Saturday, November 24, 2018

Tender document for the real time evaluation (RTE) consultancy of Sulawesi Indonesia earthquake and Tsunami, November 2018

Tender document for the real time evaluation (RTE) consultancy of
Sulawesi Indonesia earthquake and Tsunami, November 2018

Islamic relief Worldwide

Islamic Relief is an international aid and development charity, which aims
to alleviate the suffering of the world's poorest people. It is an
independent Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984.

As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, Islamic Relief promotes
sustainable economic and social development by working with local
communities - regardless of race, religion or gender.

Our vision:

Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a caring
world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled and
people respond as one to the suffering of others.

Our mission:

Exemplifying our Islamic values, we will mobilise resources, build
partnerships, and develop local capacity, as we work to:

Enable communities to mitigate the effect of disasters, prepare for their
occurrence and respond by providing relief, protection and recovery.

Promote integrated development and environmental custodianship with a focus
on sustainable livelihoods.

Support the marginalised and vulnerable to voice their needs and address
root causes of poverty.

We allocate these resources regardless of race, political affiliation,
gender or belief, and without expecting anything in return.

At the international level, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) has consultative
status with the UN Economic and Social Council, and is a signatory to the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct. IRW is committed
to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through raising awareness of the
issues that affect poor communities and through its work on the ground.
Islamic Relief are one of only 13 charities that have fulfilled the criteria
and have become members of the Disasters Emergency Committee (
<> )

IRW endeavours to work closely with local communities, focussing on
capacity-building and empowerment to help them achieve development without

Please see our website for more information


"On 28 September, a series of strong earthquakes struck central Sulawesi
province, the strongest a 7.4 M earthquake only 10 km deep and with its
epicentre close to the provincial capital, Palu. The earthquake triggered a
tsunami whose waves reached up to three metres in some areas, striking
Talise beach in Palu and Donggala. The earthquakes, tsunami and resulting
liquefaction and landslides have caused significant damage and loss of life
in affected areas. Immediately after the earthquake and tsunami, local
responders on the ground began efforts to rescue people trapped in the
rubble of collapsed buildings and provide urgent assistance to survivors.
Search, rescue and retrieval efforts have been undertaken by hundreds of
villagers, Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), the National Search and Rescue Agency
(BASARNAS), Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and local government

The earthquake and tsunami effectively cut off much of Palu and Donggala
from the outside world for several days. Electricity and telecommunications
were cut. The airport runway and control tower were both severely damaged.
The seaport, which the region relied on for fuel supplies, lost its crane
for loading and unloading cargo. Debris and landslides blocked sections of
the main roads leading north from Makassar, east from Poso and south from
Garontalo. Whole villages were submerged when the land they were built upon
liquefied. On 1 October, the Government of Indonesia, through the national
disaster management agency (BNPB) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomed
specific offers of international assistance in line with identified
humanitarian needs on the ground."[1]

According to OCHA (1st November): 2081 people confirmed dead, 4400 injured,
1075 injured, 211000 internally displaced with a funding gap of 74%[2].

Islamic Relief Worldwide on the 29th September approved an intervention of
US$1million and Islamic Relief Indonesia responded to the emergency by
deploying local staff to the region immediately and implementing through two
local partners Ruma Zakat and PKPU. These partners are among 20 national
NGOs approved by NDMA (national disaster management authority). IRW deployed
a surge team to support the initial programme response which included the
following functions Team leader, procurement, finances,
protection/inclusion, MEAL and conflict sensitivity. Government regulations
around lack of access to foreigners meant that many of the deployed team
focused on supporting IR Indonesia and its local partners.

From September 29th to 16th November, IRW has approved and implemented a
number of interventions focused in the sectors of food distribution,
drinking water supply, tarpaulin, hygiene kits, blankets and cash
distribution. A range of donors have supported this within the IR family and
external donors, including the DEC[3].


This RTE has been commissioned by Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) in line
with agreed internal policies (IR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework) which
state all Emergency operations costing over 150,000 Euros must be monitored
and evaluated within three months of inception. (Real-time Evaluation)'.

