Monday, September 9, 2013

Extension Proposal Submisson for Consultant of Final Evaluation Project- Learn Without Fear Through Girl's Footbal Project

Final Evaluation Project
Learn Without Fear Through Girl’s Football (Anti Bullying campaign) Project
DKI Jakarta Province Funded by: Plan Germany
Plan Indonesia – Child Protection Program

Purpose of consultancy
2010, Plan Indonesia signed MOU with Education Office of DKI Jakarta for 3
years, Learn without fear through girls football project 2011-2013 at 15
secondary schools in Jakarta and funded by Plan Germany.  Learn without fear through girls football project
mainly focus on raising awareness for students, teachers and school committee
on anti bullying at schools as well as improving students life skill using
media and sports as campaign tools.
study was not conducted on this project due to time limit however a
collaboration research on violence against children was conducted between Plan
Indonesia, Local NGO Sejiwa & Pratista foundation at several cities
including Jakarta. The survey reports many cases of violence in school like
bullying among children as well as corporal punishment by adults.
            Learn without fear through girl’s
football project focuses on raising awareness for students (boys and girls),
teachers and parents as school elements in order to reduce bullying at 15
Secondary schools in Jakarta using sport especially girls football as media
campaign. Although this project has no
baseline study hencemid-term evaluation
in year 2 have been conducted by ARTI Foundation as implemented
partner and final evaluation in year 3
will be commissioned for the project to achieve the following:

* To evaluatethe process of delivery, effectiveness and impact of the project;
* To discover the findings and lesson learnt throughout the project in order to replicate the works elsewhere and/or taking up approaches and activities that have proven to work in order to scale up the project;
* To inform the resultof the projectin order to assess the possibility of replicating and scaling up the project.

For this consultancy, Plan Indonesia seeks to procure the services of an
independent, external consultant(s) to design, plan and conduct a rigorous, finalevaluation.  During final
evaluation phase of the consultancy, the consultant(s) will also be required
support from Program Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) to design, establish and
implement data collection strategy and project impact analysis.

B.  Learn
Without Fear Through Girls FootballProject
project were directly target 15 Secondary schools which distributed in 5 areas
in Jakarta such as 3 schools from West Jakarta, 3 schools from Central Jakarta,
2 schools from North Jakarta, 4 schools from South Jakarta, 3 schools from East
The main objectives of Learn Without Fear Through Girls Football Project
in Jakarta are follows:
Objective      :  15 Secondary schools in Jakarta involved in the project will
mainstream anti bullying integrate at their schools in order to reduce bullying.
Specific Objective 1:  To raise awareness on violence specifically
bullying at school among students (boys & girls), teachers and parents and
build support group to tackle problems.
Specific Objective 2:  To create girl’s football league with at least
375 girls aged between 13-
                                    18 In 15 secondary schools in Jakarta (1
team of 25 students per
                                    School equivalent to 375 players)
Specific Objective 3:  To demonstrate the beneficial effects of
sports on children’s development, i.e: football as an innovative approach to
prevent bullying at school and promote girl’s rights
Specific Objective 4   : To
promote values like fair play and teamwork through sport activities and life
skills training to boys and girls from 15 highs schools in Jakarta.
Specific Objective
5   :  To improve support to adolescents on their way to adulthood

In this project implementation,
Plan Indonesia partners with a number of institutions, they are:
1. District of Education Office (Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi DKI Jakarta).
2. Yayasan ARTI is the implemented partner for Learn Without fear through girl’s football project.
3. Woman committee of Indonesia football association (PSSI).
4. 15 Secondary schools in Jakarta for project implementation.

without fear through girl’s footballprojectis
under Plan’s child protection program. By improving schools element such as
students, teachers and school committee’s knowledge and awareness on anti
bullying, child development and child rights, the project will contribute to
the reduction of violence at schools particularly bullying and create more
positive and healthier environment for school. The main objective of Learn
without fear through girl’s football promotion is to improve knowledge and
awareness among students, teachers and school committee on violence at school
which focus in bullying.
Plan Indonesia’s LWF through girl’s football Program
intends to engage a consultant (individual or institution) to undertake final
evaluation to evaluate the project in order to gain best practice for the
sustainability and the scale up.

