Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Rainforest Alliance - Community Development Consultant - Sintang

Under direction of:                 Senior Project Manager Palm Oil
Department:                            Landscapes and Community Program                        
Location:                                 Sintang, West Kalimantan
Commitment:                          150 days (December 2018 to July 31, 2019)

1.0  Background
The Rainforest Alliance is an international nonprofit organization working to build a future in which nature is protected and biodiversity flourishes, where farmers, workers, and communities prosper, and where sustainable land use and responsible business practices are the norm. We envision a world where people and nature thrive in harmony. In January 2018, the Rainforest Alliance merged with UTZ, a global program and label for sustainable farming.  For more information, please visit http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/about

Rainforest Alliance has worked in Indonesia for 16 years and is legally registered in the country as PT Rainforest Alliance. Given the country’s wealth of biodiversity and the critical interplay between agricultural development and deforestation/environmental degradation, RA has developed a diverse program to support sustainable production systems and community enterprise in forestry, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, tea and spices. It has built long-lasting relationships with community organizations, local universities, government agencies, industry associations and individual companies to build capacity and generate transparent and competitive market and policy incentives for sustainable land management, improved livelihoods and biodiversity conservation.

With support of Packard Foundation, RA will support village-based spatial plan, strategic environmental analysis, communities develop dialogue capacity with other stakeholders, and capacity building for independent small holder in Ketungau Hulu with training and advisory services through a serial topic for sustainable training on pathway towards sustainability and certification, promote to sustainable commodities value chains under conditions that favor small holder’s livelihood.  Support of government and stake holder relation is required to support RA manage and maintain communications and coordination with local government, village government, relevant stakeholders and RA regional/ national team. 

2.0  Objectives
To support RA’s Packard Project with survey, interview, facilitate focus group discussion, meeting and lobby, develop good relationship with stakeholders and potential partners related on project of sustainability issues with independent farmers in Ketungau Hulu Subdistrict and support the development of jurisdictional sustainability approach in Sintang, West Kalimantan.

3.0  Scope of work
From the objectives of this terms of reference, the following tasks should be addressed:

1.     Support development of a village-level Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
a)  Support field verification in 4 villages to fill data gaps identified in the desktop analyses and ground check.
b) Conduct at least 1 focus group discussion with key stakeholders in each of the four villages to verify and discuss findings as input for the village-level SEA
c)  Support accomplishment of the village-level SEA to serve as the basis for the revisions for 4 village spatial plans.
2.   Conduct development of community plans for 4 villages with the objective of resolving inconsistencies with the district-level existing SEA
a) Conduct visits and meetings with the 4 village communities to better understand their livelihoods and worldviews, and to present and discuss the project’s intended activities.
b) Support participatory mapping in 4 villages with village government, community leaders, women groups and other civil society stakeholders to map existing infrastructure, settlements, KEEs, existing community land uses, and concession areas
c) Organize and facilitate meetings in 4 villages to present the results of the village mapping, with participation by village government, community leaders, women groups and civil society stakeholders.
3.     Support identification and map HCV/HCS and wildlife corridors
a) Organize meetings between palm oil companies, the Ministry of Agriculture / FOKSBI, and between field managers and corporate management to discuss palm development..
b) Organize an introductory workshop on community land use, KEEs, HCV and HCS approaches for key decision-makers including the district head, key district government staffs, concession managers, and representatives from farmer associations and civil society groups.
c)  Organize KEE identification and management workshops for concession field managers, sustainability staff from palm, mining and pulp and paper companies, district government, and farmer organization representatives.

The consultant will work closely with RA Oil Palm Senior Manager and Oil Palm Senior Associate as well as GIS Team Leader and Training Associate in Sintang. The consultant will be based in Pontianak and frequently travel to Ketungau Hulu and Sintang. Local transport in Ketungau Hulu and Sintang will be covered by project.

4..0  Deliverables
Type of deliverable
Support development of a village-level Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
FGDs in village level documentation on Strategic Environmental Assessment document
Final draft of Strategic Environmental Assessment document
Conduct development of village spatial for 4 villages with the objective of resolving inconsistencies with the district-level existing SEA
FGDs in village level documentation on spatial plans
Final draft of documents and their related maps of 4 village spatial plan
Support identification and map HCV/HCS and wildlife corridors
Documentation of meeting on palm development.
Documentation of workshop on community land use, KEEs, HCV and HCS approaches for key decision-makers
Documentation of workshop on KEE identification and management


5..0 Selection Criteria

The Consultant should have demonstrated skills and knowledge as below:

Selection of the consultant is based on the following criteria:
-            Relevant Technical expertise            70%
-            Availability                                     10%

6.0 Proposal Process and Format
Please send the following documentation to: consultants_ap@ra.org, no later than December 5, 2018.
Proposals should include:
  • Daily rate; include basis for costing i.e. previous rates
  • List of previous engagements that addresses the above experience desired
  • Current C.V.
  • Contact details of recent references

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