Thursday, November 24, 2011

Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Consultant Service (Monitoring) for building construction

Aceh Development Fund ( ADF), a local based NGO, together with its consortium(Engineering Faculty of UNSYIAH, BIMA and Yayasan An-Nisaa’ Centre) has received for financing from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost a Project A Green Engineering Approach to Improving Fish Processing Industry In Pidie Jaya And Bireun Regencies (TERAPAN – Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan untuk Industri Proses Perikanan)under EDFF (Economic Development Financing Facilities) Project. The grantee intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract for which this Request for Proposals is issued

ADF is seeking an experienced civil engineering company to supervise and monitoring for:
1. Consultant Service (Monitoring) for fabrication of machines and equipments for ice factory in the district Aceh Province : Pidie Jaya.
2. Consultant Service (Monitoring) for liquid smoke industry in Beunyot Village, Bireuen District
3. Consultant Services (Monitoring) during construction of two salt iodization plant, three dried fish storage in Pidie Jaya and Bireun
4. Supervision of Rehabilitation of salt cooking furnaces and concentrated salt water filter in Pidie Jaya

The Company shall have the following qualifications:
-Demonstrated experience in delivering comprehensive construction supervision services.
-Ability to mobilize experience supervisors from civil engineering and quality surveyor background
-Experienced at least in one similar contract in the past three (3) years is required.

A firm will be selected under CQS Selection Methodand procedures described in this TOR, in accordance with detailed in the Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers,
updated in January 2011
The Firm may obtain of full TOR and qualification for the above position at:
Deadline for proposal: December 02, 2011 – Time 04.00 pm

Further information from can be obtained through address: Aceh Development Fund (ADF)
Jln.Kebon Raja No.8-Kp Pineung
Email :


Aceh Development Fund (ADF), sebuah LSM berbasis lokal, bersama dengan konsorsiumnya (Fakultas Teknik UNSYIAH, BIMA dan Yayasan An-Nisaa Centre) melaksanakan sebuah program Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan Untuk Industri Proses Perikanan (TERAPAN) sub-proyek di Pidie Jaya danKabupaten Bireuen, di bawah proyek AEDFF yang didanai oleh Multi Donor Fund

ADF mencari sebuah perusahaan konsultan yang berpengalaman dalam pekerjaan sipil untuk mengawasi dan memantau kegiatan konstruksi di Provinsi Aceh Kabupaten Pidie Jaya dan Kabupaten Bireun

Perusahaan harus memiliki kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
- Berpengalaman dalam bidang pengawasan jasa konstruksi yang komprehensif.
- Kemampuan untuk memobilisasi supervisor dilapangan dan komitmen dengan pencapaian target
- Berpengalaman setidak tidaknya mempunyai satu kontrak sejenis/ atau kompeksitasnya sama dalam (3) tahun terakhir.

Perusahaan akan dipilih melalui metode seleksi CQS seperti yang dijelaskan dalam TOR, sesuai dengan rinci dalam Pedoman - Seleksi dan Pekerjaan Konsultan oleh Bank Dunia update January 2011
Perusahaan dapat memperoleh TOR dan kualifikasi untuk posisi di atas pada:
Batas terakhir proposal : 02 Desember 2011 – Jam 16.00 wib

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat diperoleh melalui alamat:
Aceh Development Fund (ADF)
Jln. Kebon Raja No.8-Kp Pineung
Email :

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