Thursday, June 4, 2015


Term of Reference
Mid Term Evaluation
  1. Background
Plan is an international humanitarian, child-centered community development organization without religious, political or governmental affiliation.  Plan’s vision is a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people’s rights and dignity. Plan’s Child-Centered Community Development (CCCD) approach has envolved over years experience promoting the rights of children and youth to tackle poverty. CCCD is informed by the UN Human Rights Treaties and applies rights-based principles. Eight impact areas have been identified for promoting the rights of children and youth including early child hood development, sexual and reproductive health, education, water and sanitation, economic security, protection against violence and abouse, right to participation and protection and assistance in emergencies.[1]
Plan Indonesia has implemented Youth Economic Empowerment (YEE) in five locations (in Great Jakarta, Soe & Kefa (East Nusa Tenggara), Grobogan Rembang and Surabaya (East Java)),
  1. YEE Project Background
    Plan Indonesia is currently implementing a three year, girls-focused technical vocational education and training (TVET) project that supports out of school young people to successfully transition to formal employment. The project is implemented in Semarang, hub of Indonesia’s fourth largest metropolitan area, in partnership with the government-operated Semarang Industrial Vocational Training Center (called Semarang Balai Latihan Kerja Industri or BLKI) and Magistra Utama, an experienced Indonesian private training provider. The overall aim of the project is to economically empower youth, especially young women, through formal employment with decent work. The project supported by GNO’s (German National Office) Girl Fund.
The action have a dual focus of improving the capacity of the Semarang BLKI as a TVET center of excellence, as well as providing requisite skills and employment opportunities for at least 500 youth aged 15-24, 80% of whom will be young women. Prioritized youth take advantage during the recruitment process will be disadvantaged, out of school young women (poor, unemployed, school dropouts, migrants, living with disabilities, and working in the informal sector with low wages) from the Greater Semarang area. The project’s three expected results include increasing access to 1) gender-focused life skills and work readiness training, 2) market-oriented TVET training, and 3) job placement and on-the-job support.
Project Scope and Specific Objectives
    1. Overall and Specific Objectives of the Project
      Overall Objective: Youth are economically empowered
              The key indicator for the Overall Objective is:
  • At least 75% of youth training graduates have increased economic security
    Specific Objective: Youth, especially young women, are employed with decent work
            The key indicators for the Specific Objective are:
  • At least 500 youth graduates, of which at least 80% are young women, are employed after six months of graduating from TVET training
  • 85% of training graduates have jobs that meet minimum standards for decent work
    Addressing the youth employment challenge is critical for poverty alleviation, gender equality, and sustainable development in Indonesia. The proposed project aims to economically empower young women so that they are able to find gainful employment, become economically secure, and improve their living standards. Plan Indonesia will specifically target 80% female youth. By the end of the project, the following outcomes will be achieved: 1) Out-of-school youth will be equipped with basic competencies to enter in the job market, 2) Vocational training centers will offer new market-oriented courses that are responsive to the interest of young women, and 3) Young women will have access to formal employment with decent work.
    1. Project Location and Period
      The proposed project implemented in Centra Java includes two cities (Semarang and Salatiga) and four districts (Demak, Grobogan, Kendal, and Semarang) with three year period project from January 2014 to December 2016.
  1. Midterm Evaluation in project
    A midterm evaluation of the project will be conducted within this project that will assess progress toward achieving project objectives and expected results, indicator, including lesson learned and recommendations. It is also envisaged that the review will clearly recommend the actions necessary to strengthen the capacities of center to assume responsibility, in partnership with local government, for essential basic education services.
  2. Key Stakeholder on Midterm Evaluation
Key stake holders consists of targeted youth, implementor partners, government, and companies. During the implementation process of this midterm evaluation, the external consultant will be actively communicated with the YEE GNO Central Java team, MER&D team. YEE GNO Project team assists the process, from preparation, data collection and reporting. PME team involved in consultant selection, make sure the research design will appropriate  with MER policies and controling the data quality. External consultant roles are in research design, data collection, data analysis and reporting.
