Sunday, August 25, 2013

Consultant for Gender Equality Self-Assessment (GESA) - Plan Indonesia

Plan believes that gender equality is central to achieving
our vision for change:  a world in which
all children, both girls and boys, realize their full potential in societies
that respect people’s rights and dignity. 
Many violations of children’s rights have their roots in gender-based
inequality, exclusion and injustice.  Achieving gender equality is therefore a core objective of Plan’s work
as an organization dedicated to child rights.  In line with this, Plan Indonesia  Office has decided to undertake a Gender Equality Self-Assessment (GESA)
as a part of our wider commitment to gender equality.
Why is the GESA
Undertaking a GESA is part of Plan’s process to understand
and build our capacity to address gender inequalities. The GESA enables Plan
staff to look at and identify the critical gender issues in our programme work,
across our offices and staff, and in the essential supporting work of advocacy,
campaigning, fundraising and communications.
Definition of a GESA
GESA is a participatory process that encourages staff to ‘take stock’ of all
their work, to see how far it promotes gender equality.  Reviewing and reflecting on the quality and
relevance of our current work on gender allows staff to understand what is
working well, where the gaps are, and to decide on clear actions to improve the
quality of this work in future.  A GESA
requires every Plan office to look at both our internal office and our external relations, understanding and exploring the gender issues in both.

Benefits of doing a GESA

There are many benefits to doing a GESA,
which include
§  Strengthens
ownership on gender equality across a Plan office
§  Enables
organisational learning through a highly participatory and self-reflective
§  Grounds key recommendations
and action in the experience and capacities of Plan staff
§  Sets a baseline for
assessing progress on Plan’s performance on gender equality
§  Promotes
team-building, information sharing and thoughtful dialogue
§  Builds commitment,
political will and leadership on gender equality

Purpose of Consultancy:

Consultant is being commissioned to support Plan Indonesia in conducting a
Gender Equality Self-Assessment.  The
purpose of a GESA is:   

undertake a learning and review process on gender equality across all Plan’s
work, both internal and external; and

learn and identify the strengths and challenges of Plan’s gender work in order
to determine concrete steps for making improvements in our work on gender

of work and methodology

process of a gender equality assessment is highly participatory, working
closely with Plan staff. The consultants’ role is to guide the Gender Equality
Self- Assessment (GESA) process as a facilitator rather than an external
evaluator.  The evidence from other
organisations and within Plan shows that a participatory self-assessment is the most effective way to learn about gender equality in an

Plan GESA manual will be provided to the consultant and each Plan ARO Country
Office GESA team to guide the process.  These guidelines specifically outline:

·         What
a GESA and why it is important
·         How
to prepare to conduct a GESA, including scope, timelines and objectives
·         How
to conduct a GESA (specific outline of methods)
·         How
to analyse the GESA data, write a report and develop an action plan

consultant will work closely with the Plan Indonesia Office Gender Advisor or
Gender Focal Point to undertake the GESA.  Supported by the Plan GESA Guidelines, this will include the following
key steps:

§  Formation of an
internal GESA team
§  Set objectives of
the GESA process
§  Decide on the scope
and timeline of the GESA process
§  Clarify understanding
of gender equality concepts with the GESA team
§  Choose which
methods will be used in the GESA process, drawing from the GESA guidelines
§  Set up a GESA work
plan and schedule
§  Ensure senior
management support for the GESA process
§  Conduct the GESA
utilizing the most relevant methods for the office, together with the GESA team
§  Support the GESA
team to analyse the data
§  Write the draft
GESA report and facilitate feedback from the Plan office
§  Present a final,
agreed and clear report on the process and findings
§  Identify
recommendations and support the Plan office to develop an achievable Gender
Action Plan
§  Facilitate a final
dissemination workshop
§  Maintain on-going
communication with the Country Office gender advisor and Regional Gender
Specialist (Asia Regional Office) throughout the entire process.

