Wednesday, March 5, 2014

GIZ Vacancy - Junior Advisor for RED Project

RED is a cooperation between the Indonesian National Planning and Development Agency (BAPPENAS) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The program is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and strives to increase regional competitiveness through a more sustainable path to economic growth. One of the challenging issues in the regional development in Indonesia is the persistent condition of regional disparity. Most economic activities are running in the Java and Bali islands. About 60% of national GDP is generated from these two islands, the rest are contributed by other major islands. These conditions imply to high rate of urbanisation in these islands which causes many issues such as poverty, imbalance distribution of infrastructures etc. Regional disparity is also caused by disparity between production center (as hinterland areas) and the market outlet (i.e. cities). Most of value added of economic products are generated in cities since cities have better access to information, market, technology and infrastructures.

In the national midterm development plan 2010-2014 (RPJMN), one of the strategies to overcome regional disparity is to improve the performance of local economic development by applying three principles which are:
1.     Focusing on improving comparative and competitive advantage of regions
2.     Improving the value chain of commodities
3.     Improving market system to boost market mechanism at local level and to minimise the negative effects of market mechanism

One of the success keys to apply those principles is a solid coordination and synchronisation among LRED programs which organised by many stakeholders. Currently, many government agencies (national and local level), donors, state owned enterprises (SOEs), NGOs, universities have similar programmes/projects/activities to improve local economy. Some of them overlap each other and cause redundancy. To optimize the performance of programs, it is necessary to develop a solid coordination among stakeholders. Bappenas (Directorate for Urban and Rural Affairs) has established a coordinating team which consists of intersectoral line ministries and also a stakeholder forums which consists of government agencies, private sectors, universities and donors. Some donors have agreed to support this stakeholder forum. These donors are CIDA, AusAID and the Government of Germany via GIZ.

In order to carry out the agenda of the coordinating team, a secretariat will be established soon. The function of this secretariat is as a motor for the coordinating team. In general, the role of the secretariat is to assist the team in implementing its agenda and achieving milestone and goals. The secretariat will consist of a Head of Secretariat, a Senior advisor, 2 Junior advisors and supporting Staff.
This term of reference is prepared for Junior Advisor position which will be assigned to support the secretariat.
A.     Responsibilities
The junior advisor will work in the TKPED Secretariat Office under supervision of and report to the Head of TKPED Secretariat and RED Principal Advisor.
The junior advisor provides support for
§  the Head of Secretariat and other experts for whom the junior advisor  performs technical tasks
§  carrying out project activities in close collaboration with RED staff
§  carrying out specific research tasks which are required for planning the implementation of project/programme
§  carrying out specific tasks in connection with knowledge management for the project/programme
The junior advisor performs the following tasks:
B.     Tasks
1.      Key Secretariat Function
The junior advisor
            §  serves as liaison officer (focal point) of the national level for the pilot regions (for day to day communication), such as:
-       to build up and maintain close contacts with the authorities/counterparts on national/regional level and other parties concerned
-       to compile and provide information on project related issues
-       to assist in increasing the awareness of ministries/institutions/pilot regions about TKPED
            §  monitors the achievements of activities and milestones
            §  prepares  documents/reports of the Secretariat to the Coordinating Team and the pilot regions
            §  prepares materials and logistics for meetings (internal meeting and stakeholders meeting)
                 §          prepares for, assists and follows up on workshop/s and seminar/s.
            §  prepares minutes of meetings and circulating them among the stakeholders after approved by Head of TKPED Secretariat
            §  Prepares term of refference for activities related to TKPED agenda
            §  makes arrangements for project related visitor/s and members of the coordinating team for monitoring and supervisions in coordination with the RED
                     administration team
            §  assists the RED administration team in preparing and smoothing the process of procurement for goods and services
2.      Research
The junior advisor
§  In consultation with the Head of TKPED Secretariat, prepares and carries out research projects (e.g. developing survey instruments, field trials, training field
         staff, organisational preparation in the field, collecting and analysing data)
§  Supporting the drafting process of LRED strategy to be integrated into mid term development plan for urban and rural development.
3.      Knowledge management
The junior advisor
§  assists in drawing up reports and translations and organises updates on project documentation
§  assists in establishing and developing the TKPED website/resource centre
§  actively engages in updating, collecting and sharing of information related to LRED
§  establishes a project database
§  analyses local and regional databases

4.      General obligations
The junior advisor
§  is familiar with programme components and measures, concepts and status of implementation of RED as well as TKPED Secretariat and knows the
         corresponding experts and staff
§  represents the interest of the measures of RED and TKPED Secretariat and always acts on their behalf
§  must have good knowledge on database management including knowledge in data and statistic software
§  carries out important tasks for the project/programme, even if these are not explicitly cited in the job description
5.      Other duties/additional tasks
The junior advisor
§  assists other experts, if necessary as translator
§  performs other duties and tasks at the request of management
C.     Required qualifications, competences and experience
§  having at least bachelor degree in economics, business, management
Professional experience
§  at least 2 years working experiences in the relevant fields in the national or international agencies
§  able to communicate with relevant stakeholders (private sectors and public sectors, universities, practician)
§  having good knowledge in program/projects/activities formulating, implementation and partnership building issues
§  experience in result-based management and monitoring
§  high sensitivity of communication skills with the public sector
§  high sensitivity of intercultural communication between local stakeholders and international experts
Other knowledge, additional competences
§  good working knowledge of ITC technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office, Access or other
         database programme)
§  native speaker of Bahasa Indonesia and good knowledge of the English language in spoken and written form
§  experience of project management and research experience in an area related to the project’s/programme’s requirements is desirable
§  willingness to up skill as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed with management
Please see our website at for further details and the Terms of Reference. The closing date for applications is Tuesday, 11 March 2014.
Candidates are asked to submit a comprehensive resume to :
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH /
Regional Economic Development Program (RED)
Attn. Mr. Frank Bertelmann
by e-mail to:

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