Friday, May 20, 2011

External Evaluator

Activity Final Evaluation EA 37/2009 (Feb 2010 – March 2011)

Time June 2011
·        Karina
·        Diocesan Caritas: Komisi PSE Caritas Keuskupan Padang
·        CI members: SCCF, Caritas Italiana, Caritas German and Caritas Australia

Conducted by Consultant


Emergency Appeal 37/2009 is a continuation of EA 28/2009, building upon the efforts, progress and systems of the Joint Caritas and Diocese Response. The project goal of the program is to “Assist communities to recover from the earthquake of 30 September 2009 through four objectives;

·        To ensure that 332 earthquake affected families live in safe earthquake resistant houses;
·       To ensure that approximately 210 earthquake affected children and school communities in using their former school environment;
·       To ensure 200 earthquake affected community members in Paguh Dalam are able to restore sustainable livelihoods;
·       To ensure that 300 earthquake affected children in Paguh Dalam, Tirtonadi Parish and SD Murni reduce stress that has built up during and since the earthquake and to have means to overcome their fears in general.

Karina plans to conduct an evaluation involving independent evaluators to assess project achievement and broader impacts of the implemented project. Emergency Appeal 37/2009 was implemented in partnership with diocesan Caritas namely Komisi PSE Caritas Keuskupan Padang.

B.     Goal and Scope The Goal for the final evaluation of EA 37/2009 is to assess the results, impacts, and lessons learnt. The final evaluation report is to bring out the performance of the project, its relevance and its success.

C.     Objective
The objective of the evaluation is to draw lessons from the EA 37/2009 project processes, both positive and negative. The evaluation aims to assess the result, impact and lessons learnt of the implementation of the Emergency Appeal outcomes. The evaluation will also identify the main stakeholders of the project and their roles during project implementation. And it is expected that the result of final evaluation would give additional information and recommendations, internal policies of Karina and policies related to partnership with diocesan caritas.

To assess whether the technical strategy is a relevant and pertinent response to the needs ; To make recommendations as to if there is a gap between the needs and the program response.

To assess the impact of the program through the evaluation of its execution and achievement of the various objectives, results and indicators outlined in the project framework, which is detailed in the project proposal.

To recommend appropriate adaptations of technical strategy and implementation.

Specific study criteria:

The assessors should examine the following specific qualities.

1)  Impact and effectiveness:
·       To what extent the program managed  has contributed to the principle purpose: Assist communities to recover from the earthquake of 30 Sept 2009 Analysis of the achievement of the outputs :

-      332 earthquake resistant houses are reconstructed or rehabilitated;
-    At least 72people (≥33% female) across 3 sub-villages of Paguh Dalam are trained in construction techniques;
-   At least 72people (≥33% female) across 3 sub-villages are trained in how to monitor construction;
-   2 Schools reconstructed, specifically:
·   2 classrooms in SD Yayasan Murni in South Padang district
·   2 classrooms in SD Theresia in West Padang district
-   At least 200 community members have developed alternative (from pre-earthquake) livelihoods by end of project, whereby at least 200 disaster-affected people (≥50% female) receive training and follow-up guidance regarding at least one potential new source of livelihoods.

-  300 earthquake affected children attend psycho-social activities that contribute to reduced stress as evidenced by a reduction of # of disturbed nights

