Thursday, February 18, 2021

Palladium Indonesia - HPP Project: Liaison Expert to the Field for Maternal Waiting Home (RTK)


Liaison Expert to the field (consultant) Scope of Work

for Pilot Concept of Maternal Waiting Home at Gowa District, South Sulawesi


Position Title: Liaison Expert to the Field for Maternal Waiting Home (RTK)

Based: Gowa District or Makasar City, South Sulawesi

Period of Performance: February – April 2021



The health sector in Indonesia is fundamentally changing through the Government’s effort towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Importantly, this ambitious agenda must be implemented in a cost-effective manner to manage the financial burden for the Government of Indonesia. Private Sector Engagement is one of the key strategies for the Government to achieve its Mid-term Development Plan (RPJMN) targets. By partnering with the private sector, Indonesia can more efficiently and effectively achieve the health sector’s UHC goals across prevention, promotion, and treatment. the Ministry of Health’s Centre of Health Financing and Insurance (PPJK) is currently developing a Technical Guideline for Non-Infrastructure public-private partnerships (PPP; Kemintraan Pemerintah Swasta/ KPS). This guideline outlines and clarifies several mechanisms for contracting private sector entities for the delivery of health services, summarizes the process for procurement, and lists the funding sources that can be used for these purposes all in one place.

While it finalizes the Non-Infrastructure PPP Technical Guideline, PPJK has highlighted the importance of identifying and piloting a service-oriented health PPP, which provides an opportunity to apply the Technical Guideline and showcase how PPPs can be used to achieve key RPJMN goals. While the pilot may be implemented only in one or a handful of districts, the learnings from the development and implementation of the PPP pilot is intended to galvanize support and adoption of the mechanism across the country. It is critical that the opportunity identified has potential to address issues faced across the country and identify or build capacity of private sector partners to be able to replicate/ adapt the model. Through a series of interviews, PPJK and the USAID-funded Health Policy Plus (HP+) project have identified several potential PPP opportunities.

One notable option is to partner with the private sector to manage Maternity Waiting Homes (RTK = Rumah Tunggu Kelahiran), adding discrete services that strengthen the continuum of care from the community level to the maternity waiting home and ultimately to the health facility where the pregnant women – especially those who might be at risk of complication – will be able to deliver safely. The services require further refinement and customization based on the needs of the local community. The PPP intends to support and strengthen the maternity continuum of care that is overseen and provided by the Puskesmas. Commitment and guidance by the Puskesmas on the MWH+ model is vital to the PPP’s ultimate objective of improving the health outcomes of pregnant women and newborns.

Based on government priority and local government interest, Gowa district has been identified as potential location for this Maternity Waiting Home PPP pilot, although stakeholder engagement will determine final location.

In line with concept development, it is critical to assess the geographic location in which a maternity waiting home PPP could be a strategic solution for the local challenge. Furthermore, HP+ and partners must assess, communicate, and align the interest and priorities of the local government, local health service, and community support for this idea. To finalize the concept, available resources in the field should also be identified, so that the implementation, governance, and financing structures for this pilot RTK in Gowa can be articulated and agreed upon.

To facilitate this critical step, HP+ is seeking a consultant to act as a Liaison Expert to the Field for this Maternity Waiting Home PPP concept. The Consultant will work closely with HP+ team based in Jakarta to engage the District Health Office and Puskesmas to gain their input on how a PPP could assist in furthering their maternal and newborn health goals, and to better understand the community needs to refine the services to be offered through the PPP. Ultimately, she/he will complete the necessary tasks and gather information to advance this pilot preparation in earnest to, at minimum, get recommendation on level of readiness the Local Partners or Stakeholders to this concept and potential to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).  

The consultant will report to HP+ Private Sector Senior Technical Advisor in Jakarta. She/He will also support HP+ Government Relation Manager to update and respond to any requests from PPJK specific to this PPP concept.


Consultant Responsibilities:

  1. Review and provide feedback to the semi-final concept on RTK currently in development.
  2. Finding data and information needed to enrich the semi final concept of RTK from the field (Gowa district) based on guidance from HP+ team as well as identify the potential resources to support the concept based on interest and availability at Gowa district.
  3. Approach, test, and gather feedback from Local Entity at Gowa district about the concept of RTK. This includes (but are not limited to) District Health Office, relevant puskesmas, relevant local entity/ community leadership, and Bupati. The list of stakeholders to interview will be finalized in discussion with HP+ and Consultant. (Up to 10 organizations/ stakeholders).
  4. Introduce and act as liaison between HP+ Jakarta and Local Entity at the field. Build appropriate relationship and preliminary introduction of the concept, then organize and execute a meeting with HP+ Jakarta, Local Entity, and any other relevant public and private sector entity (up to 2 meetings).
  5. Profile the level of commitment by all key parties related to this PPP concept and to sign an MOU or PKS



This is a deliverable-based contract. The Consultant will work closely with HP+ Private Sector Senior Technical Advisor in Jakarta to ensure accuracy and completeness of deliverables as outlined below.


Due Date

Estimated Level of Effort

Written feedback to the semi-final concept on RTK currently in development

3 days from contract signing

1 day

Data and information needed to enrich the semi-final concept of RTK from the field (Gowa district) summarized in excel or word document

2 weeks from contract signing

5 days

Meeting notes from consultative meetings with key stakeholders

3 weeks from contract signing

5 days

Introductory e-mail to Local Entity and meeting note(s) from facilitated meeting between HP+ Jakarta, Local Entity, and any other relevant stakeholders

4 weeks from contract signing

5 days

Profile the latest position by each stakeholder on their readiness to enter into an MOU on this RTIK PPP concept

4 weeks from contract signing

5 days


Requirements and Qualifications:

The requirement expertise for this works and deliverables are:

  1. Master’s degree in relevant field such as health practice or public health
  2. Background and knowledge on Maternal Waiting Home (RTK) regulation, concept, and the operation.
  3. Experience setting up the RTK in Provinces or District, especially at South Sulawesi area, preferred.
  4. Wide network and experience engaging with Local Government staff, units and entity specifically in Gowa District required. Eg: PHO, DHO, Puskesmas, BAPEDA and RSUD
  5. Wide network and experience engaging with Local Community and Private Sector specifically in Gowa District required. Eg: PKK, Community Cadre, Corporate Forum, NGO’s, Professional NGO, Private Hospitals and Clinics
  6. Ability to collect information and evidence around maternal and newborn health programming in Gowa District as well as has financial situation in District Gowa.
  7. Flexibility, adaptability, and resourcefulness due to time constraints


How to Apply

Interested applicants should submit their CV and proposed rate to complete this assignment to Stefana Ruri ( by February 21, 2021.


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