Friday, May 4, 2018

Local Consultant to support Lead Writer for POWER 2.0 proposal “Promoting Organization to Empower Rice Farmers phase 2”

I.  Background
In the last three years, through POWER program, Mercy Corps Indonesia and the John Deere Foundation are working together to improve the lives of farmers through support and capacity building of farmers’ organizations in Indonesia, specifically in Subang, Banyuwangi Central Lombok, West Lombok and East Lombok Districts. Following nearly three years of implementation, the impact of the POWER program is evident in the performance of the farmer groups. 

In March 2018, Mercy Corps Indonesia’ POWER program hosted John Deere employees for a volunteer visit in Lombok. John Deere and Mercy Corps Indonesia employees met with farming families, Farmer Groups, Farmer Group Unions, Cooperatives, and private sector partners to evaluate the impact of the POWER program in Lombok, Subang, and Banyuwangi and begin to plan for future collaboration in POWER 2.0. Our conversations and findings led our design kick-off discussion for the second phase of POWER.
Based on feedback from the community and our observations, we anticipate POWER 2.0 to build on successes of POWER while adapting for greater impact:
·         Preserve the simplicity of the POWER model, in which an increase in productivity = increase of income = economic improvement.
·         Continue mentoring Farmer Groups (FG)/Farmer Group Unions (FGUs) and building their capacity for business development.
·         Continue to set ambitious goals for number of farmers reached, productivity increases and income improvement; while remaining flexible and responsive to the needs of the community.
·         Further understand the balance between our level of investment per community or FG and our scale of impact.
·         Improve engagement with local government and agricultural extension officers.
·         Strengthen the relationship between FGs and financial institutions.
·         Change or deepen the engagement with other private sector partners. This would include better clarifying roles in POWER with input suppliers and adding new strategic corporate partnerships.
·         Focus deliberately on engagement with youth and women.
·         Improve data collection to create a Monitoring & Evaluation system that is simple to implement but more holistic in measuring impact.
·         Diversification of crops. Many farmers asked that POWER 2.0 assist with other crops.
·         Mechanization and partnership with the John Deere local business partner. Explore ways of using John Deere’s expertise and presence in Indonesia, integrating mechanization and involving the Indonesia based John Deere partner/dealer.
·         Explore partnerships with other, related initiatives such as the Sustainable Rice Platform and its members such as Olam.
Assist an international consultant who is responsible as a lead writer to develop a technical proposal for POWER 2.0. The technical proposal will be submitted on June 8th, 2018..      
Key Activities
·         Coordinate with the POWER Program Team to identify relevant resource persons who will be interviewed by the lead writer or local consultant and their contact details.
·         Prepare schedule for meetings with relevant resource persons and field trip, provide translation if necessary, and prepare notes in line with guidance from the Lead Writer.
·         Arrange and Lead FGDs or IDIs with farmers and farmer organization’s committee, if needed
·         Provide information, data and other supporting material in English as needed by the Lead Writer to conduct an assessment and in writing the Technical Proposal.
·         Other duties as assigned by Mercy Corps Indonesia or the lead writer.
  • Meeting schedule for Lead Writer.
  • Minutes of meeting, information and data in English as per guidance from Lead Writer.
  • Input on the technical proposal based on lead writer’s needs.
Necessary Skills/Qualifications
·         Prior experience working in Development sector and/or Agricultural sector.
·         Experience working with an international organization, consulting company and private sector
·         Experience partnering with government agencies and knowledge on youth and gender issues in the context of agriculture would be an advantage.  
·         Fluent in English communication skills, for both, writing and speaking.
  • Proven written communication skills, particularly in English.
The Consultant shall complete the duties described in the scope of work from May 9th, 2018 – June 8th, 2018. Mercy Corps Indonesia will provide the consultant with all existing documentation related to the TOR upon request.

Please send your  CV to before 4 May 2018.

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