Thursday, September 23, 2021

RFP 2037-05: Organize Online Meetings with the Public Drugs Directorate of MOH to Propose Revisions to the VAS SOPs

Nutrition International (NI) has been supporting the Ministry of Health (MoH), Government of Indonesia in strengthening Vitamin A Supplementation (VAS) program in Indonesia since 2006.  NI through ISG fund is now continuing its support to the VAS program at the national level to increase the coverage of the VAS program.


In 2018, NI supported the MoH to conduct an assessment of the quality assurance system of VAC supplies in two provinces, West Java and Banten. The purpose of this assessment was to support MoH to improve the quality assurance system of VAS program in Indonesia. Even though VAS program has been implemented quite well in Indonesia, particularly in West Java and Banten provinces, still some gaps related to QA/QC system of VAC along its supply chain, ranging from procurement, storage, distribution to documentation and reporting procedures were found in this assessment. Findings and recommendations from this assessment including proposed revisions to SOPs (e.g., SOP for receiving of VAC supplies, storage, inventory and distribution process (at PHO, DHO and Puskesmas level) have been reported to both MoH and PHOs.


The quality assurance of VAC along its supply chain is very important to maintain and assure quality of VAC which in turn determines the safety and efficacy of VAC for end users. NI plans to conduct meetings with the Public Drugs Directorate of MoH to propose revisions to the VAS SOPs to improve VAC supply chain management at all levels based on the assessment conducted by NI in 2018.

The objectives of meeting/s with MoH are to propose revisions to the VAS SOPs to improve quality assurance system of VAS program in Indonesia. Specifics objectives are as follows:

a.    Share key findings and recommendations from the assessment of VAC quality assurance conducted by NI in West Java and Banten provinces in 2018.

b.    Propose revisions to the VAS SOPs at province, district and Puskesmas level and make necessary changes in those SOPs based on inputs from MoH.

c.     Advocate with MoH to accept the proposed revisions to the VAS SOPs and make necessary changes to improve the quality of VAS program particularly supply chain management.
NI is to seek a suitable agency to support Nutrition International to conduct meeting/s with the Public Drugs Directorate of MOH to propose revisions to the VAS SOPs and advocate with them to accept the revisions.

Kindly find detailed RFP along with TOR and Budget Template in the link as follows:


The submission deadline for proposals is Tuesday, October 5th, 2021 by 17:00 HRS. West Indonesia Standard Time.

The Technical and Financial Proposal in two separate files put into a covering email specifically indicating the subject line “Organize Online Meetings with the Public Drugs Directorate of MOH to Propose Revisions to the VAS SOPs” and should be sent by email to:


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