Saturday, January 18, 2014

TOR: EU - YEE Project in TTU and TTS Districts - Plan Indonesia

Plan Indonesia is implementing Youth Economic Empowerment (YEE) project, in collaboration with several implementing partners in East Nusa Tenggara covering Timur Tengah Utara (TTU) and Timur Tengah Selatan (TTS) District. This YEE project is funded by European Commission, starting from Feb, 1st 2013 until January 16th, 2016. The aim of this project is to empower youth (men and women) from 15 to 29 years to have access to decent work through Employment (TVET) or Self-Employment (entrepreneurship/MED). When necessary, the youth can also be provided with access to financial institutions.

Through this project, Plan Indonesia will enhance young women’s access to economic rights. The project that started on Feb 1st 2013  and will end on January 31, 2016 has the following objectives:  i) strengthen the policy and economic environment in Indonesia  in favour of young women’s economic empowerment and equality, and ii) develop and pilot an integrated approach to training, related services which support gender equality and youth access to decent employment. The project will be implemented in Jakarta for macro & messo specific objectives, and in TTU & TTS  District, NTT,  for micro level with target:

    3000  female youth aged 15-29 years,
    6000 community members,
    20 members of the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection,
    50 members of Gender Working Groups from the Ministries of Education, Industry, Manpower,  Cooperative, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Social Affairs,
    2000 employers from the Employer’s Association of Indonesia ( APINDO) through awareness raising, advocacy and capacity building exercises,
    The Indonesia Youth Employment Network  / IYEN led by National Development Planning Agency

This TOR is developed to assist Plan Indonesia in implementing Self-Employment component. Target beneficiaries will be assisted and facilitated to establish a market oriented, profitable and sustainable self-employment activities. To do this, Plan Indonesia uses the Value Chain approach. Young women’s empowerment will be fully considered in implementing the strategy of value chain. By using this approach, it is expected that the sustainability for self-employment is guaranteed for both female and male youth.

For the YEE project in TTU and TTS districts, the Value Chain Selection Research has been conducted. The next phase required is Value Chain Action Plan on how to bring information provided during Value Chain Selected Research into real interventions such as assisting Youth, especially female, to establish their market-oriented micro businesses or to have economic activities that can be linked to market demand. The selected consultant is expected to provide recommendations on interventions need to be done by Plan Indonesia, and carried out the interventions.

It is expected that the Value Chain consultant will:
a.       analyze the most promising of Commodities/Products/Services (CPS) recommended by previous Value Chain Selection research. The analysis should be proven by a Value Chain mapping, Value Chain boundary and the role of related stakeholders. At this stage, the consultant should ensure the availability of market buying CPS from the youth,
b.       link the potential buyers with the youth, especially female youth
c.        provide technical assistance to the youth in the related CPS,
d.       coordinate with the Plan’s community development officers when providing technical assistance to the youth.

The consultant is required to propose a suitable methodology as as divided into three phases. Because of Plan Indonesia is a child-centered organization, the methodology should be youth-friendly, participatory and reflecting gender sensitive in its approach.
There are three phases in this study: 
Phase 1.  Preparation
-          Review previous Plan Indonesia’s Value Chain Selection Research for TTU and TTS
-          Identify feasibility to implement recommendations provided by the previous research, considering in particular market demand, infrastructure and location.

At the end of Phase 1, the consultant will share recommendations for top three value chains that Plan Indonesia should intervene. At this stage, the consultant  should share the identification of barriers and supporting factors of value chain, especially to female youth, as it will contribute to next step/phase in developing recommendation and action plan. The consultant will also provide recommendations on the boundaries of the value chains..
Phase 2.  Planning
Based on the result of phase 1, the consultant will develop action plan for value-chain intervention. The work plan should identify targeted beneficiaries, targeted markets, method of interventions, and expected outcomes.
Phase 3. Implementation
Phase 3 will focus on execution of the work plan outlined in Phase 2. The intervention processes should be documented and reported in monthly / biannual progress reports.

The various approaches that will be utilized in the Value Chain Analysis are detailed below.
1.       Value Chain Research review of Plan Indonesia
2.       Comprehensive literature review of pertinent documents such as research/studies/assessments on  Micro/Small/Medium Enterprise Development  conducted by other parties, such as local governments, local NGOs, INGOs, and universities.
3.       Discussions, interviews or meeting with related stakeholders that active in Micro/Small/Medium Enterprise Development.
4.       Conducting observation and Focus Group Discussion with female and male youth and Value Chain actors (related Stakeholders for the selected Value Chain, especially marginalized youth.

During the study, the consultant is expected to perform:
-          Desk review on existing relevant documents with Plan Indonesia and team
-          Briefing session with YEE Program Team and PME (Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation) Team
-          Regular meeting with YEE Program Team and PME team

-          Responsible for field operations, including logistics and obtaining research permit
-          Coordinate with Plan Program Unit in Kefamenanu and So’e during the study
-          Collect and analyze  relevant gender and age disaggregated data Keep all information provided by Plan Indonesia as well as the findings of the study

The Value Chain Consultant is an expert individual or a team that should posses the following requirements:
a.       At least three years of experience in Value Chain Analysis Research/Study and Value Chain Intervention;
b.       Possess a wide value-chain related network in Indonesia, including private sectors;
c.        Has an understanding of business practice in Indonesia;
d.       Experience in assisting or developing Self-Employers and familiarity with youth issues will be an advantage.
e.       Has an understanding on Gender Equality perspective

The Consultant will develop a Work plan and Reports periodically as stated below :

a.       Work plan/schedule: A work plan/schedule is created within 5 working days after the start date of the consultancy.
b.      Draft of Report for Phase 1: The draft of Value Chain Analysis will be completed within 21 working days, in both hard and electronic versions, after the starting of the consultancy.
c.       Bi Annual Report: Bi Annual Report will be completed at least 2 weeks before the end of the first phase of the contract. This report will be as reference for extension the second phase of contract.

Both Work Plan and Reports should be prepared in soft copies in dual languages, English and Bahasa Indonesia, and it should be in Microsoft Word format.

The Value Chain Consultant is expected to work for 12 months with possibility for extension. The consultant will be evaluated every 6 months to ensure the deliverable of the stated objectives.


First Phase: Interested consultant should submit an Expression of Interest for Value-Chain Consultancy to: to obtain the executive summary of the previous Value Chain Selection Research conducted by Plan Indonesia. The full proposal should be submitted by January 29, 2014, enclosing the following required documents:
1.             CV  encompassing recent photograph, Working Experience up to now (success story of previous Self-Employment Development, Working with Youth), Education Status, Personal data and two references.
2.             A proposal containing two parts:
·         Technical Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities, Work plan which includes schedule and timeline for activities.
The technical proposal should demonstrate understanding of Value Chain Approach. The consultant should also describe her/his experience in conducting similar consultancy.
·         Budget Proposal comprising of daily fees, transportation, communication, and other expenses. The proposed budget should include income tax.

Second Phase: Plan Indonesia will shortlist candidates and invite her/him to present the proposals. Plan Indonesia will afterwards proceed with selecting and appointing a consultant, and produce a working contract with the selected consultant.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

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