Saturday, November 24, 2018

Request for Proposal (RFP)-REQ-CJR-18-0177-Service Provider for GIS Mentoring Program Development of Spatial Data of Pipeline Networks to Support NRW Program PDAM Kab. Magelang and PDAM Kab. Sukoharjo

The USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 'Penyehatan Lingkungan untuk Semua' (IUWASH PLUS) program is a five-year initiative designed to assist the Government of Indonesia in increasing access to water supply and sanitation services as well as improving key hygiene behaviors among urban poor and vulnerable populations. Implemented by DAI Global LLC, IUWASH PLUS works with governmental agencies, the private sector, NGOs, communities and others to achieve the following "high level" results:

·    An increase of one million people in urban areas with access to improved water supply of which at least 500,000 are from the poorest 40% of the population; and

·    An increase of 500,000 people in urban areas with access to an improved sanitation facility and all of whom are from the poorest 40% of the population.

To ensure that improvements in access to WASH services are sustained, IUWASH PLUS is guided by a development hypothesis that focuses on strengthening service delivery systems so they can more effectively reach the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the population. In order to achieve this at scale, IUWASH PLUS undertakes activities through four interrelated components, including: 1) Improving household WASH services; 2) Strengthening city WASH institutional performance; 3) Strengthening the WASH financing environment; and 4) Advancing national WASH advocacy, coordination and communication.

DAI, the implementer of the “The USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 'Penyehatan Lingkungan Untuk Semua' (IUWASH PLUS) program invites qualified offerors to submit proposals to supply and deliver "Service Provider for GIS Mentoring Program Development of Spatial Data of Pipeline Networks to Support NRW Program PDAM Kab. Magelang and PDAM Kab.. Sukoharjo".

Water supply distribution with the best quality of water for all customers is still the most challenging target faced by state water utility (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum/ PDAM), particularly to reduce Non Revenue Water (NRW). Limited water resources, unstable zoning system and poor of water flow analysis are known as the causes of this issue. Only very limited PDAM has planning and drawing of existing distribution network system using digital based technologies, while most of PDAMs still working manually, as well as data records and management of pipeline networks and its supporting components. PDAMs in North Sumatra province are aware to their current condition.

Based on a short review and visits to some of IUWASH PLUS assisted PDAMs in Central Java region, IUWASH PLUS has found that mostly PDAMs in North Sumatra region shown a great interest to have the digital database (computerized), such as pipeline network, accessories, customer location, road and river networks, contour line, and administrative boundaries as well as to develop zoning system. They understood and agreed that by developing a digital database, they will have ability to improve their quality services to their customer. As a wider impact, these activities also will increase their reputation and financial health and able to increase service coverage as well as reducing non-revenue water (NRW).
Within the latest review as mentioned above, PDAM Kab. Sukoharjo and PDAM Kab. Magelang have taken IUWASH advice to build pipeline network in digital format, as well as basic spatial database using Geographic Information System (GIS). Beside benefits listed above, both PDAMs will be able to communicate and synchronize their spatial database with other institutions, such as data of land plots (kapling/persil) of national land agency (BPN), telecommunication cable network, sanitation systems, etc.., which normally a good digital spatial database will have a good geographic reference system with relatively accurate scale.
Based on the GIS capacity assessment to PDAM Kab. Magelang and Kab. Sukoharjo, in general GIS mapping of pipeline networks has reached 70 % for Kab. Magelang and 30 % for Kab. Sukoharjo. In accordance with the commitment between PDAM and USAID IUWASH PLUS and before implementation of NRW Program, expected of GIS Pipeline mapping should reach 100%. For that reasons USAID IUWASH PLUS will provide technical assistance to PDAM Kab. Magelang and Kab. Sukoharjo by inviting Local GIS Facilitator (Personal Consultant) in facilitation effort to reach 100% GIS mapping of pipeline networks. 

Objectives :

1.     The purpose of this activity is to have spatial data developed by PDAM meet the criteria and ready to be analyzed before implementation of NRW Program. In addition, this activity also aims to improve the GIS capacity of PDAM Staffs, as to be able to carry out necessary GIS analysis for the NRW program.
2.     Activities of individual consultant for GIS Facilitator in PDAM Kab. Magelang and PDAM Kab. Sukoharjo are important element under USAID IUWASH PLUS output 2.1: Improve PDAM (and non PDAM) performance by increasing GIS/ MIS programs for water supply.

Timing/Assignment Duration
The contract for the invited GIS Facilitator will be for the period of 6 months starting from January 02 2019 – June 03, 2019

Reporting & working environment
GIS Facilitator will reports directly to the IUWASH PLUS Central Java Regional Team and will receive guidance on administrative matters. The Process Report Preparation should coordinate with PDAM team and be supervised with Urban Water Supply Specialist in coordination with the GIS National Team.

Required Qualifications and Experience
Specialist Required
·         This GIS mentoring program need one (1) person as a GIS Facilitator, so that the selection process is opened for individual candidates (not companies)
·         GIS Facilitator education background should meet minimum of Sarjana (S1), preferably with Geo-science but not limited to degree from natural resource management, forestry, geography, planology or civil engineering
·         GIS Facilitator has some experiences using GIS for analysis and mapping for at least 5 years or 2 years of developing GIS Projects
·         GIS Facilitator has some skills in interpreting satellite imagery and/ or aerial photos for map production
·         GIS Facilitator has some experiences in facilitation on the development of water distribution pipeline network
·         Prospective Facilitator must submit a complete proposal with methodology for the work implementation, showing similar experiences of carrying out works and cost implementation
·         Prospective Facilitator has to mastering GIS technology, especially open source such as QGIS, and has experience as a facilitator or Trainer
·         Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia, some knowledge of English is helpful

Thank you very much for your kind attention & best cooperation.

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