Friday, May 4, 2018

Plan International Indonesia Job Vacancy : Consultant For THRIVE Project

Consultant for Final Project Evaluation of Count Every Child ( Birth Registration) in Timor Tengah Selatan and Timor Tengah Utara
Plan International is an independent child rights and humanitarian organization committed to children living a life free of poverty, violence and injustice. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 75 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries. In Indonesia Plan International has been working since 1969 and currently works in 7 provinces and sponsors more than 40,000 children.
Birth certification is important for the realization of many children’s rights. Without a birth certificate, the right to a legal identity is denied, along with access to other basic rights like healthcare and education. As of May 2016, in TTU the total number of boys was 49,162 and girls was 46,562.  Of these children, 9,885 boys and 9,398 girls had their births registered (Population and Civil Registration Department, 2016).. Whilst a parent might not discriminate between children, there are in fact many gendered implications in terms of mother’s accessibility to register her child’s birth compared to that of fathers, and the implications for unregistered girls compared to that of boys. 
In the mean time, the GoI has committed to the Mid-term National Development Plan 2015-2019 in which one of the national targets by 2019 is 85% of children registered, and 77% for the poorest 40% of households.  Birth registration has become one of GoI’s priority programs published by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) through Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration. MoHA Regulation No. 9 Year 2016 on Acceleration of Birth Certification Ownership Coverage. The regulation encourages Population and Civil Registration Department both at central and local level to provide public services that reaches out to the community in order to improve access to registration services. MoHA also plans to implement a national online system where all data will be scanned and uploaded to the website provided.
Given that situation is now Plan International is delivering the project of strengthening the capacity the local authority to do better providing service of Birth Registration. Meanwhile most of the TTU and TTS areas are most likely remote and dificult to be reached by services itself. Some cultural and traditions such as marriage status is not registered, meaning that most of them endoresed by religion or custom only. Both geographically and by custom shown a big gap on how accessing the service. By this major situation therefore Plan International initiate to support the boys and girls through community based approach to improve accessing the service.
Plan Indonesia seeks to procure the services of an independent consultant evaluate project count every Child in two district at West Timor. This final evaluation inteds to capture the overall project’s outcomes, sustainability, effectiveness of the project, and the appropiateness of the project to Plan’s values.. This evaluation seeks to evaluate the Plan’s CBCPM involvement in this project as well. The full Term of References (TOR) of the consultancy is available in this link:
Candidates submit the application to:; Dony.Purwadi@plan-international;  and cc. to;  with subject line: “Expression of Interest_ CEC project Evaluation_Name of applicant” before 9 AM,6 Mei 2018

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