Saturday, February 27, 2021


DAI, implementer of the USAID funded Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene  Penyehatan Lingkungan Untuk Semua (IUWASH PLUS) Project, invites qualified bidders to submit proposals/bids for Request For Proposal (RFP) No. REQ-SEI-21-0026 - Event Organizer for Closing Event USAID IUWASH PLUS South Sulawesi Province.


As one of USAID IUWASH PLUS assisted areas, South Sulawesi Province have four assisted districts / cities has starting the technical assistances activities by end of 2016 and will end soon in May 2021. Many practical achievements and best’s practices have been obtained in the field together with local government partners through OPD, DPRD, PDAM, community groups and other organizations through the WASH service program in Makassar City, Barru District, Bantaeng District and Bulukumba district and the Provincial Government of South Sulawesi. The achievements of the five-year of USAID IUWASH PLUS program in South Sulawesi province need to be compiled, become lessons learned in the future and as a trigger to remind that there are works that must be continued and improved by the stakeholders in each region. 

Therefore, by taking the opportunity with the end of the technical assistant USAID IUWASH PLUS in South Sulawesi, a farewell party will be held which will display program achievements, impressions, and messages from stakeholders that can be benefited by all. To design and implement these activities the South Sulawesi, USAID IUWASH PLUS Regional Team will be assisted by an external team consisting of content creators, event organizers or other vendors needed to support the implementation of the Farewell Party peak event which is planned for April 6, 2021 with mix system  offline in kota Makassar and online at 3 district.



The objective to Recruit Event Organizer with professional team to help South Sulawesi team to:

  1. Planning, strategizing, scheduling work, running event and ensuring held with smoothly
  2. Coordinating all aspects of activity performance to all parties involved in this event


The event orginizer team who will conduct this series of activities is a team that has more than 5 years of experience in their fields, including:

  1. A creative company that has a capable and experienced team to manage and conduct event in Makassar city with scale regional or national
  2. Event organizer companies that have ability and experienced in multimedia and IT to support the activities both online and offline 

To support  as the above subject, IUWASH PLUS Project is looking for potential bidders as attached in the link on our website as follows :

Online Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Friday, March 5, 2021 via Zoom. 
If your company interest to attend the Pre-Bid Meeting, please send your email participant information with subject: 
Request For Proposal (RFP) No. REQ-SEI-21-0026 - Attend Pre-Bid Meeting – [your company name] to :

Bidders conference confirmation at the latest : March 4, 2021  on 05.00 P.M


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