The complete Terms of Reference can be downloaded here:
Inclusive DRR Lessons Learned Consultant
Duty Station:
Kupang, NTT, Indonesia, with frequently travel to other project areas in TTS and Malaka Districts, and punctual trips to Jakarta and for coordination and workshops
Application Procedures:
Candidates should submit the following information with their application:
1. Cover letter
2. Curriculum vitae and list of previous professional experience in the field of DRR, demonstrated experience in undertaking a Lessons Learned process (supporting documents appreciated) or similar activities (formative evaluation, evidence-based practices), experience of working with plural-disciplinary teams and organizing training or seminars
3. A proposal of the detailed methodology in accordance with the terms of reference
4. A tentative work plan and time schedule
5. A budget breakdown for the consultancy
Deadline for the submission of the Technical & Financial Offer: 12 August 2013
Complete application should be sent to:
Inclusive DRR Lessons Learned Consultant Selection Committee
Maximum Attachment size: 500kB (0.5 MB)
Complete Terms of Reference
1. Introduction
AID (Alliance for Inclusive DRR) consortium includes Handicap International (HI) as lead agency, Plan International (Plan) and CARE International (CARE). The objective of the consortium is to support the inclusion and participation of women, children and persons with disabilities in DRR in Indonesia.
Together the organizations promote a comprehensive model of intervention to tackle vulnerability of these at risk groups. The consortium brings together field-tested approaches, tools and partnerships to optimize sustainable outcomes.
Handicap International
HI works with persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups in situations of poverty, exclusion, con?ict and disaster in more than 60 countries. HI supports them to improve their living conditions, respond to essential needs and promote respect for their rights. HI works in Indonesia since 2004, and is present in the fields of Disability rights, Support to civil society, DRR, Inclusive Education and Physical rehabilitation.
Plan International
Plan is a child-centred organization working in 66 countries, aiming that children realise their full potential in societies that respect people's rights and dignity. Its mandate is to ensure the children's rights to survival, development; protection and participation are secured. Plan has worked in Indonesia since 1969 and supports children, families and communities in Education, Health and Nutrition, Water and Sanitation, DRR and Child Rights.
CARE International
CARE fights global poverty in more than 60 countries and places special focus on working alongside poor women to improve basic education, prevent the spread of disease, increase access to clean water and sanitation, expand economic opportunity and protect natural resources. CARE has been active in Indonesia since 1967 and is currently active in sectors of Emergency Response, Water and Sanitation, Small Economic Development, Health & HIV/AIDS and DRR.
2. Project Presentation
In order to address in a comprehensive and sustainable manner the vulnerability to disasters of women, children and persons with disabilities, the project promotes action strengthening inclusive DRR at community, district, province and national level.
At community level, the project scales-up CBDRR in 9 villages and 9 schools while increasing capacity and commitment of communities for inclusive DRR. At province/districts level, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of BPBD and other actors to plan, implement, and monitor the inclusion of most vulnerable groups in CBDRR. Nationally, the project engages BNPB, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Social Affairs to promote inclusive DRR model and resources for replication in other provinces, and for alignment with AADMER commitments.
By supporting the capacity of sub-national actors including BPBD, Dinas PPO, Dinas Sosial and local civil society organizations, the project supports sustainable mechanisms to transfer knowledge and skills to local stakeholders, ensuring that DRR plans and their implementation are inclusive of the needs of the most vulnerable groups. By consolidating existing DRR tools and good practices for working with children/women/persons with disabilities, the project delivers a comprehensive model for inclusive DRR validated at provincial and district levels. The project ensures coordinated efforts with other DRR actors involved in similar processes to avoid duplication and foster joint action.
The project targets NTT province due to the high underlying vulnerability of its population in remote and rural areas, the availability of a network of skilled DRR and civil society actors and expressed interest of BPBD, Dinas Sosial and Dinas PPO to strengthen their DRR capacities. The project’s intervention in NTT supports the national DRM strategy and other sectoral commitments (eg: Safer Schools Campaign and legislation regarding persons with disabilities, women and children).
Besides the field activities, the project includes components shared between the DRR actors both in provincial and national levels. These are exchange of best practices and development of Lessons Learned, and the development of inclusive DRR tools and documents.
3. Rationale
The Lessons Learned collection of this project is important for AID Consortium due as it is the first time that AID partners implement a comprehensive inclusive DRR process which considers the needs of children, woman, and persons with disabilities in Indonesia context.
This intervention capitalizes on the design, tools and lessons learned of previous projects, and the opportunities and challenges identified during implementation will set the blueprint for future replications in the other districts in NTT province or other provinces in Indonesia where are also prone to natural disasters.
To do so, Lessons learned and case studies are collected throughout the project, in participation with partners. These are analyzed and prioritized during a joint workshop at provincial level. At the end of the collection and analysis process, recommendations will be developed and a document presenting the process will be published and disseminated.
