Tuesday, November 6, 2018

AFC EU Project Final Evaluation Consultant - Humanity & Inclusion

Title: AFC EU Project Final Evaluation Consultant
Type: Consultancy
Contract Type: Service Contract / Consultancy
Cost: Maximum 11,946 EUR
All-inclusive, including income tax. Please refer to the detailed ToR

DI Yogyakarta Province: Yogyakarta City, Gunungkidul
NTT Province: Kupang City, and Kupang District

Application Deadline: 16 November 2018 | 23:59 GMT
For more information, please visit:


Advocating for Change
Building local capacities and alliances for participatory, inclusive and open public finance management processes in Indonesia

November-December 2018


Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International Federation’s operational name – HI) is an independent international solidarity organization working in situations of poverty, exclusion, conflict and natural disasters. HI works alongside people with disabilities and people in vulnerable situation, taking action and speaking out in order to meet their essential needs and improve their living conditions. HI is committed to ensuring people with disabilities’ dignity is preserved and their fundamental rights upheld.   Since its creation in 1982, HI has set up programs in around 60 countries working in various emergency and development contexts.

HI has been working in Indonesia since 2005, starting in Aceh, after the earthquake and tsunami disaster hit Aceh and the surrounding areas. HI in Indonesia aims to ensure that, in emergency and development settings, persons with disabilities and vulnerable groups have better access to services and increase their participation in political and public life. HI office is based in Yogyakarta.

GENERAL PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT:  “Building local capacities and alliances for participatory, inclusive and open public finance management processes in Indonesia”

Since 2006, HI in Indonesia has supported initiatives promoting the human rights of people with disabilities through the empowerment of community based DPOs. Achievements have included DPOs advocacy  to the ratification of the UNCRPD, development of recommendations to government concerning legal reform through a national network of DPOs, raising awareness amongst the general public in several provinces. In 2013-2014, with the support of BMZ, HI put a particular focus on the participation of persons with disabilities in local governance mechanisms. HI continue these process in the next three years (2016-2018) through another pillar of Advocating for Change: a project named “Building local capacities and alliances for participatory, inclusive and open public finance management processes in Indonesia” under the support of European Union.

The project first aims to empower CSOs that represent traditionally excluded groups of society particularly (person with disabilities, women and the poor) to comprehend local budget cycle management procedures; to know where, when and how to participate; to create awareness among their members about the importance of participation and the positive effect active contribution can have on their lives.

In addition to making/increasing the Local Authorities’ (LAs) awareness of traditionally marginalized groups, the project seeks to promote/ adapt ways of interacting with them; to employ participatory planning procedures that enable members of traditionally excluded groups to participate and actively contribute/be involved in the local budget planning cycle. For LAs that provide public services, this also means assessing the needs, abilities and rights of the local population and, based on this, making the public services accessible to the population. The services should be adjusted in regards to accessibility, quality, and relevance for the local population.

The project also aims increase accountability by the  LAs and public service providers through the acceptance of joint monitoring of implementation and planning.  . This includes evidence-based policy dialogues between LAs and CSOs on the participation of traditionally excluded group in development process, but also the involvement of journalists and the media.  Journalists are tasked with providing information (Information, Education, and Campaign media)  on participatory and transparent budgeting with the objective to  .  enhance and increase public support    Media isalso be part of stakeholders’ alliance in disseminating and promoting project recommendations from local to national level.


Duration of the project: 24 months (from 4 January 2016 to 3 January 2019)

Main donor: European Union

Budget: 829,818 EUR (75% European Union contribution; 25% co-financing)

Location of the project: Kupang Municipality and Kupang District in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Province and Gunungkidul district and Yogyakarta Municipality in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) Province.

