Friday, March 17, 2023

Invitation to Re-Tender: RFP 83432057-SFF-Background Study on Indonesia’s Foreign Financing Strategy

Invitation to Re-Tender – RFP No. 83432057

Project no.: 21.2320.6.-009.00
Project title: SFF
Country: Indonesia

Service Tendered:
Background Study on Indonesia’s Foreign Financing Strategy


As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. For further information, please visit Indonesia.

Indonesia has grown into a middle-income country and currently also act as a provider of technical cooperation through the development agency Indonesian-Aid, founded in 2019, but has not yet been able to offer financial cooperation. At the same time, Indonesia's development financing needs remain high, underlined by the high absolute deficit value, although the debt-to-GDP ratio is still under control. Conventional government foreign loans are still needed, for example for the provision of large-scale infrastructure and the procurement of foreign equipment. Funding support from state revenue sources has not been able to meet current development needs.

For 20 years, the government has expressed the political will to reduce the role of foreign loans in development finance. In practice, however, the government still regularly uses foreign loans because the cost of foreign loans is comparatively affordable. Therefore, Indonesia needs to optimize the collaboration of existing funding sources including collaboration on foreign financing with other sources of development funding.

In close coordination with Bappenas and GIZ, following proposed indicators and sub-indicators by Bappenas as part of the foreign development financing strategy of the RPJMN 2025-2029 and RPJPN 2025-2044, needs to be validated in the background study. 

GIZ SFF project is currently seeking a Company to conducting a Background Study on Indonesia’s Foreign Development Financing Strategy 2025 – 2045.

The details service (documents tender) is available at - Bidding Opportunities or as set forth in the link below:  

Bidding Opportunities - Procurement of Service: REPOST (deadline 05.04.23) 83432057-SFF-Background Study

Should you be interested in participating in this tender, please submit the proposal to by Wednesday, 05 April 2023 at 15 p.m. Jakarta Local time at the latest.

Please only send your proposal to the respective email as mentioned and do not cc to the procurement division.
Any proposal arriving after the deadline will not be considered (disqualified).


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