Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Call for Proposal - Financial Management Capacity Building

Technical Assistance in Financial Management for SUM grantee CSOs


SUM II is a USAID-funded project. It is a 5-year project that focuses on scaling-up integrated interventions serving populations most-at-risk of HIV infection in Indonesia. The project will provide technical assistance and support in eight provinces—DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Riau, North Sumatra, Papua and West Papua—and will prioritize “hot spots” where high risky behaviors are most prevalent. SUM II has two objectives: 1) to provide targeted assistance in organizational performance required to scale-up effective, integrated HIV/AIDS interventions that lead to substantial measurable behavior change among most-at-risk populations; and 2) to provide and monitor small grants to qualified CSOs to support the scale-up of integrated interventions in “hotspots,” where there is a high concentration of one or more most-at-risk populations and high-risk behavior is present.

In order to achieve the first objective, SUM II will provide technical assistance in financial management to eight CSOs in Jakarta, four CSOs in Surabaya, and three CSOs in Malang. SUM II is intending to issue a grant to an institution with Financial Capacity Building expertise and experience to establish sound financial management practices and systems at SUM grantee CSOs. Please note SUM II cannot pay an institutional fee or overhead for this grant.


1. To improve CSOs’ financial management systems in cash management, payroll management, procurement, etc. To develop the core financial skills required to raise the competency level of staff at project level, with the focus on learning by doing, and empowering CSOs to make evidence-based decisions.
2. To understand the structure and purpose of financial statements, and project budgets as well as accountability issues in project-related expenditures.

Scope of Work

1. Develop or update the CSOs’ Financial Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), including cash management, payroll management, procurement, etc, based on the needs of each organization (there are 15 CSOs, 8 in Jakarta and 7 in East Java).
2. Make sure that CSO Directors, Board members and their finance staff understand the SOP and guide them in the implementation during the year until June 2012. The SOP will be based on *Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan No. 45* for Non-Profit Organizations. By the end of the year CSOs will be able to complete the organization’s financial statement, as well as the project-based financial statement.
3. The institution will determine, which CSOs are ready to use accounting software, the software will be included in the proposal but in a separate budget and will also include the cost for training and support if SUM II and the CSO decide to use the software.
4. In particular, the CSO finance staff should have a good understanding of:

- The role of financial management in the project cycle
- Financial statements
- The treatment of fixed assets, the asset register, and depreciation
- Cost control using budget variance analysis
- Developing accountability in internal controls and systems
- Budgeting for operations: programme vs support activities
- Cash flow planning and seasonality issues
- Banking matters, petty cash, and cash advance reconciliation
- Accountability in procurement, payroll, perdiem, travel, training, communication, and volunteer expenses.
- Ethical considerations in decision making.
- Grant management and multicurrency issues.
- Preparation for audit and year-end reviews.

*Contract period: One year


No. Deliverables


1 Develop or update the CSO’s Financial Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). 2nd week of June 2011.
2 Submit the first draft (softcopy) of the SOP to SUM II and the CSO. 4th week of June 2011.
3 Submit the final draft of the SOP to SUM II and the CSO. 2nd week of July 2011.
4 Submit the monthly progress report for each CSO Every 5th of the following month during the year
5 Submit the final report 15 days before the end of contract period

*Selection Criteria*

1. Past experience in undertaking similar assignments of similar work done and three references.
2. Legal entity in Indonesia (PT, Yayasan, University, etc).
3. List of documentation required for submission

a. Letter expressing interest
b. Brief capability statement highlighting relevant past experience (limit to past 5 years).
c. Budget proposal.
d. List of proposed trainer(s) and team members and their CVs.

Please send you letter of interest no later than 20 May 2011 COB to:

Menara Salemba Lantai 7
Jl. Salemba Raya No.5
e-mail: general@sum2.or.id

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