Sunday, January 31, 2021

Short Term Consultant (STC) with The World Bank, Jakarta Office


20 January 2020

1. In Indonesia, district governments play a critical role in delivering health care. Districts deliver primary and some secondary care services and are responsible for over half of total health expenditures. While access to health care has improved overall over the past decade, critical challenges remain, especially in lagging districts.

2. To address these challenges, district health offices’ (Dinkes) capacity to plan and budget effectively is critical. Health development planners (“tenaga perencana”) need to (i) prepare an accurate situation analysis that identifies and prioritizes health problems in the district bases on statistical data and that anticipates dynamic health service delivery needs, and (ii) plan the allocation of resources in their work plan (Renja PD) accordingly. These tasks are complicated by a multitude of financing sources that districts rely on, including among others the district budget (APBD), health insurance (JKN), earmarked transfers (DAK). Health planners also need to be able to advocate effectively for the health sector’s spending needs vis-à-vis the local finance agencies (Bappeda, BPKAD) and the local parliament (DPRD). Yet, in many districts, especially in lagging ones, health development planners have limited capacity for meeting these challenges and for planning and budgeting effectively for results.

3. In this context, the Planning and Budget Bureau (ROREN) of the Ministry of Health (MoH) has designed a training curriculum on Health Development Planning for districts (“Pelatihan Perencanaan Pembangunan Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota”). The curriculum aims at improving the capacity of district health planners. It is designed for online delivery, given the COVID-19 pandemic. The curriculum covers a total of 46 training hours to be delivered in 11 models. The curriculum is based on modern pedagogical principles for adult learning (“pembelajaran orang dewasa”), is competency-based (“berbasis kompetensi”) and emphasizes learning-by doing (“belajar sambil berbuat”), based on real-world case studies. Substantive focus areas of the curriculum comprise, among others, the following (please see Annex I for an overview of the full curriculum):
▪ Situation analysis (“Analisis Situasi dan Penetapan Prioritas Kegiatan”);
▪ Preparation of the health sector and district work plan and budget (“Penyusunan Rencana Kerja Perangkat Daerah Kab/Kota Bidang Kesehatan serta Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perangkat Daerah Kab/Kota” ) and
▪ Socialization and advocacy of the health work plan (“Sosialisasi dan Advokasi Renja PD Bidang Kesehatan”).

4. The World Bank supports the Ministry of Health in strengthening the performance of Indonesia’s primary health care system through the “Indonesia Supporting Primary Health Care Reform (I-SPHERE) Program for Results (PforR). One of the I-SPHERE program’s objectives is to increase the number of lagging districts that have produced improved annual plans and budgets. In this context, the World Bank has agreed with the MOH that it will provide technical assistance for developing the training modules for the Health Development Planning training.

5. These TOR are to recruit a Short Term Consultant (STC) World Bank consultant to assist ROREN/MOH in developing the training modules for the Health Development Planning training. The assignment will initially be for a period of 60 days is expected to start in February 2021. The STC will be responsible for developing case study material based on selected districts’ real-world experiences. The STC will work closely with the ROREN team and with Dinkes in selected districts. Conditional on strong performance, there is an option to extend the contract and to expand the tasks as part of the World Bank’s broader Technical Assistance to MOH under I-SPHERE.

6. Strong applicants should combine (i) at least a Master’s degree in public health, public policy or a related social science (ii) with demonstrated experience in working on planning, budgeting and financial management issues in Indonesia, ideally in the health sector; (iii) with strong ability to independently conduct qualitative research. A pedagogical / teaching background would be a plus. Excellent writing skills in Bahasa Indonesia and fluency in English are required.

7. Applicants should submit their application to Jurgen Blum, Senior Public Sector Specialist (, at the latest by Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021. The application should include (i) a motivation letter, (ii) CV, (iii) academic transcripts and, (iv) if available, a sole-authored writing sample, ideally based on field research or quantitative. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a phone or in person interview.

8. The STC’s main task will consist of assisting the ROREN/MOH team in developing case study materials that will become part of the training modules for the Health Development Planning curriculum. The STC will develop the case study materials by:
▪ Identifying challenges that health development planners typically face in preparing the Renja PD and the RKPD;
▪ Identifying case study districts that have faced and (successfully) handled these challenges in past budget cycles (say in 2019 or 2020);
▪ Engaging with these districts to obtain the information requires for developing case studies (interviews with Dinkes officials, data, planning and budget documents,);
▪ Developing the curated case study material for key training modules (e.g. case write-up, background material, questions for exercises).

9. ROREN/MOH will guide the case study preparation process and integrate the final case studies in the training modules. The case study materials will serve to improve the competency of district health planners in devising planning for health development. It is expected that the training will enable health planning workers (i) to prepare health development planning documents in a comprehensive and integrated fashion; (ii) to recognize health problems; (iii) to determine health priorities accordingly and (iv) to determine activities which have major leverage through the use of “logic framework” model.

10. More broadly, the training will serve to improve (i) the quality in management of health data and information; (ii) knowledge and skills in planning health development; (iii) capacity in cross-programmatic and cross-sectoral coordination, including private sector, academia, and the community; (iv) capacity in monitoring and evaluation of health development; (v) capacity in compiling reports and results of health development; (vi) capacity in dissemination and publication of the results in health development.

11. The STC may be asked to perform other related tasks in agreement with ROREN/MOH and the World Bank team. The STC is expected to be able to work with a high degree of autonomy and limited supervision. The STC will report to Jurgen Blum (Senior Public Sector Specialist, WB) and to Somil Nagpal (Senior Health Specialist, WB).

12. Strong applicants should combine:
▪ At least a Master’s degree in public health, public policy or a related social science from a state or minimally B-accredited private university in Indonesia or from an international university;
▪ At least 3-5 years of demonstrated experience in working on planning, budgeting and financial management issues in Indonesia, ideally in the health sector and in local governments; familiarity with the rules and regulations related to planning and budgeting;
▪ Demonstrated experience with government planning processes, ideally in the health sector, comprising (i) the determination of priority problems; (ii) the determination of indicators and targets; (iii) the compilation of activity logical framework; (iv) determination of activity priority; (vi) and techniques for monitoring and evaluation.
▪ Strong ability to independently conduct qualitative research, including conducting interviews with health sector officials, documenting processes and collecting relevant administrative documents;
▪ Familiarity with health data and ability to analyzing data;
▪ Budget negotiation experience (in the public sector);
▪ Excellent writing skills in Bahasa Indonesia and fluency in English; local recruitment;
▪ A pedagogical / teaching background would be a plus;

Full TOR as attached.


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