Monday, April 26, 2021

Vacancy: Consultant- USAID CEGAH


Support the Ministry of Bureaucratic and Administrative Reform (KemenPAN-RB) to Develop a Capacity Building System for LAPOR! - Public Complaint Handling Administrators


Workdays: 65 days


RT: 18


Project Summary:

CEGAH is a five-year USAID-funded accountability and integrity program that works with a wide range of Indonesian governmental and non-governmental agencies. The duration of the project is from 2016 to 2021 and is implemented by Management Systems International (MSI).



As an effort to build transparency and accountability, the Indonesian Government created an integrated National Complaint Handling application (LAPOR!) that allows the public to submit complaints and reports regarding the quality and responsiveness of government services through website, Short Messaging Service (SMS) and mobile applications. The system is also aimed at increasing government accountability and improving government responsiveness for the implementation of public services. Since 2014, 657 government agencies have connected to LAPOR! and have processed 491,222 complaint reports. With this number, therefore, an effective management and adequate human resources are needed to be able to manage and process the complaints that are registered on LAPOR! and ensure timely and responsive action.

Article 36 of Law No. 25/2019 on Public Services has mandated that SP4N-LAPOR! should provide a complaint-handling service, and that a competent officer be assigned responsibility for the service. This mandate also has a derivative regulation in KemenPAN-RB Ministerial Decree No. 24/2014, Article 1E on Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pengelolaan Pengaduan Pelayanan Publik (Guidelines for the Implementation of National Public Service Complaint Management), which states that the officer who handles public complaints must have a structural or functional position within the ministry. This functional position will fulfill the lack of human resources for handling SP4N-LAPOR!.

In 2020, USAID CEGAH supported KemenPAN-RB, Office of the Presidential Staff (KSP) and Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (ORI) to formulate the academic paper and credit score to establish the functional position for the SP4N-LAPOR! administrator. Following this assistance by CEGAH, KemenPAN-RB has requested CEGAH support to develop and implement a capacity building design for professional complaintshandling administrators, as this is one of the important aspects for a public complaint handling administrator functional position. In this regard, CEGAH will hire a professional capacity building consultant to assist KemenPAN-RB to develop a design of the training system for the supervisory institution (Instansi Pembina) of the public complaint handling administrator functional position. The training system will consist of strategy and design of capacity building, training curriculum and training materials for improving the capacity of the SP4N-LAPOR! administrators.


Position Summary:

This position will be held by an experienced consultant. The consultant will develop a draft of the supervisory and capacity building system for SP4N-LAPOR! administrators and a proposed regulation for supervisory and capacity building system for the administrators functional position. This work requires co-ordination with KemenPAN-RB, KSP, and ORI to achieve the deliverables as detailed in this Terms of Reference (ToR). The consultant will also coordinate and/or communicate, whenever appropriate, with USAID CEGAH.


Scope of Work:


1.   Fifteen days:

·       Conduct a desk review of the existing SP4N-LAPOR! documents, consisting of public services laws and regulations, SP4N-LAPOR! Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and the documents related to the SP4N-LAPOR! functional position, as well as a design of the functional position capacity building in other ministries/agencies.

·       Coordinate and brainstorm with KemenPAN-RB, KSP, ORI and other relevant institutions’ (such as LAN, etc.) representatives to gain a better understanding of the SOPs and the role of SP4N-LAPOR! administrators and determine the expected output of the capacity building system.

·       Conduct a capacity building needs analysis to identify the problems and needs, in regard to formulate the supervisory and capacity building system for SP4N-LAPOR! administrators.


2.  Thirty days:

·       Develop a draft of the supervisory and capacity building system for SP4N-LAPOR! administrators. It shall cover (but will not be limited to):

a.       The legal framework of the complaints’ handling administrators’ functional position;

b.       The standard of competencies of the complaints handling administrators functional position.

c.       The design of the capacity building system for the complaints handling administrators’ functional position (capacity building planning, implementation, and evaluation);

d.       The design of the supervisory system for the complaints handling administrators functional position (supervisory design, supervisory models, supervisory procedures, and supervisory evaluation);

e.       The role of the supervisory institution (Instansi Pembina); and

f.        The training system (training design, curriculum, training module, and training evaluation).

3.   Five days:

Develop a draft of the regulation on supervisory and capacity building system for the complaints handling administrators functional position.4.  Fifteen days:

·       Present the draft to the beneficiaries and USAID CEGAH for approval; and

·       Finalize the draft of supervisory and capacity building system for SP4N-LAPOR! administrators as well as the draft of regulation on capacity building system.



All deliverables must be approved by KemenPAN-RB and USAID CEGAH.

1.       Approved workplan and bi-weekly progress report. 

2.       Approved design and framework for supervisory and staff capacity building for SP4N-LAPOR administrators;

3.       Approved draft regulation to develop the outline of the training plan, methodology, curriculum, training manual and module (include presentation template), and pre and post test; and

4.       Final report on formulating the development of training system for the SP4N-LAPOR! administrators.


General Provisions and Limitations:

  • It is strongly required that the consultant give regular updates to USAID CEGAH during the development progress.
  • All final decisions related to this project will be made by USAID CEGAH.
  • Any communication with USAID is the authority of the Chief of Party (COP) and MSI/Head Quarters (HQ) responsible and authorized personnel.



1.                   A strong understanding of training methodologies and design of capacity building programs;

2.                   Practical experience in developing modules and training materials;

3.                    A good understanding of supervisory and capacity building systems for functional positions in government

4.                   An advanced knowledge of complaint handling management;

5.                   Practical experience in conducting trainings, developing training modules, and facilitating trainings;

6.                   Prior experience working with the government preferred;

7.                   Strong analytical skills; and

                      8.             Competent communication and technical writing skills.


Application should include a CV and contact information by April 30, 2021 at the latest. Please send applications to or  Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.


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