Sunday, March 26, 2023




April 2023 until August 2023



A.      Background

Developing and growing organization is determined by its relevance and ability to answer the present and future needs and challenges. Both are often characterized with transformation. It is an opportunity, instead of a barrier, to fit into a dynamic world. As an organization, which has operated in Indonesia for decades, CWS Indonesia has successfully adjusted and worked towards the changing of Indonesia’s situation and condition, as well as the demands that most people, especially the vulnerable, expressed. Despite all its experiences, CWS Indonesia continues to enhance its capacity through transformation, which was also encouraged on CWS CEO Brief in November 2021 about “Transformation for Impact – CWS Moving Forward”.

By acknowledging this opportunity to improve, CWS Indonesia highlights the significance of strengthening its Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) strategy. Implementing CVA to the benefit of people affected by disasters and crises is a growing and critical part of humanitarian action, with potential to drive transformational change in the architecture and programming approaches of CWS Indonesia. CVA will enable people affected by disasters and crises to receive more appropriate and effective support, giving them greater choice, dignity, and control over their lives, and enabling communities through effeciency gains and better support to local markets and economiesTo date, CWS Indonesia has practiced CVA from time to time and from one project to another. Many had been assisted and many lives had been improved by this approach. Moreover, this approach is able to accelerate the project’s objective achievement.

Aligned with that, the CVA development is conducted not only to understand, continue, and improve the good practices, but also to explore and learn new CVA methods. So, there will be knowledge enhancement and followed by practice. It is expected that this activity will contribute to transform CWS Indonesia to become a better organization since it has potential to endorse relevance. Furthermore, as an organization, it can become an investment to reinforce its capacity and system and become more credible. Exploration to analyze existing and non-existing CVA methods will result in technical support advice and documentation to support CWS Indonesia with the development of cash capacity building plans of action, and an external party, in this context is a vendor or consultant, will carry out this activity.


B.       Objective

The main objective of the project aims to strengthen CVA implementation by supporting the decision-making process until the project implementation of CVA action plans to have them ready to deliver, and creating well-documented documents related to CVA including CWS ‘s CVA strategy. The specific objectives are as followed:

1.    To review existing CVA models and implementation strategy which were and are being carried out through CWS projects;

2.    To identify new CVA models, distribution mechanisms, and different tools for CVA;

3.    To design models, frameworks, distribution mechanisms, and principles of good practices in CVA in accordance with the situations when the CVA is applied. This should cover but not limited to the establishment of a baseline and a cash feasibility study models, a scenario development and analysis, a key stakeholder mapping framework (including potential financial service partners).


C.        Outputs

1.    Training/session report including training material, description of training process, list of attendance.

2.    Pre and post result, etc.

3.    Consultancy report

4.    CVA Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

5.    CVA Framework


D.        Methodology

1.    CWS will hire a consultant/s to meet the objectives and outputs of the TOR. Ideally, the consultant(s) is one who is actively participating in or has experience with Pokja BaNTU (Kelompok Kerja Bantuan Non Tunai – Non Cash Assistance Working Group).


2.    Conducting a series of assessment sessions/processes on the Organization Capacity Readiness of CWS by using the Organization Capacity Readiness Tools (OCRT) that provided by the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) as guidelines. The participants of the sessions will be CWS Management/Leadership and CWS staffs of program, finance, and operation team. This session will include:


2.1.   OCRT Orientation/briefing Meetings

Consultant will facilitate the orientation meeting. This session will explore the reasons why we need CVA to incorporate into CWS (leadership, organization system and policies, technical competence, and external engagement).


2.2.   Conducting Organization Capacity Readiness Tools (OCRT) Evidence Gathering Meetings.

Consultant will conduct assessment on CWS ‘s CVA framework and models, which has and has not been carried out by CWS Indonesia. The assessment will be done by conducting desk research as well as interviewing CWS Indonesia staff who are or were involved in the practice of CVA. In-depth analysis is required to explore CVA models, mechanism, tools gathering.