The Consultant will ensure that the GESA is
a critical process for Plan to reflect upon, and work towards, the standards in
our Plan’s Policy on Gender Equality (2011), which outlines operational
standards in five areas:
1.       Offices and Staff
2.       Programmes
3.       Partnerships
4.       Advocacy and Campaigns
5.       Communications and Marketing

is expected that the consultant will produce the following deliverables:

* A report  on the GESA with findings from the Gender Equality Self –Assessment process
* A summary of recommendations to be used for a Gender Action Plan

Frame and Budget
entire GESA process will be undertaken over a 3-6 month period (from inception
to report delivery).  During this time,
the consultant is expected to work in 30 days (contract level of effort.  Part of this work includes attendance at the
Asia Regional Office GESA inception workshop.


Plan Indonesia aims to contract a
consultant with experience who knows what a gender assessment is, how to
perform one, and has preferably undertaken one in Plan or another NGO. The
external facilitator should have the following skills:

§  Experience
in undertaking a gender assessment in Plan or another INGO;
§  Strong
facilitation skills and hands-on experience of working in participatory ways
with staff groups, partners and communities;
§  Strong
gender analytical skills and knowledge/experience of different gender tools;
§  The
ability to select the best approach/methodology for different groups and
§  Qualitative
data collection skills
§  Proven
ability to support and work with an internal staff team and keep staff
§  Openness
to listen, learn and accurately record the GESA findings;
§  Good
report-writing skills are essential;
§  An
ability to negotiate challenging findings from the GESA with staff and senior
management team;
§  Experience
with rights-based programme approaches
§  An
understanding of the linkages between children’s rights and gender

Note that the
consultant must be available for the regional GESA workshop to be held on
September 18-20, 2013 in Bangkok. 

All interested
applicants should submit a copy of their CV and a letter of interest, detailing
their experience and approach to conducting gender equality self-assessment
processes to HR Department Plan Indonesia before September 2nd to:  Please put GESA CO Consultancy as the
subject of your email.

A:  The GESA and Plan’s Commitment to
Gender Equality

Elements of Plan’s Commitment to Gender Equality
Set gender equality vision and goals Plan Policy on Gender Equalitysets out gender equality as a core objective of Plan’s work as an organizations dedicated to child rights. It outlines a clear vision, consistent message. The policy includes standards of performance in offices and staff, programmes, partnerships, advocacy, and communications/public engagement.
Develop strategies to meet goals Plan Strategy on Gender Equality is Plan’s strategy for implementing the commitments in our Policy on Gender Equality through operational plans linked to results and targets. The strategy includes a set of priority actions and accountability outcomes.
Establish criteria for judging goals Gender Equality Criteria is aset of criteria to assess gender equality in Plan’s programmes, partnerships, communications and campaigns. The criteria help determine whether Plan’s work in these areas is gender unaware, neutral, aware, or transformative.
Identify the competencies staff need to meet goals Gender Equality Competency Tooldescribes the knowledge, skills and attitudes on gender equality that are important for staff at all levels to accomplish the goals in the Policy on Gender Equality. It also provides a framework for assessing, monitoring and evaluating how staff competencies on gender equality are growing.
Build necessary competencies Planting Equality: Gender and Child Rights Training Programmeis a curriculum designed to support Plan in implementing the Policy on Gender Equality. It contains 12 training components, each of which is linked to specific policy commitments and provides learning opportunities for staff to build the competencies described in the Gender Equality Competency Tool.
Conduct in-depth assessment of baseline/ progress toward goals Gender Equality Self-Assessment (GESA) is an intensive participatory learning and reflection process to review the achievements and gaps related to progress on Plan’s Policy and Strategy on Gender Equality. The GESA is completed once every 5 years in each office, and leads to an action plan on Gender Equality.
Monitor and reflect on progress annually Gender Strategy Review Tool is an on-line tool that will be completed annually to track progress toward implementation of the Strategy on Gender Equality.

GESA is not a benchmarking process.
This is done through the annual review of Plan’s
Strategy on Gender Equality.   In contrast, the Gender Equality Self-Assessment
(GESA) is an intensive reflection process conducted once every five years, while
the Gender Strategy Review is a much less intensive annual monitoring process
that serves as a benchmark. The Gender Strategy Review Tool can be completed as
one of the activities in the GESA process. 

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