C. The
Objective of finalevaluation
The Final evaluation
serves as an agent of change and plays a critical role in supporting
accountability. The main objectives are:
1. To evaluate the process delivery, effectiveness and impact of the project;
2. To discover the findings and lesson learnt throughout the project in order to replicate the works elsewhere and/or taking up approaches and activities that have proven to work in order to scale up the project;
3. To assess accountability for the achievement of LWF through Girl’s football projectobjective,
4. To identify constraints and lesson learned over 2010 to 2013 implementation period.
5. To enhance organizational and developmental learning both for Plan Indonesia and Yayasan ARTI.
The Final evaluation will also highlight LWF through girl’s football
achievements over three period from 2010 to 2013. It will review activities and
analyze the extent to which the outcomes are fulfilling planned targets. The final
evaluation findings will serve as a basis model for any parties interest to
replicate the program and to enhance institutional and development learning.
The review
shoud be able to interwine Learn
without fear through girls footballframework and conceptual framework
in the development of study design properly that meet to the project
requirement. To assist the survey team key question is the survey will be built
around the following factors;
              1.     Relevance
o   Was
Learn without fear through girl’s football Projectsucceed in minimizing bullying at
o   Was
Learn without fear through girl’s football project succeeding in supporting the
improvement of positive environment at school?
              2.     Effectiveness :
o   Did
training and workshops conducted for students, teachers and school committee
were significantly effective to raise awareness on anti bullying at schools?
o   Did
the intervention strategy was significantly effective to prevent bullying at
              3.     Efficiency
·         Was Learn
without fear through girl’s football projectgood value for
              4.     Sustainability:
·         Was
Learn without fear through girl’s football project applicable to replicate by
other parties?
·         Was
there any commitment from other parties, such as government or schools on the
sustainability of the program?
              5.     Impact
Was learn
without fear through girls football project bring impact to school’s approach
toward anti bullying?

For all of
the above points, the evaluators are to make recommendations as to how project
performance can be improved.

Variables and indicators
The finalevaluation is expected to
generate answer to key assessment of outcomes such as changes in attitudes /
expectations, as well as measurement of receipt and levels of exposure to the
project intervention, based on direct survey questions, checks through project
and school records,and findings of children and community surveys.

A summary of the project’s variables, indicators
and study design are as follows;
Variables Indicators Study Design
Raise awareness on violence at school among female and male students, teachers, school committee members, headmasters and parents, and build support groups to tackle problems
  §Increased awareness from students, teachers/school committee on anti bullying at school

§Activities & Policy applied by school to prevent anti bullying at school


Develop a girls’ football league with at least 375 girls from 15 high schools in Jakarta by June 2013.
  § Capacity building program for PE teachers in relate to girl’s football training
§The establishment of girls football team at 15 secondary schools involved on the project and number girls joined girl’s football activity at each school.
§Girl’s football training frequent conducted at school.
§Organization of girls football tournament




Demonstrate the beneficial effects of sports on children’s development, i.e. football as an innovative approach to prevent bullying at school and promote girls’ rights §Life skill on anti bullying and children’s rights were promoted within girl’s football training activity done by teachers or other trainers such as PSSI, KNVB.
§Anti bullying were socialized and promoted at extracurricular activity including sports at school

To promote values like fair play and teamwork through sport activities in schools and life skills training §Number of Life skills training related to anti bullying for students at schools
§Minimizing gap between girls & boys or senior to junior students through football activity.
§The improvement of life skills from students participated at the project that is also active at sport extracurricular in their schools.


To improve support to adolescents on their way to adulthood. §Number of capacity building activities on child development and child rights for students, teachers and school committee
§Child protection are endorsed by schools to support students