Implementing partner: CIQAL, Bengkel Appek, Perkumpulan IDEA

Overall objective: to make governance in Indonesia more effective, transparent and responsive to civil society’s priorities, including those of traditionally excluded groups. In the context of the proposed action, traditionally excluded groups include persons with disabilities, women, and persons with poor economic status

Specific objective: within the provinces of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and Yogyakarta, to enhance the capacities of Local Authorities (LAs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), with a focus on representatives of excluded groups, to meaningfully engage in participatory, inclusive and open public finance management processes.


256 members (at least 50% women and at least 15% people with disabilities) from 16 CSOs
208 decision makers involved in trainings
18 journalists


ER1: – CSOs, including representatives of excluded groups, have increased their capacities on public finance management.

Indicator 1: By the end of the first year of implementation, % of master trainers have capacities to deliver training on (i) organizational capacity development, (ii) democratic local governance and decentralization, (ii) local budgeting cycles, and (iv) monitoring budget implementation”

Target: 75% of 12 master trainers from CSOs, or 9

Indicator 2: By the end of the first year of implementation, % of CSO members have capacity in (i) organizational capacity building, (ii) democratic local governance and decentralization, (ii) local budgeting cycles, and (iv) monitoring budget implementation”

Target: 75% of 256 members (at least 50% women and at least 15% people with disabilities) from 16 CSOs or 192

ER2 – LAs and budget holders’ agencies of the targeted areas are engaged in fruitful and open collaboration with CSOs and have done tangible commitments for better public fund use.

Indicator 1: By the end of the project, % of decision makers have increased awareness and capacity on (i) participatory planning, and (ii) marginalized groups in local budget cycle management in trainings initiated by co-applicants,

Target: 75% of 208 decision makers involved in trainings, or 156

Indicator 2: By the end of project implementation, % increase of participation of CSO representatives in annual local budgeting cycles in 6 villages of 2 provinces.

Target: 50%

Indicator 3: By the end of the project, joint capacity-building activities such as exchange visits in which CSO members and LA representatives have engaged to learn from each other’s good practices”

Target: 6 exchange visits

ER3 – Civil society actors, journalists and LAs are mobilized on the outcomes of local budget analysis processes and have strengthened alliances and networks at local, national and international level to scale up and promote the project’s recommendations.

Indicator 1: By the end of the project, % of journalists have increased capacity on monitoring local budgeting cycles and are aware that certain groups of society are traditionally excluded

Target:  75% of 18 journalists or 14

Indicator 2: By the end of the project, # of news and articles about local budget cycle management and participation of traditionally excluded groups published in local media.

Target: 9 publications in local media / press release (electronic, print, radio, tv)

Indicator 3: By the end of the project, # ofjoint monitoring activities of local budget cycle plans by CSOs and LAs.

Target:  12 monitoring activities


The evaluation will aim to capture project outcomes achieved by HI and its partners. The evaluation will assess the overall quality and impact of the implementation of the EU supported project, in line with HI Monitoring and Evaluation Policy,   The evaluation will focus on the following criteria: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and the sustainability of the project.  In addition, the project will analyze what difference the project has made, how it has made the difference, understanding the key success factors leading to longer term change, which will be documented in the form of lessons learned conclusions and practical recommendations for approaches to be used for the next phase / other projects being developed.

Evaluative questions will  be assessed and answered using an inclusion and gender lens as  relevant.


?  To what extent do the outcomes of the project meet the identified demands and needs of the beneficiaries and help achieve the priorities of other stakeholders (authorities, partners, donors, etc.)?
“Are all the trainings and support for marginalized groups and  governance aligned to the objective of pursuing implementation of  inclusive development processance?”

?    The project adapts its action to the intervention setting (socio-cultural and historical determinants) and its evolution

“Are the activities’ strategies for DPOs, CSOs, LAs and journalists adapted to the context and each stakeholder’s characteristics?”

How relevant have the changes generated by the project (outcomes) been in addressing the needs and improving participation of excluded group in development process in their area?


