Wednesday, August 25, 2021

RFP 2037-04: Conduct Workshops to Disseminate Findings of DQA - VAS Program

Nutrition International (NI; formerly known as the Micronutrient Initiative) has supported the Vitamin A Supplementation (VAS) program in Indonesia since 2009 in 12 districts of six provinces with high of mortality rate of under-five children (North Sumatera, South Sumatera, West Java, Banten, Riau and West Nusa Tenggara). In 2013 up to 2015, NI continued its technical assistance to the provincial level to strengthen the capacity of PHO officials in providing technical assistance to DHOs on the VAS program implementation. Then, in 2016 to 2018, NI has scaled up the support to national level with focus to sustaining the high coverage of VAS for children U5. Further, under ISG 2019 funds, NI will continue its support for the VAS program at national level in Indonesia from 2019 up to 2024.

MoH developed a computerized recording and reporting system (e-PPGBM) to improve nutrition surveillance program in 2018 and starting 2019, this system is being used nationally.  This e-PPGBM system is set up to capture nutritional status including recording and reporting coverage of VAS program for children under-five by name and by address. However, the collection of high-quality VAS coverage data ensuring timeliness and completeness every semester remains challenging at all levels (national, province, district, and village level).

In December 2020 to March 2021 NI in collaboration with MOH and a consultant agency conducted a Data Quality Audit (DQA) and Assessment of the functionality of Monitoring and Reporting System of VAS Program in three selected provinces (West Java, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara) in Indonesia.. Further,NI intends to organize a workshop at national level to disseminate findings of DQA and assessment of the functionality of monitoring and reporting system to MoH and other key stakeholders. The purpose of Request For Proposal (RFP) is to seeking a suitable agency to support Nutrition International to conduct the workshop including preparatory meetings with MoH prior to the workshop.

Kindly find detailed RFP along with TOR and Budget Template in the link as follows:


The submission deadline for proposals is Monday, September 6th, 2021 by 17:00 HRS. West Indonesia Standard Time.

The Technical and Financial Proposal in two separate files put into a covering email specifically indicating the subject line “Conduct Workshops to Disseminate Findings of Data Quality Audit (DQA) and Assessment of the Functionality of Monitoring and Reporting System of VAS Program from three Provinces in Indonesia and should be sent by email to:



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