This component represents an important amount of work within the project due to the specific skills required, simultaneous task to undertake and the substantial expected outputs (workshops and documentation). It implies a regular and close follow-up of activities and thorough technical support throughout the process to ensure an even quality of produced information.
4. Objective
The main objectives for the Lessons learned process under this project among others:
- Organize information about the experience of the project
- Identify “what works” and “what does not work” in the implementation of the project
- Elaborate this information above mentioned in Lessons Learned
- Enumerate recommendations based on the Lessons Learned for possible replication of the project and building of organizational know-how.
In order to ensure the effective and timely achievement, the following objectives are set for this mission:
- Coordinate the Lessons Learned process together with the Project Manager and his team,
- Provide dedicated technical support to project team in drafting and analyzing Lessons Learned and case studies,
- Organize and facilitate the workshops (stakeholders and provincial levels) to share, review, compile and analyze Lessons Learned and case studies,
- Develop a Lessons Learned document for the project, including developing document structure, collecting information with project teams, reviewing and proof-reading their productions for some sections, drafting others on the basis of workshop outputs, making for draft’s review by AID Consortium technical team, as well as coordinating the lay-out and production of the document,
- Regularly report the progress of this process to the project technical advisors (from HI Indonesia, Plan Indonesia and Care International).
5. Expected Results
The expected results from the consultant are:
- Lessons Learned and case studies are collected and drafted according to agreed standards
- Analysis, tagging and prioritization of Lessons Learned is implemented efficiently and timely via monthly meetings at project team level
- At the second week of October, a compilation and analysis workshop involving all project stakeholders in West Timor will be conducted in Kupang to select the most relevant Lessons Learned and complete the drafting process according to agreed standards (develop context, topic, intervention logic, success/failure factors)
- At the end of October, a provincial workshop will be organized in Kupang to disseminate the draft of Lesson Learn to BPBD from other districts in NTT province.
- On the basis of the outputs of the workshops, a final Lessons Learned document will be developed, published and shared with relevant stakeholders (DRR actors) during national workshop in Jakarta in December 2013.
- Monthly activity reports are provided to allow a fluid monitoring of the progress of this process.
Together with regular monitoring of outcomes, the following deliverables will be expected to release payment of instalments:
- Monthly provision of a set of Lessons Learned and case studies (August to October 2013)
- List of participants for the Lessons learnt workshop (Early October 2013)
- Draft Lessons Learned document (Early October 2013)
- Minutes for the Lessons Learned Workshop (October 2013)
- Lessons Learned publication (December 2013)
6. Consultant services
The following tasks of the consultant during his/her mission among others:
1). Build coordination and monitoring of the Lessons Learned process in Kupang, TTS, and Malaka Districts. This task included:
- Follow-up of field data collection
- Collection, review and proof-reading of Lessons Learned and Case Studies developed in the field
- Organization of monthly progress meetings with the project team
- Drafting of monthly progress reports
2). Provide methodological support to the project team on:
- Field data collection
- Analysis of potential Lessons Learned situations
- Drafting of Lessons Learned and Case Studies
- Tag definition and allocation
- Prioritization
- Development of recommendations
3). Organize and facilitate the “compilation and analysis” workshop (prior to a provincial workshop):
- Logistic organization
- Facilitation of review, analysis and argumentation development sessions
- Collection of minutes and drafting the lesson learn document
4). Organize and facilitate the provincial “dissemination and exchange” workshop in Kupang:
- Logistic organization
- Facilitation of dissemination and exchange sessions
- Collection of minutes and integration in the document
5). Coordinate the common Lessons Learned document’s development:
- Development of document’s structure
- review and proof-reading of Lessons Learned, case studies and recommendations
- Lay-out with graphic designer
- Follow-up of printing the Lesson Learned document
7. Practical Information
The duration of the mission is due to start on 19th August and last until 20th December 2013.
The consultant will be based in Kupang (NTT province) with frequently travel to other project areas in TTS and Malaka Districts, and punctual trips to Jakarta and for coordination and workshops.
The proposed fee for the mission is IDR 28,000,000. Payment will be released in three instalments:
• 40% after contract signing
• 20% after sharing of draft Lessons Learned document
• 40% after printing of the final Lessons Learned document
Transportation and accommodation outside of the duty-station are paid by Handicap International.
8. Consultant qualifications:
Education: Minimum a Bachelor Degree in social sciences, development studies, disability studies or equivalent combination of education and experience in a related area.
Professional experience: 3 years of professional experience in the field of DRR, demonstrated experience in undertaking a Lessons Learned process (supporting documents appreciated) or similar activities (formative evaluation, evidence-based practices), experience of working with plural-disciplinary teams and organizing training or seminars.
Language: Fluency in written and spoken English and Bahasa are compulsory.
Skills: Demonstrated analytical, technical writing, facilitation and organization skills.
Person with Disability’s candidatures are strongly encouraged to apply.
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