Friday, April 22, 2022







TFO Canada (Trade Facilitation Office Canada), a Canadian not-for-profit organization whose mission is to improve lives by creating sustainable trade partnerships for exporters from developing countries with Canadian and foreign buyers. TFO Canada assists Small and Medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and Trade Support Institutions (TSIs) from developing countries to access international markets through information, advice and contact services.

TFO Canada seeks an individual to serve as a Local Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist on a trade facilitation project in Indonesia that TFO Canada is implementing on behalf of the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation (the Alliance). A detailed description for this project is in the enclosed Annex 1. The objective of the trade facilitation project is improving risk management in the import control and inspection system for fish and fishery products by the Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency (FQIA) of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) of Indonesia. It is expected that the proposed project will reduce time and costs of importing fish products because of improved risk management of control systems and import inspections. It is also expected the project will improve effectiveness of control systems and import inspections by incorporating appropriate Food Safety & Quality (FSQ) and Bio Security/Fish Disease (BS/FD) measures.


To measure the time and cost reductions associated with the project, the Alliance will use a methodology derived from the Total Transport and Logistics Costs (TTLC) approach. The objective of assignment is for the Local M&E Specialist to work closely with Alliance’s Metrics & Benchmarking (M&B) team and TFO Canada’s Project Management (PM) team in the following aspects of the development and execution of the TTLC baseline study:

·         Define the scope of the baseline study

·         Provide support for the adaptation of the methodology to the project context

·         Support the development of data collection tools

·         Conduct the interview-based data collection with the private sector stakeholders of the project. Following will be the tasks of the Local M&E Specialist:

1.       Design phase (Sept-Nov 2022)

a.       Gather detailed information on the process of import inspection and control system of fish and fishery products in Indonesia through desk research and semi-structured interviews with supply chain stakeholders and present the summarized results to the Alliance M&B team and TFO Canada PM team

b.       Support the Alliance M&B team to design measurement methodology and the basic survey instrument(s) by sharing the knowledge and observations gathered during this task


2.       Data collection phase (Dec 2022-Mar 2023)

a.       Plan, schedule and conduct structured in-person interviews using the survey instrument developed during design phase

b.       Validate the data and procedures with the respondents, when necessary.

Throughout the data collection period, local M&E Specialist will be required to participate in bi- weekly calls with the Alliance M&B team to report on the progress of the data collection.

Deliverables: The Local M&E Specialist will deliver the following outputs:


a.       A report summarizing the findings of the process of import inspection and control system of fish and fishery products in Indonesia, informing the baseline design, together with list of companies interviewed for that purpose

b.       Conducting up to 40 in-person interviews with the survey tool designed. Each interview should last approximately one hour1

c.       A summarized datasheet, containing all information from the interviews in a single source.

d.       A report summarizing the qualitative findings of the data collection phase.

Interviews will be completed using the questionnaire developed by the Alliance and should last approximately one hour. The methodology, survey tool(s) and dataset will remain confidential and will be used exclusively in this project



·         A degree with a relevant specialization including but not limited to, statistics, results-based monitoring & evaluation etc.

·         At least 5 years of experience working on international trade, supply chains and logistics.

·         Demonstrated experience conducting complex face-to-face interviews with private businesses (preferably in Indonesia)

·         Demonstrated experience managing logistics around setting up interviews with private sector stakeholders (preferably in Indonesia)

·         Ability to conduct any secondary/primary research in English and Bahasa

·         Strong written and oral communication skills in Bahasa and English

·         Good computer applications skills

·         Experience working independently, team oriented

·         Willingness and ability to travel within Indonesia





TFO Canada’s compensation for the Local M&E Expert will be based on 8 hours per day with a maximum of 60 days as shown in the table below:



Level of Effort (LoE)

Design phase (Sept-Nov 2022)

15 days

Data collection phase (Dec 2022-Mar 2023)

45 days


TFO Canada is inviting interested and qualified individuals to submit a cover letter and CV. Cover letter should include up to 3 specific examples of experience with programs/projects relevant to this position.


Deadline: Applications with subject line “GATF Indonesia: Local Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

Specialist” should be submitted to no later than 10 May 2022.

Any questions/clarifications required in order to complete the application can be sent via e-mail before the deadline to


1 In-person interviews are conditional on local COVID-19 health restrictions at the time of data collection. Activities may be paused depending on the prevailing situation.




The trade facilitation project “Improving risk management of import control and inspection system of Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency (FQIA) in Indonesia,” addresses the current lack of appropriate risk management in Indonesia’s import control and inspection system that does not fully consider appropriate FSQ and BS/FD measures and does not consider pre-border risk management (based on country risk and exporter performance).


The main stakeholders of the proposed project are FQIA, fish business associations (Indonesian Canned Fish Entrepreneurs Association-APIKI, AP5I-  Indonesian Fishery Producers Processing  and Marketing Association), Nestle Indonesia and Indonesian importers of mackerel, sardine and tuna. APIKI and AP5I are the private sector champions.





The project has four components, which are described below:


1.      Assessment of Current Status and Issuance of Revised Guidelines (January - September 2022)

Planned activities include:

·         Establish baseline of key indicators

·         Conduct field visits to market, labs, business operators, Technical Implementation Units (TIUs) and Border Inspection Posts (BIPs)

·         Review existing legislation, guidelines and Standard Operational procedures (SOPs)

·         Review and assess existing risk management and inspection provisions/components pre- border, at border and post-border/market

·         Review gender situation in fish and fishery sector

·         Develop detailed risk management guidelines and monitoring systems for pre-border, at- border and post-border/market

·         Provide technical assistance (technical workshops and meetings) to seek feedback and consent from FQIA regarding proposed revised risk management system

The main outputs are:

·         Project initiation report

·         Assessment report of existing monitoring and control system covering FSQ and BS/FD

·         Assessment report of existing gender situation in fish and fishery sector

·         Revised guidelines and SOPs for risk management covering Food Safety & Quality (FSQ) and Biosecurity/Fish Disease (BS/FD) risks


2.      Capacity Building and Awareness Raising (October 2022 - May 2023)

Planned activities include:

·         Develop training plan and manuals for improved monitoring system covering both food safety and quality, biosecurity, Risk Management/HACCP

·         Develop guidance manual on San

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