The focus is on:

1. The operation's relevance and design and progress in achieving the
operation's objectives (ie results)

2. Gaps in provision or unintended impact

3. Coherence with other aid actors and authorities.

4. Effectiveness and efficiency of the mode of operation

5. Appropriateness and application of quality standards (CHS[4], Sphere
project standards[5], IRW Ihsan quality framework)

6. Future Outlook and potential interventions in the medium term/ Long

IRW is a certified CHS agency and therefore uses the CHS standards as the
foundational approach to the evaluation which ensures that we focus on
communities. We believe this can be integrated with the DAC criteria in the
following way:


* Humanitarian response is appropriate and relevant.

* Humanitarian response is based upon communication, participation,
and feedback


* Humanitarian response is effective and timely.

* Humanitarian response strengthens local capacities and avoids
negative effects.

* Complaints are welcomed and addressed.

* Staff is supported to do their job effectively, and are treated
fairly and equitably.


* Humanitarian responses are coordinated and complementary.

* Humanitarian actors continuously learn and improve.

* Resources are managed and used responsibly for their intended

We would like the RTE to take particular note of aspects in relation to
safeguarding, inclusion, IR model of operating within a localisation
approach and DEC funded interventions.

methodology and approach

We are looking for an evaluation team to meet the above objectives through a
rapid mixed method approach of:

* Reviewing secondary data

* FGD with communities/

* One to one interviews

* Review IRW project documentation

* Interviews with key IR staff, peer agencies, UN and Government

We expect the RTE to take no longer than 7-10 days.

We would like the evaluators to outline their methodology and requirements.

Specifications for the evaluation team

The successful team will have the following competencies:

* Have experience in evaluating humanitarian disasters

* Have legal right to travel to the disaster zone

* Be able to communicate in local languages and English

* Have experience & Knowledge of quality standards such as CHS and

The chosen evaluation team will be supported by IRW Programme Quality team
and IR Indonesia Senior Management.

Analysing and presenting the results

The final report should:

* Be no longer than 20 pages long (excluding annex's)

* Contain an executive summary with clear core findings and

* Provide clear conclusions of performance in the context of CHS/DAC

The evaluators should suggest a report structure which will be discussed and
agreed with IRW.

In line with best practice we expect the evaluators to:

* Debrief the Country office in Indonesia upon completion of work
and prior to report development.

* The evaluators will present core findings via skype as soon as all
data has been concluded with indicative findings to IRW Programme Quality
core contact

* A draft final report should be submitted to IRW Programme Quality
core contact for comments before a final report is finalised

* Final report presentation via skype to IRW senior management once
a final report has been agreed.

Who is it for?

* This RTE will be used for accountability, future planning and
immediate learning. Its audience will be internal and external.

Timetable and reporting INFORMATION

The evaluation is expected to run for 30 days, starting early December,
lasting 30 working days




23rd November 2018

Tender live date


6th December 2018

Final date for submission of bid proposal


7th December 2018

Proposals considered, short-listing and follow up enquiries completed


w/c 10th December 2018

Consultant interview and final selection


14-17th December 2018

Meeting with the consultant and agree on an evaluation methodology, plan of
action, working schedule (inception report)


3rd - 10th January 2019

RTE undertaken in country


10th -21st January 2019

Debriefs, Draft Report, Final report and Presentation


Reporting information;

Contract duration: Duration to be specified by the consultant

Direct report: Head of Programme Quality

Job Title: Consultant; Real time evaluation
of Sulawesi earthquake and Tsunami

The consultant will communicate in the first instance with and will forward
deliverables to the IRW Head of Programme Quality.