-     Each target village has identified disaster risk potential hazards, mapped vulnerable houses and evacuation routes (hazard specific) and developed community contingency and evacuation plans, and at least 72 people (≥33% female) in each village are trained in DRR.
    Training/accompaniment is provided for Caritas Padang in;
·        Search and Rescue and first aid,
·        Do No Harm’ principles,
·        Disaster response,
·        DRR and livelihoods,
·        Aims, methods and principles of Caritas,
·        Strategic planning and
·        Project Cycle Management.
·       The study should consider the achievement and impact of results and indicators mentioned in the proposal document and its logical framework.
·       Were there negative or other unexpected impacts?
·       Has there been an impact on non-beneficiary households in the targeted communities?
·       In case of poor performance, is this due to problems arising from the initial problem analysis, from the project design, or from implementation?
·       How can implementing partner improve the performance of project activities (e.g. capacity building of staff?
·       How effective has the implementation of the project through one Diocese partner been? What improvements in the relationship with the Diocese partner could have been made to increase the impact and effectiveness of the project?
2)  Appropriateness and relevance:
In the peculiar context of Padang and Pariaman areas:
-         Were the actions undertaken appropriate in the context of the needs of the population and the context of the situation?
-         Was the program execution appropriate in relation to the customs and practices / social organization, of the affected population?
-         To what extent were potential and actual beneficiaries consulted as to their perceived needs and priorities?
-         What was the level of local stakeholder (including beneficiaries) participation in project design, implementation and monitoring?
-         Evaluate the degree of satisfaction with the program in the target communities.
3)  Sustainability:
-         How sustainable are the improvements in housing of the targeted beneficiaries?
-         How sustainable are the improvements for children to use their former schools?
-         How sustainable are the improvements of livelihoods restored of the earthquake affected households in Paguh Dalam.
-         How sustainable are the improvements of children stress reducing?
-         How sustainable are the improvements for people to being prepared to future emergency?
-         How sustainable are the improvements the Caritas Padang capacity to respond to future emergencies?
-         Did the assistance seek to strengthen the capacity of local agencies, organizations and personnel?
4)  Coverage:
-         Were the geographical coverage of the programme and the selection of targeted communities appropriate?
-         Were beneficiaries correctly and fairly identified and targeted?
-         Were all stakeholders including beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries aware of project objectives and targeting criteria?
5) Gender:
-         Include an analysis of the integration and participation of men and women in the project.
-         Did the programme include special components for women and if so, were these systematically monitored?
-         Was gender considered in the implementation of the programme?

6) Monitoring:
-         How have lessons learned from monitoring been incorporated into the programme, and shared with partner?
-         How has the implementing partner monitored and evaluated the progress and impact of the programme? Were appropriate and relevant indicators developed for this?

D.     Approach and methodology

Approach: This is a participatory evaluation which relies on information sharing, observation and joint assessment on project implementation involving internal Karina (staffs and management), diocesan caritas (the core team), its communities and CI members (SCCF, Caritas Italiana, Caritas Germany, Caritas Australia) in Indonesia.


The following techniques are to enable the Consultant to collect and analyze relevant information:
·        Document study: Information on project implementation will be collected from various reports.
·       Field observation: Apart being collected through document study, information on project implementation dynamics also will be enriched through field visits to directly observe project results/achievements in Diocesan Komisi PSE Caritas Keuskupan Padang.
·        Discussion and interview: During field visits, the Consultants will conduct interviews and discussions with diocesan Caritas Director and Project staff, and the accompanied communities. The discussions will be focused mainly on project implementation and important issues related to project implementation. And the process will also take place with CI members represented by Core Group, which most likely through questionnaire via emails due to tight schedule.

E.     Duration and timeline (time line in annex)

Activity Duration

1. Briefings in Karina office/Interview with SCCF and Caritas Italiana/ Documents study : Jakarta 2 days
2. Travel to Padang 0,5 day
3.  Briefing with Komisi PSE Caritas Padang 0,5 day
4. Field Visit in Paguh Dalam 2,5 days
5. Field Visit in Padang Town 3 days
6. Back to Jakarta and preparation of the oral presentation 0.5 day
7. Oral presentation of preliminary findings: Jakarta 0.5 day
8. Draft report writing will be sent to Karina on 20 June 2011 5 days
9. Report finalization (submission of the final report on 2 July 2011) 2 days Total duration 16,5 days

F.      Reporting

The final report will be drafted in English. The draft final report will be sent to the Karina in Jakarta  electronically not later than 20 June 2011. On the basis of the comments received the evaluators will draft the final report. Expected dates are 27 June 2011 for the receipt of Karina comments and 2 July 2011 for the submission of the final report.  The final report will include also a financial report with supporting receipts for all expenditures.

The main text of the evaluation report should not exceed 40 pages, plus Annexes, plus an Executive Summary of no more than 3 pages with fully cross-referenced findings and recommendations. In addition, a short, separate summary of one page should be required.

The format of the report should be based on sample reporting formats provided by Karina.

G.  The Consultant


·        2 Consultants
·        1 consultant with extensive experience in reconstruction and rehabilitation, implementation and management (with direct project management experience) at national level.
·        1 consultant with experiences in livelihood, psychosocial and DRR project, implementation and management (direct project management experience is preferable) at national level.
·        Minimum of 5 years work experience in the field of reconstruction, rehabilitation, livelihood, psychosocial and DRR.
·        Must have a good record of scholarly research and publications.
·        Experience in project development processes associated with sustainable development issues
·        Knowledge of the English Language with  writing, presentation and communication skills; Full computer literacy.
·        Experience in project evaluation.

H. Implementation arrangements
·      Logistical support required is to be included in the Consultant’s proposal

for furhter inquiry send email to

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