Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Call for Consultancy: Training Facilitator to increase the capacity of local civil society organizations (CSOs)

 Project Overview- 

Search for Common Ground (Indonesia) invites applications an individual consultants as training facilitator to increase the capacity of local civil society organizations (CSOs).

Search is implementing DESA PROGRAM a program focuses to increase the capacity of local civil society organizations (CSOs) to strengthen citizens participation in all phases of public budget processes in a gender and minority sensitive way, and to improve the capacity of citizens including women and minority groups and local village leaders to engage constructively in a gender and minority sensitive, public budget process. The program areas are in Tabanan Bali and Bogor District.

Search has selected 9 Seed Grantees CSOs from Bogor and Tabanan Bali that will be trained to strengthen citizen participation in village planning and budgeting. As the basis of program implementation, Search has developed Gender Sensitive Planning and Budgeting Module to be used by CSOs in delivering their activities. The module will be trained to the selected CSOs in form of Training for Trainer (ToT). Search has designed a 5 days ToT and seeks to facilitators who have experiences in conducting ToTs pertaining to the issues of gender-sensitive planning and budgeting and the village funds implementation and its regulations. 
Search is an international peacebuilding organization that strives to transform the way the world deals with conflict, away from adversarial approaches; towards collaborative problem-solving. Search has been working in Indonesia since 2002 and works with governments, civil society, state institutions, youth, women, media organizations, and other stakeholder groups to promote peace, reconciliation, tolerance, and collaboration across dividing lines. 
Search, in collaboration with local partners, supports the process of building peaceful culture through media programming, dialogues, outreach activities, and capacity strengthening. Search Indonesia works primarily with youth to prevent violent extremism and religious intolerance as part of the challenges for peace and tolerance in Indonesia. 
The consultant/s will carry out the activities as follows: 
1. Module Proofreading and Layout
2. ToT Facilitation

Within the consultancy period, the Consultant is expected to complete the above-mentioned scope of work. The deliverables are as follows:

1. Inception report completed within first 3 days after the signing of the contract and consists of the assignment as agreed upon by the program team.  The inception report should have a detailed training agenda, a draft of training materials, draft budget, and a draft of the participant's profile.

2. Training of Trainer report. The activity report should be made in both Indonesian and English, detailing the training’s activities, impacts (as shown by the pre- and post-tests), challenges, profile story, and documentation.

3. Layout and proofreading module document

The schedule of payment of the consultancy fee is as follows:
50% will be paid upon signing of the Contract
50% will be paid upon completion and approval of the final report (in English and Bahasa Indonesia). 

No Payment (second installment) will be made unless the report is approved by Country Representative Indonesia.
Consultancy fee is subjected to tax.
Supervision of the Consultant
The consultant will work under the Country Representative in collaboration with Program Manager and Program Officer.

Logistical Support
Search will provide preparatory and logistical assistance to the baseline team, which include: 
Background materials (Program Proposal/TOR, etc.);
Preparation meeting with Country Representative and key program personnel;
ToT Module 

Qualification for Consultant
Minimum 5 years of experience in providing capacity-building activities and trainings;
Strong background and knowledge in gender equality issues, village planning and budgeting, and village law
Willing to work cooperatively with Search for Common Ground.

Tentative Schedule: mid-December 2018

To apply:
Interested candidates should send the following items to phandayani@sfcg.org:
Letter of interest
Technical proposal (including proposed deliverables)
Financial proposal (detailing the cost calculations), and

This position will close on December 3, 2018.

Short-listed offerors will be invited for further discussion about the proposed approach. Incomplete applications well not be accepted
Only applicants invited for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please. Please see our website www.sfcg.org for full details of our work.


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