  1. Objective midterm evaluation
The objectives of the midterm evaluation are
  1. To measure and or assess progress toward achieving project objectives and expected results, indicator, including lesson learned and recommendations
  2. To document achievement, constraints, lesson learned over 1, 5 year project period in order to inform future work in the sector.
  3. To assess the project implementation of gender perspective and CCCD approach (to what extent the programme is consistency with key aspect of gender and CCCD approach)
    Key question of Final Evaluation
    The review should be able to comprehend the YEE GNO project framework and conceptual framework in the development of study design properly that meet to the project requirement. To assist the evaluation team, the key question in this midterm evaluation will be built around the following factors / aspects (1) equality dan non-discrimination (2) participation (3) effectiveness (4) relevancy
  • Equality and non-discrimination
  • Has the YEE GNO program reached the target population according to the criteria?
  • Challenges and opportunity found in achieving 80% women participation?
  • Has the program accommodate marginalized youth in the area of education, economy, information and employment opportunity?
  • Has the program contributed to the effort to reduce discrimination experienced by program participants in the effort of finding job opportunity?
  • What mechanism has the program developed to reduce discrimination?
  • Has the excluded group / marginalized group refer to prioritized youth on YEE GNO project proposal reached by the program? If not, what are the recommendation to reach the excluded group / marginalized group and how to set the criteria of excluded group
  • Participation
  • Has stakeholder involved in the cycle of program implementation? What role has been taken by each stakeholder?
  • How is the involvement of the stakeholder, has it been conducted according to the objective of the program?
  • Effectiveness
Effectiveness is to find out the result of YEE GNO Central Java whether or not it has reached the target. The result would be base the recommendation in determining action and strategy of project achievement.
Key questions :
  • Identify gap between program framework and implementation and provide recommendation to improve program quality. Among the recommendation is the strategy and intervention that could be utilized in filling the gap.
  • What are the barriers and opportunities in achievement according to logical framework?
  • Has the program strategy been effective in supporting the achievement of objective? Has the program shown most effective utilization of input?
  • Relevancy:
To understand the extent of relevancy of program design in supporting youth, particularly women, in obtaining decent work.
  • Has every steps of the program (start up activities, the development of training materials, TOT and cascade training form current instructor, recruitment & training for youth participants, gender mainstreaming effort and placement) has bridge the need of youth, particularly women, in entering employment?
  • Has the qualification obtained from the training met the need of company/employee?
  • Have the steps of activities consistent with policy, priority and objective of the program?
  • Has the CCCD (Child Centered Community Development) principal is implemented on YEE GNO project
  • Has gender awareness, equality and mainstreaming is implemented at YEE GNO Project
  1. Evaluation Methodology
The external consultant must purpose best methodology for the midterm evaluation as mention in the TOR and should communicate with YEE team and MER&D Department. The evaluation covers all activities in project site.
  • Data collection will use the following method
  • Desk review of related docuemnts
  • Briefing session with YEE team and PME Plan
  • Survey questionnaire to youth, family, community, companies, partners and government
  • Focus Group Discussions with youth, company and partners, and etc.
