Friday, April 23, 2021

Consultant position for Analysis on the Status of Carbon Rights and Land Tenure for Terrestrial and Mangrove Forests (REDD+) in Indonesia

Working in 30+ countries globally, Conservation International (CI) Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to empowering societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature for the good of humanity. We are constantly growing and expanding into areas new and old. We are currently looking to fill the following work:

CONSULTANT (Individual/Team/Institution)

Analysis on the Status of Carbon Rights and Land Tenure for Terrestrial and Mangrove Forests (REDD+) in Indonesia



1.   General Background  

Indonesia is a key priority for global climate action, particularly from natural climate solutions (NCS). At the same time, Indonesia is a megadiverse country so investment in natural climate solutions would have significant co-benefits for globally important biodiversity. Additionally, there are many opportunities for supporting Indonesia’s economic development through sustainable management of its vast natural resources. To realize this combined potential for climate, biodiversity and development Conservation International (CI) is working to incentivize investments in NCS, facilitate the generation of high-quality NCS credits and inform the design of global frameworks that will guide funding and action over the next decade to support nature’s role in addressing climate and other development challenges. Combined, these policies will enable the Government of Indonesia, companies, and other actors to move quickl y towards a safe climate future.


2.   Objectives  

The main objective of this consultancy is to develop an analysis of the status of the legal rights over carbon and land tenure in Indonesia, and make recommendations as to what legal measures are required to enable the use and transfer of carbon rights, to enable carbon projects and carbon credits trading for international and domestic voluntary and compliance markets. This consultancy also intends to provide an analysis and recommendations for how to enable REDD+ Nesting in Indonesia with ability for site-scale actors to also claim benefits.


3.   Estimated Timeline 

1 May – 1 August 2021 (3 months)  


4.   Estimated Budget and Reporting 

Consultancy budget $ 25.000

Consultant will be expected to have meetings with stakeholders and the government, as needed.

Consultant is responsible for submitting draft and final reports as specified in sections 6 and 7 below.  


5.   Location of Task/Applicable Trips 

The consultancy is located in Jakarta, Indonesia.  


6.   Key Tasks 

The consultant will complete several tasks to prepare the deliverables in section 7, including development of a work plan to define the analysis scope and methodology, to be refined with CI-Indonesia and the CI Policy team.   


I.      Draft report due 1 July 2021 regarding:

a.    A document screening the existing regulations related to the legal rights over carbon and land tenure in Indonesia nationally and at the subnational level in West Papua.

b.    Recommendations as to what legal measures are required to enable the use and transfer of carbon rights, to enable carbon projects and carbon credits trading for voluntary and compliance markets nationally and at the subnational level in West Papua.

c.    Recommendations as to what legal measures are required to address land tenure and community rights over carbon in Indonesia nationally and at the subnational level in West Papua.

d.    An overview of the state of affairs with regard to technical, policy and legal measures that will allow the nesting of carbon projects from both terrestrial and mangrove forests in the national REDD+ framework.

e.    An analysis of existing and planned institutional arrangements for authorizing international carbon credit transfers and process for accounting nationally and at the subnational level in West Papua.

f.     An overview of the status of recognition, respect and protection of human rights and especially rights of indigenous Indonesian.

g.    An overview of land tenure systems in Indonesia and their implications to carbon rights nationally and at the subnational level in West Papua.


II.          A final draft report by 1 August 2021 mentioned under point 1, which should answer the following questions:

a.    Who is authorized by the government to generate, facilitate and receive payments for emissions reductions for terrestrial and mangrove forests (REDD+)?

b.    Is there a policy or legislation and regulations that explicitly allow or prohibit initiatives to be developed at a site or project scale for generating carbon credits and receiving financial compensation for carbon credits from international and/or domestic buyers?

c.    What is the current and future position of the government with regards to measuring for embedding existing and future site-scale carbon projects in the national REDD+ framework?

d.    What measures have been taken by the government to streamline and integrate carbon accounting at a national and sub-national level and to prevent double counting of carbon rights?

e.    What measures have been taken by the government to clarify carbon rights?

f.     What measures have been taken by the government to clarify land tenure and community rights over carbon?

g.    What diverse land tenure systems exists and how do they impact community carbon rights?

h.    What measures have been taken by the government to recognize and respect human rights within forests that have customary peoples?

i.     Are there any requirements regarding the distribution of revenues at national and sub-national level? Or precedents regarding this matter?

j.     Are there any other recommendations regarding how Indonesia’s legal framework can support nesting and the transfer of carbon rights?


7.   Deliverables/Estimated Outputs 

The consultant will prepare and submit the following deliverables/outputs (in English): 

·       Work plan/ schedule: Due 2 weeks after start 

·       Draft report: Due 6-7 weeks after start 

·       Final comprehensive report) incorporating feedback from CI: Due 12 weeks after start  


8.   Required Skills and Experience 

The consultant must:

·       Have legal expertise related to carbon rights and REDD+ in Indonesia

·       Have working fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia

·       Have proven experience engaging with communities on land tenures and rights


9.   Submission Requirements

Proposals submitted in response to this RFP shall be prepared in English and shall be submitted via email with subject: “Carbon Rights and Land Tenure_Name” to Maggie Comstock ( and Susan Vulpas ( no later than 5 pm EST 3 May 2021.



 (Only short-listed candidates wilbe notified).


For more information about CI, please visiour web: //


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