Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Project Assistant Based in Jakarta, Indonesia

1.         Background
JSSP is a long term cooperation programme between Indonesian legal institutions (the Supreme Court, the Judicial Training Center) and the Dutch legal institutions (Hoge Raad, Raad voor de Rechtspraak and Stichting Studiecentrum Rechtspleging). The cooperation is based on the long-established Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Indonesian and Dutch institutions. JSSP is managed by the Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC) in Den Haag, with the Program Steering Committee consist of institutions related in Indonesia for the period of 29 months (15 August 2014 – 15 January 2018). JSSP aims to strengthened judiciary institutions in rule of law in Indonesia through 3 (three) components of activities that were developed based on the needs of Supreme Court:
Component I: Education for Judges, focus to increase the capacity of judges in Indonesia through educations and applied research. This component consist of three sub components: 1) Strengthening of Candidate Judges Program (PPC); 2) Strengthen the capacity of the both the Judicial Training Center; and 3) Strengthen the JTC Five Years Strategic Planning
Component II: Supreme Court (SC), focus to strengthen the implementation of Chamber System in SC as a cassation court to encourage legal unity and consistency of decision through a series of sharing and exchanges of knowledge between SC and HogeRaad.
Component III: Court Performance Based Budgeting System, focus to introduce and develop a model and alternative concept of a modern court administration, specifically the performance based budgeting system in the judiciary.
On 15thDecember 2017 CILC submitted a request for extension of the Judicial Sector Support Program (JSSP) to the Netherlands Embassy in Jakarta. On 22nd we received an approval from the Netherlands Embassy, prolonging the project to 15 July 2019.  Altogether JSSP will have a lifespan of 56 months starting from 15th August 2014..
The objectives of the second extension are:
1)       To support the implementation of the initial training programme for judges (PPC) at JTC in order to further improve education and training of candidate judges;
2)       To provide guidance and input on the five-year strategy plan (RPJM) at JTC, aiming at improving the management of the institute to support the e-learning development strategy;
3)       To offer guidance for the long-term planning of the MA, more specifically for the implementation of the chamber system and the reduction of case inflow (based on MoU signed in January 2018);
4)       To further help implement performance based budgeting as alternative model for court administration.
JSSP strives to strengthen cooperation between the Indonesian and the Netherlands Judicial Institutions to foster a long term partnership. It has been developed in line with the multi-annual programme of the Netherlands Embassy in Jakarta and aims to further contribute to the implementation of the reform agenda of the Indonesian judiciary (Blueprint 2010-2035 Mahkamah Agung).
JSSP mainly focuses on issues in which the Netherlands have a clear added value either due to common roots in the legal systems or as a result of an earlier support program in the particular sector or around the same problem area.
To date JSSP has booked numerous success as a result of our interventions. The main achievements are highlighted as follows:
1)       Start of application of blended learning approach in trainings of JTC. This has been possible through assistance from SSR and it will facilitate the training of more judges at lower costs in the near future. JTC has carried out a needs assessment for the design and execution of two new courses (court spokesperson and leadership training). JTC has also integrated ICT into the newly developed trainings.
The development of a new vision and mission, which will be integrated in the five-year strategic plan (RENSTRA) of JTC will sustain these new training approaches. JTC has confirmed the ambition to train more judges in the future (going from one training per staff every 10 years to one training per staff every 3 years).
2)       A progressive development in establishing higher consistency of decisions through the chamber system at MA has been noted. This is development is pronounced in a Decree of the chief of justice (190/2017) for the five-year strategy of strengthening the chamber system. The JSSP, specifically through the contributions of the Hoge Raad, has facilitated in the development of this strategy which will ensure sustainability of the chamber system.
3)       Adoption of the concept of performance based budgeting, with a focus on direct operational costs of cases at MA. This model for operational costs has been adopted with support from the Raad voor de Rechtspraak (RvDR) and is being applied for criminal courts, industrial courts, and labour courts (for cases not exceeding 150m IDR/year).
In order to sustain the aforementioned developments and enhance efficiency in project implementation, it was recommended to establish a Project Management Unit.  This unit will be established among others to implement project activities and monitor progress in Indonesia. The project management unit will be composed of a Programme Manager, Project Assistant and a Financial Officer and will be directly managed by CILC.
This Terms of Reference (ToR) describes the roles, tasks and responsibilities of the Project Assistant under this PMU.
2.    Scope of work
As part of the Project Management Unit, the Project Assistant will provide support in all implementation aspects of JSSP, including monitoring and financial accountability. He/she will support the Programme Manager and Financial Officer with project implementation. The Project Assistant’s duties, tasks and responsibilities are described below.

3.     Activities and Outputs

Activities (including location)
Programme Assistance
·     Support the Programme Manager, Financial Expert and CILC’s Country Manager with administrative services.
·     Assist in the planning and preparation of meetings/conferences and other related issues
·     Take care of the logistical and financial aspects of meetings and workshops including travel arrangements
·     Keep track of participants list
·     Develop minutes of meeting
·     Organise/maintain a filing system for project documentation
·     Prepare and share Available data: Meeting/workshop agendas, minutes
·     Periodic progress update on project implementation
·     Support in development of budget for local activities
·     Prepare regular reports on expenses and office budgets
·     Support  monthly financial management and reporting
·     Input on monthly and six months financial reports
·     Input on activity budgets
M&E and Reporting
·     Report on project implementation to Programme Manager and CILC country Manager
·     Support in preparing activity reports one week after completion of experts missions’ based on agreed checklist and templates
·     Support in preparing annual programme report
·     Input on revised work plan
·     Input on monthly and annual reports

4.         Key qualification

a)                   University degree

b)                  At least three years of work experience in similar position

c)                   Excellent communication skills both verbal and written

d)                  Proficiency in English and Bahasa Indonesia

e)                   Ability to set priorities

f)                    Must be well organized, possess outstanding administrative skills, and be able to interface with all levels of management

g)                   Demonstrated ability to work with minimal supervision to organize and manage several task

h)                  Proven experience with MS Office Applications (MS Excel and MS Word, specifically) is a must

i)                    Excellent capacity and desire to quickly acquire new knowledge skill by means of self-study, instructions, or experience

5.    Period and place of assignment

The assignment will be full time and carried in Indonesia and from 21 March 2018 to 15 July 2019 according to the agreed timeframe.

6.    Application 
Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume via email to jssp.indonesia@gmail.com under subject [PA-JSSP Application 2018] not last than March 16, 2018. Only selected candidates will be contacted. 

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