Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Plan Indonesia: TOR of ECCD Baseline Survey

Plan Indonesia
Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Program
Term of Reference
Baseline Survey-September 2014
Program  name           : Early Childhood and Care Development Program- ECCD
Program Location       : Lembata, Sikka , Nagekeo, TTS and TTU Districts,  NTT Province
Program Period          : 1st July 2014 until  – 30th June 2017
1.             Background
Plan is an international humanitarian, child-centered community development organization without religious, political or governmental affiliation.  Plan’s vision is a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people’s rights and dignity. Plan adopts Child-Centered Community Development (CCCD) approach in promoting  the rights of children and youth. 
Plan Indonesia has been working in five  main programs,  i.e. early childhood care and development, water,  sanitation and hygiene, youth economic empowerment, child protection and participation and disaster risk management.
Plan Indonesia head office is the  Country Office in Jakarta and with an  Area Office in Kupang  that support a total of seven Program Units (PUs). From 2010 until 2014, Plan Indonesia implemented Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Project in  Sikka, Lembata and Kefamenanu (TTU) Program Units  with funding from AusAID/DFAT through Plan International Australia. Started on July 2014 Plan Indonesia will expand ECCD Program in other districts of Nagekeo and Soe (TTS).
Plan Indonesia ECCD program contributes to endorse fulfillment of right to a healthy start in life. The goal of ECCD program is children under 8 including those from the excluded groups, enjoy their right to early childhoood care and development through maternal and child health interventions, positive parenting, school readiness and a smoothh transition to primary school. The ECCD model must be appropriate for rural early childhood centre settings and  user friendly for rural communities. Plan strategy is to strengthen existing institution, therefore the project is working with Posyandu to improve implementation of Holistic Integrative Early Childhood Development  (PAUD HI).
ECCD project in NTT is contributing to the achievement of ECCD Program. Currently Plan Indonesia is in the second phase of the project cycle which aims to expand the working areas. As the initial step, Plan Indonesia will conduct a baseline study  to understanding better current status of early childhood well-being in the targetted villages.
2.             ECCD – NTT Project Objectives
The project goal and objectives are:
Early childhood wellbeing (health, development/learning and protection) is improved for targeted children 0-8 years old, girls and boys in 239 villages through holistic and integrated Early Childhood Development supports by the end of June 2017
Objective 1: Parenting Group (PG)
To improve knowledge and practices of parents and caregivers in 239 villages in Lembata, Sikka, Nagekeo, Soe and Kefa by the end of June 2017
Objective 2: Early Learning
To increase primary school readiness for boys and girls age 4-6 yo  in targetted villages in Lembata, Sikka, Nagekeo, Soe and Kefa by the end of June 2017
Objective 3: Government Commitment
To increase access to ECCD services in 239 targetted villages in Lembata, Sikka, Nagekeo, Soe and Kefa by the end of June 2017
Note: The baseline study will cover 190 villages only.
3.             Baseline Survey Objectives
The baseline study aims to  provide description on Early Childhood Care and Development aspects, i.e. parenting, school readiness and access to ECCD centres, including community support  in targetted  areas. 
Specifically, the objectives of the baseline study are as follows:
1.        Identification of awareness, knowledge and practices on early learning, health, and child protection covering  information on :
  • A comprehensive age and sex-disaggregated demography data on growth and development of early childhood development (0-8 years old), which includes nutritional status, immunization, breastfeeding, and access to basic health services.
  • Child development status (cognitive, language, social/emotional)
  • Parenting practices
  • Identification of supporting and barriers factors, especially for increasing quality of parenting activities.
2.        Identification of School Readiness situation, covering  information on :
·         A comprehensive age and sex-disagregated data on education of young children (4-6 years old), wich includes access to early learning services.
·         Identification of available ECCD centres in targetted villages
·         Assessment on quality of available early learning services in research focused areas.
·         School readiness status of children aged 6-8 years old
·         Identification of access of children with appropriate ages to the existing ECCD centres, in particular for marginalized children
3. Advocacy
·    Review policies that support Integrative Holistic ECCD at village, district, provincial and national levels
·         Identification of supporting and barriers actors, especially for increasing access and quality of early learning, protection and health of child wellbeing
·    What programs has been conducted by partner/communities regarding Integrative Holistic ECCD
·         Available ECCD services in targetted areas
Identification of available ECCD centres
Identification of ECCD centres quality
Note: demography data will be collected from the 190 villages, while qualitative data will be collected on certain sample areas. Consultant is expected to propose the sampling methodology. When similar data can be obtained from other institutions, consultant may suggest to do so.  
4.             Expected Outputs
Based on the above specific objectives, the expected outputs are:
·         Set of disaggregated demographic data and health status of young children aged 0-8 and analysis of parenting practices in targetted villages.
·         Set of disaggregated demographic data and early learning status of young children, and analysis on quality of early learning centres in targetted villages.
·         Analysis on early childhood and care development stakeholders in terms to gain support for increasing the quality of early childhood growth and development.
·         Recommendations for project implementation
Main indicators to be collected are:
Improved the health of mothers and young children in Plan’s working areas by FY17
% increase of pregnant women in target villages completing four antenatal care visits
% increase of children under 24 months in target villages put to the breast within one hour of birth (early initiation of breastfeeding)
% increase of deliveries in target villages at health facilities