?    The project brings about positive short- and medium-term changes in the lives of the beneficiaries and their families

Does the project help to bring about long-term positive effects on the lives of beneficiaries and their families

–           Focus on positive effect of the lives of beneficiaries and their families
–           Does the project contribute to a tangible empowerment of persons with disability?

i.     The project helps bring about long-term positive effects on the lives of beneficiaries and their families

ii.     Any negative changes that might be brought about by the project (environment, economy, con?icts…) are avoided, minimized or offset

–           To what extent has the project impacted on local inclusive development processes? To what extent has the project contributed to the achievement of broader regional, or national policies, conventions,– particularly related to the UNCRPD

?      Was the post-project phase anticipated and planned from the outset?
?      Has the intervention met the identified needs of the populations?
?      What are the unmet needs that would justify the continuity of the action?
?      Has the project’s activity been transferred to other stakeholders in a position to continue it (looking at different stakeholders involved in the different results)?
?      What are the elements contributing positively/negatively to the sustainability?

?      To what extent has the capacity of the project stakeholders (Departments of planning, department of social affairs, LA at village level, DPO and CSO ) been developed on disability and inclusive development particularly in participation in development process?
?      What is the potential for sustainability / scale up / replication of actions and approaches?

?      To what extent is the overall objective achieved? What are the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives (for instance, related to team capacities)? Any activities that should have been added in order to achieve objectives? How is the synergy with other actions led by other actors (organization) and other project led by HI add to the achievement of this objective?
?      Are there areas that could have benefitted from appropriate/further technical support?

?      What have been the most effective methodologies and approaches the organization used to bring about changes? What has worked and what has not? What lessons have been learned? Who have they been shared with?

?      In what ways did the capacity development of Disabled Peoples Organizations contribute to changes in 1) the local development process?

?      Does the proposed intervention method achieve the expected results at the lowest cost?
?      The project is ?exible and adapts to the evolving needs and risks (operational constraints and opportunities)
?      What were the challenges (operational) faced during implementation period, and solutions that HI put in place/should have put in place to overcome them
?      The necessary resources are mobilised and optimised throughout the project
?      Project and support teams (HI and partners) know their roles and offer a timely, cost-effective and quality contribution (operational, financial…)
?      Controls are in place for monitoring activities, compliance with HI rules and the effects of the project, allowing corrective measures to be taken where necessary

?      Beneficiaries agree with the priorities defined for the project and understand the expected benefits.
?      To what extent project beneficiaries participate and reflect on ownership of the project?


Assess the orientation of the project and to see if the implementation of the project is relevant to the needs and the policies of the government with a view on the transversal connections between the stakeholders in the project..
Assess the approach of the project, the strengths and weakness of the project’s methodology and implementation procedures are identified and analysed, with a view to increase impact and sustainability after the completion of the project or contribution to the next phase of the project, especially to provide information how the sub national activities should be taken to a national level advocacy action.
An analysis of the overall project’s results/outcome and approaches is carried out taking into account the different contexts with a view to assess impact and sustainability.
Assess the short-term impact of the project in the area of implementation.

The expert (or the team of experts) shall propose a participatory evaluation methodology , addressing main project stakeholders as well as beneficiaries and their families. Activities are expected to include:

* Review existing project documentation
* 1st and 2nd interim report
* Mid Term Evaluation Reports
* Project proposal, reports, M&E tools,
* Training manuals, IEC material, etc
* Meetings with relevant stakeholders: HI team (HQ/PINT, Coordination, Field), DPOs, partners, government stakeholders…
* Carry out field visits to interview beneficiaries of different backgrounds/types of activities; conduct Focus Group Discussion or Semi Structured Interview as appropriate
HI will provide the consultant with all project documentation.
Travels Indonesia (Yogyakarta, and NTT provinces) will be necessary to perform field visits.


