Sunday, October 30, 2011

Consultant for Mid-Term Evaluation "Improvement of Waste Water Infrastructure and Integrated Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Project" in Caritas Switzerland Meulaboh

Improvement of Waste Water Infrastructure and Integrated Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Project
Mid-Term Evaluation

Caritas Switzerland has been implementing a reconstruction and resettlement project for Tsunami victims in Meulaboh covering the three urban neighborhoods of Suak Indrapuri, Pasir and Padang Seurahet. Houses were rebuilt which included a bathroom, two chambered septic tank, conduit system, and filter garden. However information from several sources stated that some of these sanitation facilities are not functioning properly where an assessments had been conducted to identify the extent of the damages and the reasons for these shortcomings. A project that aims to ensure that the sanitation facilities are used in a proper way and function well was launched in mid 2010.

To ensure the sustainability of the project at hand, Caritas Switzerland combines two complementary approaches. The integrated approach covers not only the rehabilitation works, but also strongly focuses on strengthening the awareness regarding appropriate maintenance of the sanitation systems as well as on the promotion of better day-to-day hygiene practices. The target group for repair and maintenance activities will be defined by the number of households ready to contribute their share in the project. However, the promotion of hygienic day-to-day practices will be open to all 1048 households.

The expected results of the project by the end of intervention are:
1. Community based sanitation committees have been established for each Jurong and actively support the implementation of project
2. The community understand the mode of operation and is willing to maintain on a regular basis the sanitation infrastructure system at the household level;
3. The awareness of the residents in Belang Beurandang in terms of a improved healthy and hygienic environment is increased and behaviour change can be observed.

For the needs to evaluate the progress of the Sanitation Project, Caritas Switzerland hereby invites a highly qualified person to submit a proposal for the following Consultancy assignment:

Title of assignment: Consultant for Mid Term Evaluation for the “Improvement of Waste Water Infrastructure and Integrated Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Project”

Period of assignment service:approximately 10 days; starting from 14 November 2011

The application period is open until 4th November 2011. Details on the assignment can be found in the Terms of Reference (ToR).

Please submit your proposal by completing the following documents. Incomplete documents will not be considered:
1) Expression of interest contains technical and proposed budget
2) A copy of the latest CV (ensure that you highlight previous experience in similar evaluations/reviews)
3) A copy of NPWP or valid working-permit
4) A brief essay (maximum 4 A4 pages) describing your proposed design of the formative research

Required Qualifications:

1) Master degree in Public Health with basic degree in Health Environment or Public Health, or experience in other relevant fields.
2) At least 7 years of professional experience in the field of Public Health/Health Environment, proved experience in conducting evaluations or reviews in the field of Public Health for (I)NGOs or Government Organizations.
3) Proven experience in implementation of behavior assessments and ethnography studies, particularly related to health and hygiene behavior and sanitation practices.
4) Profound knowledge in Behaviour Change Communication (BCC), Hygiene Improvement Framework Indicators and PHAST/CHAST with the ability to evaluate and to give recommendations and inputs for the technical implementation in the field.
5) Proven competence in training and facilitation of community workshops in water and sanitation.
6) Excellent writing and presentation skills in English
7) Experience in working with communities in Aceh and ability to communicate in Acehnese language will be an added advantage.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their complete application to:

Please note that only qualified candidates will be contacted!

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