) dijamin aman dan terpercaya.. menang berapapun pasti diproses..!!
    Sedia deposit pulsa juga (min 20rb)
