Sunday, April 22, 2018

SNV is looking for a Facilitator for FNS Roadmap Training

SNV is looking for
a Facilitator for
FNS (Food and Nutrition Security) Roadmap Facilitation Training

1. Introduction

SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 38 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. Our global team of advisors use their specialist sector and change expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and WASH to facilitate sustainable change in the livelihoods of millions of people living in poverty.

2. Background

The Netherlands has a long tradition of supporting civil society organisations (CSOs) operating in low- and middle-income countries. CSOs are the voice of citizens at local, national and international level. They can help make government more accountable to citizens and support them in meeting development targets. In doing so, they contribute to greater social cohesion, stronger and more open democracies, a better response to environmental problems, a better business climate, more opportunities for all and less inequality.

Civil society organisations operate at the interface between state, citizens and market. Owing to their independent position and their roots in society, they link and represent the interests of a range of groups. CSOs play a range of different roles, depending on the need, context and the type of organisation. Many local organisations in low- and middle-income countries have become stronger in recent years.

To enable CSOs to effectively voice and contribute to development targets in a dynamic and increasingly global context, the Dutch Ministry of the Foreign Affairs (DGIS) set up a policy framework focusing on strengthening CSOs' capacity for 'lobbying and advocacy'. This role is essential for CSOs to contribute to inclusive growth and development and help reduce inequality. When strategic partners join forces and coordinate their lobbying and advocacy instruments and methods, their overall effectiveness in a particular sector may be enhanced.

3. About Voice for Change Partnership Programme

In partnership with the International Food Policy Research Institute, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, SNV is launching in 2016 a five year programme entitled Voice for Change Partnership (V4C). The programme will be implemented in 6 countries: Burkina-Faso, Honduras, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda and Indonesia. The programme's main goal is to support progress in globally challenging topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals, with a specific focus on inclusion and equity issues. This goal is to be achieved by increasing Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) capacities to participate, contribute and influence strategic debates and policy-making processes.

The specific objectives of the Advocacy programme are determined as follows:

* Increase CSOs capacities in leadership, advocacy, utilisation of data and evidence, sector knowledge and business development

* Improve enabling environment in terms of improved policies, frameworks, regulations, budget allocation, services, inclusive business and accountability/collaborative mechanisms

In Indonesia, the two topics that will be addressed through the programme are Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Food and Nutrition Security (FNS).

4. Roadmap Facilitation Training

The Roadmap Facilitation Training will bring together two representatives of the five CSOs and district offices in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) and Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) Province, with an estimated 35 participants.

The objective of training is strengthening CSOs capacities to facilitate district food and nutrition roadmap development, particularly by:

1. Able to review the vision and mission of RPJMD, and other food and nutrition development planning documents.
2. Able to identify factors of strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats in the implementation of food and nutrition policies and programs
3. Able to determinate issues and strategic objectives of the implementation of the food and nutrition policies and programs
4. Able to formulate strategic programs, sources of financing (budget), activities and its implementation for district food and nutrition security roadmap.
5. Able to formulate indicators for monitoring and evaluation

The expected outputs are:

1. Participants understand Participatory Principles of Facilitation and how to build the self-image of a facilitator / trainer
2. Participants understand how to facilitate the development of district food and nutrition security roadmap
3. Draft for each districts food and nutrition security roadmap are in place

To facilitate the achievement of the above mentioned objectives and outputs, SNV opens a proposal of service provider as a facilitator of the training.

5. Time and location

The training will be divided in two times and two locations, the one with the participants from NTT Province and the other is for participants for NTB Province.

In NTB Province, it will be held Mataram, 22 - 24 May 2018. Whereas, in NTT Province, it will be held in Kupang, 29 - 31 May 2018.

6. Participants

Training participants are representatives from:

2 representatives from each CSOs, as below:

1. CSO Ayo Indonesia (Manggarai District, NTT Province)
2. CSO Bengkel Appek (Kupang District, NTT Province)
3. CSO YPPS (Flores Timur District, NTT Province)
4. CSO Transform (Lombok Utara District, NTB Province)
5. CSO KONSEPSI (Lombok Timur District, NTB Province)

1 representative from each District Offices from 5 districts, as below:

1. Planning and Development Agency

2. Health Office

3. Agriculture Office

4. Food Security Agency

5. Village Office

7. Scope of the assignment

The service provider/ facilitator is hired to prepare, facilitate, evaluate and report all sessions in the training (in close coordination with SNV)

8. Responsibilities of the facilitator

Following the scope of the assignment, the Facilitator will:

a. Participate in the preparatory meetings of the training as requested by SNV

b. Conduct all the necessary preparations (support materials and methods) to successfully contribute to the training sessions

c. Participate in the training evaluation meeting and contribute for the evaluation report

9. Deliverables and Level of Effort

The total number of work days assigned for this assignment is 9 days, related with the following deliverables

* Participation in the preparatory meetings and preparation of the training sessions to be delivered in training (support materials and methods): 2 days

* Participation in the totality of training and deliverance of assigned sessions: 6 days

* Participation in the evaluation meeting and report writing: 1 day

10. Qualification

The qualification of the service provider position are:
1) University degree in social sciences or related areas
2) Have experience in facilitating roadmap development
3) Have previous track record/experience in Food and Nutrition Security and/or implementation of Advocacy activities
4) Have experience in capacity development of local CSOs
5) Ability to deliver complex training within timeline and to high quality standards
6) Have knowledge of Monitoring & Evaluation
7) Have experience/ability to address gender and climate change issues will be an added value

11. Duration of The Contract

This contract is from 9 May - 13 June 2018.

12. How to apply:

Interested individual/ companies are required to submit the following to<> and<>:

1) Detailed summary of related experience/track record that demonstrates it meets the qualifications

2) Brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment;

3) Cost of proposal, with an indication of fee for service (excludes travel and accommodation)

Please put "FNS Roadmap" as your email subject. Deadline for application is 27 April 2018 at 12 PM.

#only shortlisted candidate will be contacted#

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