Tuesday, August 20, 2013


RFP No. 13-160
Issuance Date: August 19, 2013
Date:  August 29, 2013

International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) - Washington DC, invites
your firm to participate in this competitive solicitation for pricing, delivery
and terms of potential services for IFES office in Indonesia. All proposals
must be received by IFES no later than 5:00 PM Jakarta time on August 29, 2013.

IFES is an
independent, non-governmental organization (NGO). IFES promotes democratic
stability by providing technical assistance to the electoral cycle worldwide to
enhance citizen participation and strengthen civil societies, governance and

IFES wishes
to conduct a national survey of the adult population in Indonesia (18 years or
older). The purpose of this survey is to elicit citizens’ opinions of various
issues and levels of confidence in the electoral process and voter information programs. Voters will be
asked about their experience voting, information on voting and the election
process, and opinions on electoral institutions and procedures. Other topics
covered may include such issues as attitudes towards women’s and youth
representation, as well as electoral participation of persons with

I.        Overall
Design of Project:
A.   Questionnaire:IFES will provide the questionnaire in English, consisting of approximately 55
closed-ended questions and 5 open-ended questions, not including standard
demographics (sex, age, education, occupation, employment status, place of
residence, and other demographics). Interviewing time is estimated at 45
minutes. The contractor will be responsible for translating the questionnaire
into Bahasa Indonesia. The contractor is also responsible for providing
relevant and context-specific response categories to questions on education,
income, employment and occupation, etc.
B.   Pretest: The translated and formatted questionnaire shall be
pretested with 40 adults in both urban and rural areas. The selection of
respondents for the pretest shall also take into account gender, age, and other
appropriate demographic criteria such as socio-economic groups. The pretest
will identify comprehension problems, the appropriateness of response options,
and the sensitivities that any questions may arouse. The contractor shall
submit data from the pretest and recommendations to IFES in accordance with the
agreed-upon schedule.
C.   Sample: The contractor shall submit bids for an achieved
sample of 2,000 respondents that is representative of the national population
of Indonesia. The sample should be designed to cover all the administrative provinces
of Indonesia with probability proportional to size (PPS) using random selection
techniques. The contractor shall also specify the data source upon which the
sample is based. In addition to the base sample, the Contractor shall also
conduct 85 oversample interviews each in the following provinces: Aceh, Maluku,
Papua, and West Papua. IFES requires that no more than 10 interviews take place
in any one sampling point. Ideally, we would like eight interviews per sampling
point.  Submitted proposals should
reflect this requirement for the fieldwork.
D.   Interviewing: Personal, face-to-face interviews conducted in the
homes of the respondents by specially-trained interviewers. The contractor
shall specify how close supervision of field interviews and quality control of
survey returns will be assured. The contractor shall ensure that a sufficient
number of field supervisors will be monitoring the work of interviewers in all
of the provinces. The contractor shall make arrangements for adequate numbers
of interviewers to administer the questionnaires.
E.    Data Processing and Tabulations: Survey data will be coded in accordance with the
guidelines set forth by IFES in the English-text of the questionnaire and shall
reflect the appropriate filters and skips in the questionnaire. IFES will
specify what demographic breakdowns are needed for the data tabulations.

II.      Responsibilities of Contractor (In
close consultation at every stage with IFES):
1. Format, review questionnaire language and print the questionnaire.
2. Pretest the formatted and translated questionnaire.
3. Identify population database used to design sample.
4. Select sampling approach, construct sample and identify method for selecting respondents in consultation with IFES.
5. Describe means to be used to examine the representativeness of the achieved sample.
6. Manage all aspects of fieldwork.
7. Screen and hire field staff with appropriate qualifications and regional knowledge.
8. Conduct training of enumerators.
9. Develop coding scheme; code, enter, and clean data.
10. Prepare electronic data file, marginal results, tabulations, and a methodological report.
III.    Materials Delivered by Contractor to
1. The formatted and translated questionnaire in Bahasa Indonesia.
2. Pre-test report that includes pre-test results and recommendations for changes in questionnaire.
3. Sample design and approach used to select respondents.
4. Coding scheme, including codes for open-ended questions.
5. Marginal frequency results and cross-tab results (in an Excel file).
6. Electronic data file in SPSS.SAV format in English using coding scheme and open-end code formulation specified by IFES Survey Researchers including any weight variables that may apply.
7. A detailed methodological report for the survey.

IV.    Materials to be Provided by IFES
1. English language questionnaire.
2. Coding scheme (based on question numbers and skips and filter instructions in questionnaire) and assistance in developing coding for open-ended questions.
3. Sample design assistance, as needed.
4. Advice in interviewer training, as needed.
5. Schedule for the project.

