Wednesday, March 7, 2018

IT consultant needed for Website and Database scoping/needs assessment

The Canada–Indonesia Trade and Private Sector Assistance (TPSA) Project, funded by Global Affairs Canada, is currently seeking an independent individual Consultant (Indonesian National) to undertake a rapid needs assessment and scoping of implementation options..  
This needs/scoping assessment is being undertaken to prepare for a separate and subsequent phase which would involve (1) improving and existing website and membership database of a national-level business member organization, and (2) developing a new website and membership database for a regional chapter of the same business member organization.   

This request for expression of interest deals with the initial needs/scoping assessment phase only.
Proposed Scope of Work
I.                 Business Member Organization On-site Consultations:

1.      National Business Member Organization Consultation (NBMO)

The Consultant will meet with the officers and staff of the national-level business member organization (NBMO) to identify and document their expectations with respect to improving their website and improving their membership database.   The Contractor will solicit information that would be useful in the design and subsequent operation of the website, including the NBMO’s views on the adequacy of content and user-friendliness of its current website, and the national organization’s intention to establish a database of its members for future planning, programming and dissemination of the national organization’s activities.  The consultant will also assess the current in-house human resource capacity of the NBMO to maintain and update the website and database and identify any gaps that may need to be resourced by the NBMO in the future to ensure successful operations.

Expected Duration:                 1-2 days (Jakarta)

2.      Regional Business Member Organization Consultation (RBMO)

The Consultant will meet with officers and staff of the regional chapter of the business member organization (RBMO) to identify and document their expectations with respect to the development of a website and the establishment of a membership database.  The Consultant will solicit information that would be useful in the design and subsequent operation of the website and how it would address the chapter’s intention to establish a database of its members for future planning and programming of the chapter.  The consultant will also assess the current in-house human resource capacity of the RBMO to maintain and update the website and database and identify any gaps that may need to be resourced by the RBMO in the future to ensure successful operations.
Expected Duration:                 1-2 days plus travel time
(location to be provided to short listed candidates).

II.               Consultation Report Preparation

  1. The report will be in two separate parts, the first part focusing on the findings and recommendations of the consultations with the NBMO, the second part focusing on the findings and recommendations of the RBMO.    The reports two separate parts will be in both written form and in accompanying PowerPoint presentation form for use when debriefing the TPSA project team.

  1. For the website recommendations and the database recommendations, the Consultant will include estimated ranges of cost to implement each of the specific recommendations, for RFP budgetary planning purposes..

  1. For the database recommendations, a draft conceptual list of proposed fields for the membership relational database record structure should be included.

Expected Duration:          2 days

III.              Delivery and presentation of Consultation Report
The Consultant will deliver the report to the TPSA project team, after which a debriefing session will be organized so that the Consultant can debrief TPSA team members.    Note that there may be more than one debriefing session to include participants in both Indonesia and Canada time zones. 
Estimated Duration:        1 day total

IV.             Input to Draft RFP for Implementation Stage
The Consultant will contribute to the drafting of an RFP for the subsequent implementation of the work, in consultation with TPSA team members so that the scope of implementation work fits within the scope of resources of the TPSA project.
Estimated Duration:        1 – 2 days
V.               Identification of potential Long/Short listed firms for implementation Phase
The Consultant, using his or her knowledge of the IT service industry in Indonesia, will assist TPSA in identifying and long-listing and/or short-listing Indonesian website/database development firms that would have the capability to implement the recommendations as incorporated into the RFP.
Estimated Duration:        1 day
Expected Deliverables
(i)               Report and debriefing presentation to TPSA team members on the meetings and scoping assessment for each of the NBMO and RMBO website and membership database recommendations..

(ii)              Drafting technical inputs and specifications into the RFP in consultation with TPDA following the submission of the report and debriefings.

(iii)            Identification of and provision of a list of prospective candidate firms to TPSA who have the capacity to implement the final recommendations.

Additional Notes:
  1. Ideally, the Consultant will be based in the Jakarta area where TPSA’s field office is located, however consultants from other areas will be considered.

  1. The Consultant selected to implement this scoping/needs assessment will not be eligible to undertake any portion of the implementation work and should not be affiliated in any way with firms that may be proposed for inclusion in an RFP process.

  1. The Consultant may be asked to participate in a technical advisory capacity in the selection process of the firm to implement the recommendations.  Number of days of consultant time required will be determined if or when this is requested.

  1. If deemed necessary by the TPSA team, the Consultant may be requested to present some aspects of the consultation report and/or the resultant draft RFP to the NBMO and/or the RBMO at the appropriate time.   Number of days of consultant time required will be determined if or when this is requested.

  1. Costs for travel, accommodation and per-diem for the consultant to travel from Jakarta to the RBMO will be fully covered by the TPSA project in accordance with the prevailing policies of the Canadian Government as specified in the TPSA project contribution agreement.

  1. The work is expected to start as soon as possible, i.e. immediately after the Consultant selection process is completed.

  1. The work steps outlined in the scope of work is not necessarily required to be undertaken on consecutive days but may take place over a period of time and on dates as mutually agreed with the consultant.

Interested Consultants should submit the following information as soon as possible via email to only.   
(i)               Letter expressing interest and suitability to undertake this work
(ii)              CV
(iii)            A Statement of Qualifications or equivalent example documentation that demonstrates experience in undertaking the work outlined in the Scope of Work.
(iv)            Proposed Net (inclusive of VAT and any other applicable Indonesian taxes) consulting day rates in Indonesian Rupiah.
(v)              An indication of when the consultant would be available to undertake the work.
(vi)            References from prior related consulting activities.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.  

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