A.            Scope
of Work
The consultant is expected to form a survey team for the evaluation and
manage coordination and communication with Plan Indonesia. Tasks and
responsibilities of the consultant are as follows:
·           Proposal that detailing the methodology and budget required
to conduct final evaluation
·           Recruit, train and manage survey teams including
·           Propose a proper methodology and discuss the
suggestion with Plan Indonesia & Yayasan ARTI
·           Propose tools to be used in the survey and discuss the
suggestion with Plan Indonesia & Yayasan ARTI
·           Develop a data entry system and management
·           Supervise field survey implementation
·           Responsible for field operations, including logistics,
permission to conduct the survey, informed consent from students taking part in
the survey
·           Coordinate with Project Manager & Project Officer
Learn without fear through girls football project during field survey
·           Collect, compile and analyse all data gathered and
develop a final report on the survey results (including all findings and
·           Presenting
the result to disseminate at evaluation meeting to government, stake holders,
other NGOs.
B.             Methodology
Initially information was gathered through a desk review of relevant
documents and consultations with project implemented partner Yayasan ARTI, Plan
Indonesia. Following the selection of sites meetings and discussions were
undertaken teachers, principles, students,
school committee. Data collection techniques included, key informant interviews
at schools and government, questioner, focus group discussions with direct and
indirect beneficiaries, observations and utilisation of various participatory
techniques to assess knowledge and behaviour patterns.
consultant is required to propose a suitable survey methodology as specified by
this TOR. The survey will be conducted in Learn
without fear through girl’s football project 15 schools where
project were being implemented. And therefore, coordination with PME team, Learn
without fear through girl’s football project team, Yayasan ARTI is highly required
at all times.  Due to the child
centered of the project, the methodology used should be child friendly
and participatory wherever possible.
During survey, the consultant is expected to perform:
·           Desk-based review on existing relevant documents
·           Briefing session with Yayasan ARTI, LWF through girl’s football Project
Team and Plan Indonesia PME
·           Survey with questionnaires with teachers,
principles, student, school
·           Focus Group Discussions with teachers, school committee and students.
·           Separate Consultations, and if required Observation
with student at schools
·           Semi structured interview with teachers/principles,school committeesand
·           Field visits to schools supported by
the project.
·           Debriefing with LWF
through Girl’s football project team, Yayasan ARTI and Plan
Indonesia PME
C.             Outputs and Deliverables
The consultant is expected to produce and submit the following
1)         Survey protocol specifying a detailed survey work plan
and proposed survey tools that will be discussed and agreed upon prior to field
2)         Presentation of initial findings to LWF through Girl’s football projectTeam
and Plan Indonesia PME and Yayasan ARTI after field activities have been
3)         Draft reports in English in two weeks’ time after
field activities have been concluded.
4)         Presentation of draft report to Plan Indonesia for
discussion and feedback.
5)         Submission of a comprehensive final report in English
(with one copy of the report in Bahasa) one week after receiving feedback from
Plan Indonesia.
6)         Executive Summary (max. five pages) in English
describing the survey results.
7)         Hardcopies of filled-in questionnaires (if available),
interview transcripts and attendance lists, photos and other valuable survey
D.        The Responsibility of Plan Indonesia
·             Provide a working contract
·             Provide data and related
documents as per consultant’s request
·             Arrange meetings,
discussions and field visits for the survey team
·             Provide timely feedback and
response on consultant’s survey report
·             Settle payment for the
consultant service
E.         Timeline
The survey is to be conducted in Septemberto Early December2013. Review to begin on September2013whilst timeframes to be discussed with
consultant,but work to beundertaken over anapproximately 2 month timeline.

F.         Report Content
Final report
should be produced in English (with a precise translation to Bahasa Indonesia)
and should contain and be developed according to the following structure:
* Executive Summary
* Background
* Survey Methodology
* Findings and Analysis
* Conclusion and Recommendation
·         Annexes
G.            Criteria
for Consultant Selection Based on Competency
and Experience
interested in submitting a proposal should have the following criteria:
1.       Possess
equal composition of qualified academic background, knowledge, experience and
capacity to manage survey, particularly child protection related.
2.       Have
an extensive experience in managing large-size surveys in the context of basic
education and community development.
3.       Demonstrate
understanding and sensitivity on cross-cultural, tradition and language of
target community.
4.       Proven
experience as an evaluator, preferably on gender and/or education work and
additionallySchool Based Management/inclusive education.
5.       Understanding
of project management structures and change management concepts
6.       Clear,
effective writer in English
1. Experience of working with participatory methodologies
2. Experience of working at school environment will be an advantage

C. Procedure Application for
interested consultant
Phase:Interested consultant should submit an Expression of
Interest to  before 5 pm on 13 September 2013,
enclosing the following required documents:
1.            Organizational Profile (for institutional consultant)
or a CV (for individual consultant).
2.            A proposal containing two parts:
·         Technical Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities,
methodology (sampling design, data collection technique), and implementation
plan which includes survey schedule and timeline for data analysis. The
technical proposal should demonstrate understanding of survey ethic,
qualification of survey team members and their CVs, as well as their roles in
the survey. The consultant should also describe her/his experience in
conducting similar survey, and financial and technical capacity.
·         Budget Proposal comprising details of budget plan such as consultant
and team’s fees, transportation, stationaries and other survey necessities.
Second Phase:Based on
received proposals, Plan Indonesia will shortlist candidates and invite them to
present their proposals. Plan International Indonesia will afterwards proceed
with selecting and appointing a consultant, and produce a working contract with
the select consultant.

Please find Term of Reference (TOR) for this final
evaluation on the attachment. Only shortlisted consultant will be contacted for

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