Improved knowledge and practices on ECCD of parents/caregivers with children aged 0-8 years in Plan working areas by FY17
% increase of mothers in target villages who know at least 2 signs of childhood illnesses that indicate the need for treatment
% increase of infants under 6 months in target villages who are fed exclusively with breast milk[1]
% increase of young children 6-23 months of age who receive appropriate complementary feeding[2]
 % increase of parents/caregivers who practice appropriate development stimulation for young children.
Increased primary school readiness for children agedrimary school readiness for chrs who practice appropriate development stimulation for young children. 4-6 in Plan working areas, with special emphasis on children with disability, by FY17
% increase of girls and boys aged 5 in target villages with at least one year in a quality  ECD Center
% increase of girls and boys with disabilities aged 4-6 in target villages attending a quality ECD center
Ensured successful transitions for children 6-8 years old in Plan working areas, with special emphasis on children with disabilities, to primary school by FY17
% decrease in repetition rate in lower grades (grades 1-3) in target primary schools, disaggregated by gender and disability
% decrease in dropout rate in lower grades (grades 1-3), in target primary schools, disaggregated by gender and disability
5.             Proposed Baseline Survey Methodology
The baseline survey methodology will be conducted through (but not limited to):
·         Mixed method approach including household survey, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions
·         Review of secondary data, relevant policies and programs
6.             Location of Baseline Survey
The location of baseline survey are:
·    Nagekeo District
·    Sikka District
·    Lembata District
·    Timor Tengah Selatan (Soe) District
·    Timor Tengah Utara (Kefamenanu) District
7.             Scope of Work
Tasks and responsibilities of the consultant are as follows:
·           Proposal that detailing the methodology and budget required to conduct the baseline
·           Recruit, train and manage survey teams including enumerators
·           Propose a proper methodology and discuss the suggestion with Plan Indonesia
·           Propose tools to be used in the survey and discuss the suggestion with Plan Indonesia
·           Test the survey tools and methodology (and other technical particulars prior to the implementation of the survey), afterwards make necessary revision by coordinating with Plan Indonesia
·           Obtain research permit and follow research ethical procedures (such as inform consent)
·           Develop a data entry system and management
·           Supervise field survey implementation
·           Responsible for field operations, including logistics, permission to conduct the survey, informed consent from individuals and families taking part in the survey
·           Collect, compile and analyse all data (gender and age disaggregated) gathered and develop a final report on the survey results (including all findings and statistics). Keep all information provided by Plan Indonesia as well as the findings of the baseline confidential.
Finalize and present result of ECCD evaluation to Plan Indonesia and stakeholders
8.             Start and End Dates: August – 30 October 2014
Timeframe and specific activity
Period (tentative)
16 August – 5 Sept
Selection of consultant- Agreement signed
8 Sept – 12 Sept
Draft design and tools for baseline
13  Sept – 15 Oct
Conduct baseline (training enumerator, data collection, data entry analysis)
16 Oct – 26 Oct
30 October 2014
Workshop evaluation result to team and stakeholder
9.             External Consultant Requirement, Selection Process and Scope of Work
The baseline survey will be led by an expert and experience consultant and a team of qualified data collectors. The external consultant will form a surveyor team. Minimum requirements for the lead consultant:
·         Master or higher degree in relevant area
·         Experience in leading research implementation, both quantitative and qualitative
·         Demonstrate experience in at least 3 comparable evaluations/baseline surveys, preferably in the area of ECCD project intervention or in a relevant area
·         Have strong knowledge background on Early Childhood and gender issues.
·         Good knowledge of monitoring and evaluation system
·         Good in data management system
·         Familiar  with the cultural context of the research areas
·         Excellent research management skills
·         Excellent report writing in Bahasa Indonesia and English
Minimum requirement for data collector:
·         Have experience in collecting data, in particular in regard to ECCD
·         Good team work
·         Familiar with the research areas, including the cultural context
10.        Baseline Survey Reporting
The external consultant has  to submit draft report based on the progress of the assignment. The final draft will be reviewed and approved by ECCD and PME teams.
Final report should be produced in English (with a precise translation to Bahasa Indonesia) and should contain and be developed according to the following structure:
  • Executive Summary
  • Background
  • Study Methodology
  • Findings and Analysis
  • Conclusion and Recommendation (including proposed key messages for advocacy purposes)
·         Annexes
11.        Ethical and Child Protection Statements
Plan Indonesia will provide an overview of child protection policy to the selected consultant, during the kick off meeting with Plan Indonesia. Selected consultant has to follow the procedure of child protection policy during baseline activities.
12.       Proposal Submission Protocol
First Phase: Interested consultant should submit an Expression of Interest to HRD Department Plan Indonesia at: HRD.Indonesia@plan-international.org by September 5, 2014, and: cc to the following email addresses: hery.nahampun@plan-international.org and apsalon.samuel@plan-international.org.
Enclosed following documents:
1.            Organizational Profile (for institutional consultant) or a CV (for individual consultant).
2.            A proposal containing two parts:
·      Technical Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities, timeframe, and methodology (sampling design, data collection techniques and analysis). The technical proposal should cover research ethic, qualification of  team members and their CVs, as well as their roles. The consultant should also describe her/his experience in conducting similar survey,  financial and technical capacity.
·      Budget Proposal comprising details of proposed budget for, among others,  consultant and team’s fees, transportation, stationeries and other survey necessities.
Second Phase: Based on received proposals, Plan International Indonesia will shortlist candidates and invite the shortlisted candidates  to present their proposals, followed with signing contract with the selected consultant

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