Friday, April 26, 2013

Consultancy in ChildFund Indonesia : Mother Child Health

ChildFund Indonesia is currently seeking for Mother Child Health (MCH) Consultant with Terms of Reference below.

Interested applicants should submit their proposal to ChildFund Indonesia recruitment at  with subject “MCH Consultant” not later than 1 May 2013. 

Proposals should contain the following:
•    Curriculum Vitae of the consultant addressing the specifications mentioned
•    Proposal outlining how he/she plans to conduct the consultancy given the scope of work and indicate what methodology will be used
•    Proposed budget to carry out the assignment (which includes professional fees)


ChildFund Indonesia has been implementing child-centered programs since 1973.  Through our community-based, culturally grounded, participatory program approaches, ChildFund works with 16 local partners in 8 provinces, 31 districts. In the 214 villages where we work, we support over 400 integrated health posts or ‘posyandu’, ensuring community ownership and sustainability.  Our consultative processes are used to establish responsive and resource-efficient programming, identify under-served communities and mobilize coordination mechanisms between stakeholders. 
Within the posyandu, our interventions focus on expanding access and improving the quality of care to mothers and young children. To this end, we provide training at the integrated health posts to cadre on the provision of basic health services and supplementary feeding support up to the age of five.  We also support breast feeding classes for mothers and support the teaching of parents on age appropriate preparation and feeding of nutritious meals. In addition, ChildFund facilitates the cadre to mobilize parents and the broader communities to access government services and improve their posyandu. So that families can better nurture their children’s health at home, we provide information about home gardening and the benefits of diversified crops and work with families on improving access to clean water and sanitary facilities, thus helping to ensure young children get the best help possible in the early years.

The MCH Consultant reports to the Program Director.
The following are the scope of works of the Consultant:
1.    A review of the current MCH context and cadre training situation at the national level and in central Java. This will be done via desk review.
2.    An review of cadre training in our working area and the challenges cadre face in implementing their roles in the posyandu effectively leading to the development of a strategy to overcome these gaps. This will be completed via field visits and data collection.
3.    A list of ideas to further strengthen these gaps in central Java
4.    Conduct feedback sessions in 6 posyandu on the strategy and materials developed.

The consultant will be expected to develop a review of the National Government’s policy on MCH and carry out an assessment of the current cadre training situation and opportunities at the national/district/sub district level as well as opportunities offered by the district health office in selected areas in central Java. In addition, this review will need to include a detailed mapping and assessment of our own cadres capacities and the training programs that we offer to our cadre. For this, the consultant will need to meet with:
1.    Representatives from the National/district and subdistrict Health Office and puskesmas on policies and existing training opportunities for cadre. These meetings will also help define the challenges faced at the district/subdistrict level in terms of provision and implementation of training to cadre, particularly in central Java.
2.    It will be critical to talk to the cadre on who has trained them, the amount of training provided and focus of the training they have received. They will also be asked about selection mechanisms for cadre and information on where greater guidance is needed to support them provide more effective services for families using the posyandu.

To match ‘demand’ and ‘supply’ in terms of training, the consultant will also meet with:
1.    Local community members on their views of the posyandu and the quality of services provided. It will also be useful to gain insight into what needs to be done to support our cadres in the longer term taking into account their financial and livelihood needs.
2.    Parents and the role they have in strengthening the health and nutrition of their children at home. What do they feed their children, when, what are the issues?

A list of the people that the consultant met with will serve as verification documentation at the end of the project. As the initial review is expected to frame our understanding of what is happening at the district/subdistrict level, the zonal office working with our local partners, will help facilitate meetings, wherever necessary. All of these meetings etc will be funded through the NCP.
After the completion and submission of the initial review, the consultant will submit the desk review to the NO for approval. After this has been approved, the consultant will commence fieldwork. The consultant will coordinate with the zonal office and in particular the zonal manager on the locations/posyandu sites that will be visited so that there is a geographic spread.
After the review and strategy has been developed, the consultant will meet with the ECD team (comprising PD, MCH Specialist, ENHANCE PO, Zonal Manager, PO central zone) to present on the initial findings. The review and strategy is expected to be based on the Ministry of Health’s policy guidelines and cover gaps within the cadre training system in this area. As such, it will take into account the topics/themes required within the health system and the need to mainstream child participation, gender and inclusive education into their discussions with parents and communities. The training strategy is intended to set a pathway for all cadre to gain to the necessary competencies to work effectively in a posyandu.  Once completed, the consultant will conduct feedback sessions in 6 posyandu to determine their views on this issue. It is anticipated that these sessions will be facilitated by the zonal office/partners.

1.    Develop a review of the National Government’s policy on MCH and carry out an assessment of the current cadre training situation and opportunities at the A review of the current cadre training situation in central Java. This will be done via desk review.
2.    A review of cadre capacity in our working areas and the challenges cadre face in conducting their tasks effectively leading to the development of a strategy to overcome these gaps.
3.    A list of ideas to further strengthen these gaps in central Java
4.    Completed feedback sessions in 6 posyandu on the strategy and materials developed.

The consultant will be located in Jakarta, but is expected to travel to other ChildFund working areas, as defined by the Program Director/National Director, to complete the tasks mentioned above. Travel will be organized by ChildFund Indonesia, following ChildFund travel policy.

•    At least 5-10years of providing technical assistance on health in a community development context.
•    Experience in  health and nutrition as well as parenting  development/education.
•    Outstanding written and oral communication skills in English/Bahasa Indonesia
•    Strong computer skills
•    An MA in Child Development, Maternal and Child Health, Developmental Psychology, Human Development, Family Studies , Nutrition from a reputable university of institution

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