2.3.    OCRT Scoring Meetings

As a follow up of Organization Capacity Readiness Tools (OCRT) in previous session, a series of meetings on OCRT scoring will be held. In this meeting consultant will facilitate sessions to assist participants to do scoring, to identify the level of the presence of all CVA components in CWS as an organization. After scoring all the CVA components, a recommendation will be produced and as a source to prepare the action plan.


2.4.   OCRT Recommendation Preparation/Development Meetings

These meetings will be used to assess the extent of recommended changes that resulted from scoring the entire description items of all categories (leadership, organization system and policies, technical competence, and external engagement).


2.5.   OCRT Action Plan Preparation/Development Meetings

After having scoring and recommendation, a series of meetings will be conducted to develop action plans. Consultants will facilitate the meetings and assist participants to find what products CWS needs the most to improve CWS CVA practices. The action plans are expected to focus more on a plan to generate documents which are mentioned in point C (such as CVA Frameworks, and CVA Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs), in which the documents will be used as references or guidelines when CWS Indonesia implementing its projects. The Consultant will draft such documents.


2.6.   CVA Workshop - Consultancy Result

Consultants will present the result of consultancy, which cover, but not limited to, recommendation of CVA Framework, SOPs, models, and methods in certain situations for CWS Indonesia.


2.7.   Testing of CVA Outputs (Products) through training (online)

The online training will be facilitated by consultant to share information and increase skill on the new CVA documents (SOPs and Framework).


E.         Ethical and Child Protection Consideration

The vendor must follow Ethical Principles for involving human subjects in research and obtain written/ verbal consent from the human subjects. Permission from elder must be sought if the children under 18-years are involved as subjects. Signed informed consent of each child and his/ her parents need to take after explaining purpose of the study and its usage. In addition, CWS has a Child Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, Code of Conduct, and Anti Human Trafficking Policy to minimize the risk of harm to children who encounter those employed by, or who are associated with, CWS. Therefore, the appointed consultant to this assignment must comply to these policies.


F.          Skills and Qualifications

The required qualifications and experience are as follows:

1.    In-depth knowledge and understanding of  CVA for NGO.

2.    Strong analytical skills and knowledge in developing CVA guideline/procedure.

3.    Having experience in training or session on CVA procedure.

4.    Able meet the deadline.


G.       Budget Plan

A lumpsum budget will be managed by the consultant, which will include all cost, e.g.:  professional fee, training materials, transportation cost, etc. (incl. tax)


H.        Suggested time frame

The timeframe for this activity will approximately 5 months


I.        Procedure for Expression of Interest

First Phase: Expression of Interest should be submitted to:



Jl. Asem Baris Raya Nomor 22

Kelurahan Kebon Baru, Kecamatan Tebet

Jakarta Selatan 12830




on 31st March 2023 by 15:00 WIB at the latest and enclose the following required documents:

1.                      Company/organization (profile, legal document e.g. deed of incorporation by notary and ministry of law and human rights RI, KTP of person in charge, NIB/SIUP, NPWP, bank account information, letter of statement, curriculum vitae of team member, etc) or

2.                      Individual (application letter, curriculum vitae, legal document e.g.: KTP, NPWP, bank account information, etc)

3.                      Sample of reports

4.                      A proposal containing 2 parts:

·       Technical Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities, methodology and implementation plan which includes schedule of each activities/step, and team members (if any) and their role in the consultancy work (Please attach individual resume of stated team members)

The technical proposal should demonstrate understanding of consultant ethic and experience in conducting similar program, including financial and technical capacity.

·       Budget Proposal comprising detail of budget plan such as fee, transportation, stationeries, and other assessment necessities.

Second Phase: CWS will shortlist candidates and invite them to present the proposal between 4 to 6 April 2023. CWS will afterwards proceed with selection and appointing consultant.  A contract shall be produced for selected consultant.


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