V. Tentative
Timeline of Project:
time within which the contractor’s services will be required is anticipated to
be September 5until Nov. 14.
The final timeline will be decided and agreed upon with the contractor. Below
is a tentative timeline:
September 5 Contract signed; IFES submits questionnaire to contractor for translation, comments, and formatting
September 13 Translated and formatted questionnaire due to IFES; Detailed sampling plan and sampling procedures due to IFES
September 19 IFES provides comments to contractor on questionnaire and sampling plan and procedures
September 20 Contractor submits revised questionnaire and sampling plan to IFES; Pre-test questionnaire finalized
September 23-25 Survey pre-testing; Pretest results and recommendations due to IFES
October 1-4 Supervisors and interviewers training
October 7 Start of fieldwork
October 30 End of fieldwork
October 23 Proposed open-ended codes due to IFES for approval
November 7 Final data file due to IFES
November 14 Methodological report and data tabulations due to IFES

The response should be provided to IFES in
electronic form and should address in English (document not to exceed 20 pages)
all of elements of the project design: the sample design, the
individuals assigned to handle the project, cost in US dollars, and relevant
past experience:
A.      Description of the sampleto include: (1) sample design with levels of stratification; (2) areas (if any)
which will be excluded from the sample; (3) method used to select respondents; (4)
number of interviews planned for each sampling point; (5) method used to
examine the representativeness of the achieved sample; (6) population source
for sample design.
B.      Staffinginformation to include:  (1)
qualifications and experience of the members of your staff who will be directly
handling this project; (2) the number of interviewers used for fieldwork; (3)
the number of field supervisors accompanying interviewers in the field.
C.      Cost (in US dollars) should
be itemized for the various elements of the project.
D.      Relevant
past experience to include: (1) examples of similar projects
including projects where the subject matter is related to politics or elections;
(2) list of clients.
proposals must be received by IFES no later than 5:00 PM Jakarta time on August 29, 2013. Proposals must be sent to the attention of Lauren Serpe (lserpe@ifes.org) and Admira Dini Salim (adsalim@ifesindonesia.org). IFES will confirm receipt of any submissions sent via e-mail. Any submissions
received after this date will not be considered.

must submit the following:
1.       General information about the bidder
history and experience.
2.       Detailed description of past
experiences providing similar services to international NGOs funded by the
United States Government, particularly by the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID).
3.       Names, addresses and telephone numbers
of three business references, and approval to contact listed references.
proposals submitted in response to this solicitation shall be judged according
to the following criteria and with the following weights attached to each

of Sampling Plan                                                      25%
and Quality Control                                                   25%
Processing Procedures                                                     15%
of Key Personnel                                                 10%
Experience                                                        10%
Proposal                                                                        15%

of RFP                                                                  August
19, 2013
Due to IFES                                                   August
23, 2013
from IFES                                                          August 26, 2013
Closes – All Bids Due                                              August
29, 2013

1. Prices quoted must be valid through the entire duration of the contract.
2. All procurement will be subject to IFES contractual obligations and contingent on the availability of donor funding.
3. IFES reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation or stop the procurement process at any time, without assigning any reason or liability.
4. IFES reserves the right to accept all or part of the proposal when awarding the purchase order.
5.       All information provided by IFES in
this RFP is offered in good faith. Individual items are subject to change at
any time. IFES makes no certification that any item is without error. IFES is
not responsible or liable for any use of the information or for any claims
asserted there from.
6.       IFES reserves the right to require any
bidder to enter into a non-disclosure agreement.
1. The RFP does not obligate IFES to pay for any costs, of any kind whatsoever, which may be incurred by bidder or any third parties, in connection with the Response. All Responses and supporting documentation shall become the property of IFES, subject to claims of confidentiality in respect of the Response and supporting documentation.
quotations shall:
1. Be in the English language.
2.       Contain detailed cost in USD, with applicable
Tax/Charges clearly identified, provided against each of the categories of
services described in this request.
3.       Include a contact name, email address, and
telephone number to facilitate communication between IFES and the Bidder.
1. A brief outline of the company and services offered, including:
§  Full
legal name and address of the company or individual; 
§  Full
legal name of company’s President and / or Chief Executive Officer (not
applicable for individuals); 
§  Year
business was started or established; and
§  Registration
1. All questions and responses must adhere to the schedule noted above and shall be to the attention of Lauren Serpe (lserpe@ifes.org) and Admira Dini Salim (adsalim@ifesindonesia.org).

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