The consultant in charge of the assignment will produce:

* Inception Phase Report (incl. evaluation methodology and tools) to be validated prior to the field mission
* Finalized tools for data collection and analysis
* A report outline ( to be discussed with HI team )
* Draft report, to be validated before submitting a final version. Feedbacks from HI will be required mainly on recommendations’ part (to be accepted by HI team).
* A final report that should not exceed 50 pages. The report will describe the evaluation (background, methodology, tools), the evaluation findings, lessons learned and recommendations. It should include:
* Executive summary (maximum 2 pages)
* Three sections (one per project) that should be organized as following:
* Introduction
* Description of the intervention evaluated
* Analysis of the information compiled
* Results
* Conclusions
* Challenges and lessons learned
* Recommendations
* Annexes:
* Initial and final terms of reference of the evaluation
* List of persons interviewed
* List of documents reviewed
* Final timetable of evaluation
* Tools used for data collection
* Preliminary results presentation and report of the meeting
* Detailed analysis if relevant


The evaluation is expected to take place during the month of November – December, with the submission of the final report on the 17th of December at the latest. This evaluation is including a field mission in Indonesia take place for 1-2 weeks.

The consultant will be in charge of the planning of his interventions in the field with the support of the project tea

The work schedule will be subject to following restrictions:
* International travel days are not working days
* Inception phase: maximum 3 working days (payable)
* Full time local travel days are considered working days but are paid 40% of the daily consultancy fee
* Weekends are not working days, except when agreed
* Reporting phase (final report): max 0,5 working day (payable)

The consultant will:

* Organize and pay return flights (economy class) from the consultant’s country and city of residence to country and cities/district of evaluation (location – if applicable) according to the agreed work schedule;
* Pay his/her country entry visa fee. (Business visa) – if required
* Organize and pay his/her stay in evaluation locations (transport, meals and accommodation)
* Cover the costs for meetings, workshops and training with HI, partners and stakeholders, including the need of interpreter to English when necessary – to be coordinated with HI
* Organize and pay adequate medical insurance coverage including repatriation. Provide proof of adequate professional, third party liability insurance or a discharge of responsibility by which he/she responds personally to any damages caused to third parties by his/her act, if required..
* Provide a proof of its freelance worker’s official status and the documents evidencing the legality of his/her activities in his/her country of domicile.

HI will:

* Assist in getting country entry visa into countries of implementation (location) (Business Visa) – if required
* Make available relevant documents to the consultants.
* Provide working space, access to the internet, telephone usage and office services
* Note that NO per diem will be paid to the consultant. Also, international travel days will not be considered as working days and will not be paid. Local travel days (between project’s sites) will be paid 40% of the consultancy fee.

The consultant financial proposition will solely include the consultant’s fee in Euros..

Note that the total budget available for this consultancy (all inclusive, including income tax) cannot exceed 11.946 €


The expert (or team of experts) who will undertake this assignment should have the following skills, experience and knowledge:

* Experience in project evaluation and related methodologies, preferably in South East Asia.
* Experience in conducting interviews and discussion groups with different actors (Ministry officials, community leaders, marginalize group, etc.).
* Experience in the field of policy, advocacy and inclusive development in developing countries.
* Experience working with persons with disabilities, alternatively with other groups in situation of vulnerability
* Practical knowledge of rights-based and gender approaches
* Familiarity with Indonesia culture is an asset.
* Excellent spoken and written English
* Knowledge of local language will be considered as an asset.


Candidates should submit the following information with their application:

1) Brief cover letter
2) Curriculum vitae and list of previous assignments, highlighting those focused on similar project evaluations. Please include two references and mention earliest availability to start the mission.
3) A financial proposition for the consultancy (refer to terms and conditions)

Complete applications should be sent to:

Email: procurement@indonesia.hi.org
Subject of the e mail: AFC Final Evaluation Consultancy

Deadline for submission of applications:

16 November 2018 23:59 GMT

Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

The selection will be done by HI Federation in November 2018. Selected applicant will be informed by 23th of November at the latest and is expected to arrive in country between the 1-3rd of December 2018

Only short-listed applicants will be informed by e mail.

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