  • Separate Consultations and Observation with youth and companies
  • Key Informant Interviews by in-depth interview with selected parties, such as government
  • Field visits to program area and to companies accommodating job placement of YEE program
  • De-briefing with program staff of YEE and PME Plan Indonesia
  • Main respondents of the evaluation:
  • Participating/non-participating youth
  • Partners (Magistra Utama and BLKI)
  • Companies providing job placement
  • Government (Dinas Tenaga Kerja Provinsi dan Kota)
  • Relevant stakeholder (APINDO, HILLSI and Community Leader)
  1. Consultant scope of work
The consultant will form a midterm evaluation team for the evaluation and manage coordination and communication with Plan Indonesia. Tasks and responsibilities of the consultant are as follows:
  • Proposal that detailing the methodology and budget required to conduct the midterm evaluation
  • Recruit, train and manage midterm evaluation teams including enumerators
  • Propose tools to be used in the survey and discuss the suggestion with Plan Indonesia
  • Test the survey tools and methodology (and other technical particulars prior to the implementation of the midterm evaluation), afterwards make necessary revision by coordinating with Plan Indonesia
  • Develop a data entry system and management
  • Develop a report according to Plan Indonesia standard of report
  • Responsible for field survey implementation
  • Responsible for field operations, including logistics, permission to conduct the survey, informed consent from individuals and families taking part in the survey
  • Coordinate with Plan International Indonesia team during field midterm evaluation implementation
  • Collect, compile, analyze and develop report from survey result (including all findings and statistics)
  • To keep all information provided by Plan Indonesia as well as the findings of the Midterm Evaluation confidential
  1. Deliverables
The consultant will produce and submit the following deliverables:
  • Design evaluation protocol that cover methodology, instrument and data collection method to be discussed and agreed upon prior to field activity.
  • Prepare report draft 7-10 days after data collection and present the draft to Plan Indonesia for discussion and response from Plan Indonesia is requested.
  •  Finalize report in Indonesian and English (softcopy and hardcopy) and submitted to Plan Indonesia after receiving final feedback from Plan Indonesia within 2 weeks.
  • Hardcopy questionnaire (if needed)
  • Executive summary (maximum 5 pages) of survey result in English and Indonesian
  • Hard copies of completed questionnaire, transcript and attendance list of discussion and interview
Series of consultancies in drafting TOR and cosultant candidates selectioni is targeted to be completed in June 2015, and the process with the consultant as follow :
Desk review with Plan Indonesia (include develop tool and data collection method)
Fourth Week of May 2015
Recruitment and training for enumerator
First Week of June 2015
Field Data collection
Second and Third Week of June 2015
Data entry and analysis
Fourth Week of  June 2015
Draft report submission, presentation and consultancy with Plan Indonesia
First Week of July 2015
Final report Submission and anexxes (hard and soft copy)
Second Week of July 2015
  1. Midterm Evaluation Report
The external consultant will be expected to submit draft report based on the progress of the assignment. The final draft will be reviewed and approved by YEE and PME team
The report should be produced in English (with a precise translation to Indonesian Language) and should contain and be developed according to the following structure:
  • Executive Summary
  • Background
  • Objectives
  • Study Methodology
  • Findings and Analysis include CCCD and Gender
  • Conclusion and Recommendation
  • Annexes
  1. Ethical & Child Protection Statement
The evaluation will be conducted according to principles of child protection of Plan Indonesia
  1. Team Qualification
Candidates should fullfill criteria below :
  1. Good capacity in academic, knowledge, experience and survey management in related surveys
  2. Experienced in managing community development surveys
  3. Understand the various culture, traditions, and local languages in survey area
  1. Proposal Submission Protocol
First step : Consultant send application to: HR & OD Plan International Indonesia ( cc not later than June 2 , 2015 with attached documents as follow:
  1. Institution Profile or consultant profile
  2. Applications that contain as follow :
  1. Background
  2. Methodology & Statement of Work (Methode)
  • Dat aCollection technique, contains :
  • Methode (quantitativeve/qualitativeve)
  • Sampling frame (sampling size)
  • Instruments/tools
  • Data management technique :
  • Data Verification
  • Data entry
  • Data cleaning
  • Data analysis, :
  • Analysis
  • Software will be used
  • Reporting technique
  1. Timeline (Tentative schedule))
  2. Research Team
  3. Budget
Seconds Step: Base on application from the consultants, Plan Indonesia will ask some shortlisted candidates to present the application. By then, Plan Indonesia will announce the selected candidates and make contract agreement.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
In the process of evaluation, consultant will communicate intensively with Plan Indonesai  (Program/project Manager and PME Departement), in planning, develop instrumen and reporting.

[1] Plan International, ‘Promoting Child Rights to End Child Poverty: Achieving Lasting Change Through Child-Centered Community Development’, 2010a

 [HSN1]It need to be rescheduled due to pending process

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