Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Plan Indonesia: TOR of National Research Consultants

National Research Consultants - Terms of Reference
Plan International is implementing a multi-country research project ‘Getting the evidence: Asia Child Marriage Initiative’. The research, which falls under the aegis of Plan’s Because I am a Girl Campaign, is taking place in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Pakistan. The aim of the research is to gather evidence on structural factors that influence the practice of child marriage - socio-cultural norms, values and attitudes, gender identities and roles, legal and policy systems, the administration of resources, benefits and services, and the distribution of social, economic and political power - to inform Plan’s programming and advocacy interventions in Asia.
Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC), a UK based NGO, has been contracted to design the research, which will be implemented by national teams from each country. We are seeking qualitative researchers and survey enumerators to undertake data collection for the study in Indonesia.
Qualitative Researchers
Scope of work
Qualitative research consultants will be responsible for the following tasks:
-          Task 1: Attending a week of preparatory work in Jakarta, including receiving and participating in training on the research methodology and tools;
-          Task 2: Conducting qualitative research interviews in 2-4 areas of Indonesia (TBC), including: arranging and facilitating interviews, focus group discussions and other activities; note-taking; and providing de-briefing emails or other communication to the CCLC team
-          Task 3: Data collation and reporting back findings from fieldwork.
Qualitative researchers will be required to complete the following deliverables:
-          Schedule of interviews and focus group discussions;
-          Detailed transcripts from interviews;
-          Detailed notes from focus group discussions;
-          Any other field notes/ materials, such as drawings, maps, recordings etc.
Task 1: (1 week) 15th – 19th September (5 working days)
Task 2 & 3: (4 weeks) 22nd September - 17th October (20 working days)
Person specification
-          Postgraduate degree in a related field, preferably in social science, gender studies, law;
-          Previous experience undertaking qualitative social research;
-          Knowledge and understanding of qualitative research methods;
-          Strong analytic and critical skills;
-          Previous experience working with children;
-          Excellent inter-personal and communication skills;
-          Commitment to gender equality and empowerment of women and girls;
-          Capacity for sensitivity, flexibility and tact in professional work;
-          Strong organisational skills;
-          Computer skills (especially email and Microsoft Word);
-          Fluent in English and Indonesian.
-          Previous experience drafting research reports;
-          Previous experience conducting interviews or focus group discussions with children;
-          Previous experience in methods of child participation;
-          Previous experience conducting research on child marriage, gender equality and/or child protection.
Scope of work
Enumerators will be responsible for the following tasks:
-          Task 1: Attending a week of preparatory work in Jakarta, including receiving and participating in training on the research methodology and tools;
-          Task 2: in 2-4 areas of Indonesia (TBC), including:
o   accessing survey participants;
o   administering oral surveys and filling out a standardised survey questionnaire;
o   delivering completed surveys to the Plan Country Office and CCLC team
Enumerators will be required to complete the following deliverables:
-          Schedule/list of survey participants accessed;
-          Completed survey forms;
Task 1: 8th (1 week) 8th September – 12th September (5 working days)
Task 2 & 3: (4 weeks) 15th September - 10th October (20 working days)
Person specification
-          Undergraduate degree in a related subject, preferably social science or gender studies;
-          Knowledge and understanding of how to administer a survey;
-          Excellent inter-personal and communication skills;
-          Commitment to gender equality and empowerment of women and girls;
-          Capacity for sensitivity, flexibility and tact in professional work;
-          Strong organisational skills;
-          Computer skills (especially email and Microsoft Word);
-          Fluent in English and Indonesian.
-          Previous experience administering surveys;
-          Previous experience working with children;
-          Previous experience drafting research reports;
Interested applicants can submit letter of interest and Curriculum Vitae on 21 August 2014 the latest to the following email addresses: HRD.Indonesia@plan-international.org
Only Shortlisted candidate will be contacted

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