Proposal to tender and costing:

Consultants (single or teams) interested in carrying out this work must:

a) Submit a proposal/bid, including the following;

i. Detailed cover letter/proposal outlining a methodology and approach
briefing note

ii. CV or outline of relevant skills and experience possessed by the
consultant who will be carrying out the tasks and any other personnel who
will work on the project

iii. Example (s) of relevant work

iv. The consultancy daily rate

v. Expenses policy of the tendering consultant. Incurred expenses will not
be included but will be agreed in advance of any contract signed

vi. Be able to complete the project within the timeframe stated above

vii. Be able to demonstrate experience of humanitarian review for similar

payment Terms and conditions

Payment will be made in accordance with the deliverables and deadlines as

* 25% of the total amount - submission of the inception report

* 35% of the total amount - submission of the first draft of the
evaluation report

* 40% of the total amount - submission of the final report including
all outputs and attachments mentioned above

We can be flexible with payment terms, invoices are normally paid on net
payment terms of 28 days from the time of the invoice date.

Additional information and conditions of contract

During the consultancy period,

IRW will only cover:

* The costs associated with in-country, work-related transportation
for the consultant and the assessment team

* International and local travel for the consultant and the local

* Accommodation while in the field

* Training venues

* Consultancy fees

IRW will not cover:

* Tax obligations as required by the country in which he/she will
file income tax

* Any pre/post assignment medical costs. These should be covered by
the consultant

* Medical and travel insurance arrangements and costs. These should
be covered by the consultant

consultancy CONTRACT

This will be for an initial period that is to be specified by the consultant
commencing from December 2018 (exact date to be mutually agreed). The
selected candidate is expected to work from their home/office and be
reporting into the Head of Programme Quality.

The terms upon which the consultant will be engaged are as per the
consultancy agreement. The invoice is to be submitted at the end of the
month and will be paid on net payment terms 28 days though we can be

All potential applicants must fill in the table beneath in Appendix 1 to
help collate key data pertaining to this tender. The applicant must be clear
about other expenses being claimed in relation to this consultancy and these
must be specified clearly.

For this consultancy all applicants are required to submit a covering letter
with a company profile(s) and CV's of all consultants including the lead

A proposal including, planned activities, methodology, deliverables,
timeline, references and cost proposal (including expenses) are expected.

Other relevant supporting documents should be included as the consultants
sees fit.

All applicants must have a valid visa or a permit to work in the UK (if
travel is required to the UK) and to the places where this project is
required to be undertaken.


All proposals are required to be submitted by Thursday 6th December 2018
1.00pm UK time pursuant to the attached guidelines for submitting a
quotation and these be returned to

For any issues relating to the tender or its contents please email directly
to <>

Following submission, IRW may engage in further discussion with applicants
concerning tenders in order to ensure mutual understanding and an optimal

Quotations must include the following information for assessment purposes.

1. Payment terms (as mentioned above)

2. Full break down of costs including taxes, expenses and any VAT

3. References (two are preferred)

4. Technical competency for this role

5. Demonstrable experience of developing a similar project

Note: The criterias are subject to change.

Appendix 1

Please fill in the table below. It is essential all sections be completed
and where relevant additional expenses be specified in detail. In case of
questions about how to complete the table below, please contact <>

Cost evaluation of consultancy for the real time evaluation (RTE) of
Sulawesi Indonesia earthquake and Tsunami, November 2018

Applicants name

Company name

No of proposed hours per week

No. of proposed days

Preferred days

Earliest available start date

Finish date

Hourly rate/day rate

Total for consultancy less expenses, taxes and duties

Inclusive of Taxes if relevant (Total)

Other expenses (please specify)

Other expenses (please specify)

Other expenses (please specify)

Preferred payment terms (IRW UK terms are normally 28 days).

Total cost for consultancy (less expenses)

Total cost for consultancy for proposed period (inclusive of expenses, taxes
and duties)


The applicant is expected to take responsibility for paying full taxes and
social charges in his/her country of residence.

Please find attached guidline for submitting a quotation for real time
evaluation (RTE) consultancy of Sulawesi - Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami.

Quotations and all related correspondence must be submitted from an email
address or domain notified to IRW in the quotation provider's
acknowledgement of receipt of this quotation document and to the
authorised recipient at the following email address: <>

Closing date for receipt of quotations: Thursday 6th December 1.00pm (UK




[3] Disasters Emergency Committee



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