Thursday, November 23, 2017


- joint PBI-ELSAM project on building capacity of Human Rights Defenders  -

1.      Background of the project

In 2014 Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (ELSAM) together with Peace Brigades International  (PBI) formulated a plan to support human rights advocacy work in conflict-prone areas of Indonesia to document and report on human rights violations on the ground. A capacity-building course for human rights defenders was created, based aroound two parts. The first part consists of interactive training sessions for 4 months in Jakarta. The second part is the practical application of the training sessions through 3 months research projects in each participant's sponsoring organization. The program is supported by the Civil Peace Service (CPS) program.

This program, the Basic Course for Human Rights Defenders (, has trained 39 participants from six different provinces since 2015. The sessions in Jakarta incorporate a wide range of mentors and guest lecturers with academics, civil society organizations, the diplomatic community and government bodies. Follow-up activities to the training have included a Training-of-Trainers, participation in national and international advocacy work, and the publication of research findings in the book “Pembela HAM Menulis” (

2.      Evaluation of the project

The project itself was planned based on extensive evaluations and needs assessments of Papuan and national civil society during the period 2011-2014. Throughout the project life cycle, there have been periodic feedback mechanisms, including internal evaluations incorporating project staff and participants (trainees and partner organizations), both of oral and written nature. The M&E procedures have been used to regularly modify the project throughout its implementation.

·         External Evaluation
It is intended that the evaluation will be carried out by a two-member team, namely an expert in the field of human rights capacity building, and an expert in the field of Papuan and national (Indonesian) civil society and human rights advocacy. This external evaluation will follow the standard of Project Relevance-Effectiveness-Impact-Sustainability, including an examination of project management; M&E tools in place; and lessons learned for future initiatives.

3.      Goal and objectives of the external evaluation

An independent external evaluation will be carried out after three years of project operations to evaluate the effectiveness of the project in terms of its objectives.

·         Deliverables

1.      The evaluators will prepare an evaluation report that describes the evaluation and puts forward the evaluator’s findings and recommendations. (A draft report will be made available beforehand to ELSAM-PBI with a week period to provide inputs before finalizing the report).
2.      A verbal presentation and explanation of results will be made by the evaluator to the project coordinator on request, if this request is made within one month of receiving the written report.

·         Scope of the work

o   The evaluators will review and analyze existing project documents in Indonesian and English provided by ELSAM-PBI.

o   The process of evaluation will include conducting of interviews and focus group discussions with representatives from the participants (trainees and sponsoring organizations) and collaborating agencies with a focus on civil society but possibly incorporating some government bodies. These activities will take place in Jakarta and Papua.

o   Evaluation will be both quantitative and qualitative in nature, examining the effectiveness of the broader strategy and the practical effectiveness of the tactics used to implement the program.

o   The evaluation will include a project management component. This will include looking at the internal coordination between the two organizations, the management of human resources, decision making processes, and financial management.

4.      Method

While maintaining independence/neutrality, the evaluation will be carried out using a participatory approach, which seeks the views and assessments of all parties. The evaluation will make use of the results of previous internal evaluations of this project.

5.      Evaluation Time Frame

December 2017- February 2018 (4-8 weeks in total)

6.      Composition and requirements of the evaluator team

The combined qualities of the evaluator team should include:
·         5 years experience in capacity building projects
·         Significant experience in human rights and field research
·         Understanding of the civil society and human rights situation in Papua and nationally
·         Ability to travel and conduct FGDs in Jakarta and Papua
·         Knowledge of programming and project cycle management
·         Experience as an evaluator of projects; experience in evaluation of projects conducted in partnership by more than one organization desirable
·         Excellent written and verbal communication skills
·         Experience in producing high quality written reports
·         Understanding of English (to read internal documents and conduct some interviews)
·         Ability to adhere to deadlines
·         Authorization to work in Indonesia

7.      Elements for submission

·         The documents to be submitted with expressions of interest include :
o   Bid of fee for evaluation services, including a short outline of the proposed evaluation including a budget which would include one FGD in Jayapura and one FGD in Jakarta with local project partners
o   CV
o   Example of previous work done on evaluation of projects

8.      Selection Criteria

The evaluators will be chosen based on the best fit of the criteria above, taking into consideration the proposed costs as well. If a pre-existing team is not found with the suitable complementary skills regarding experience in evaluations, knowledge of relevant civil society groups, language skills and experience in capacity building programs, we may ask two separate bids to cooperate together in completing the evaluation.

Members of the evaluation team should not have been directly involved in the design and/or implementation of the projects.

Interested parties should submit their bid to and cc to by 5 December 2017 COB.

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