Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Module Development & Training Provider

About Water.org
Water.org is a U.S.‐based non‐profit organization working to increase access to water and sanitation through collaboration with a variety of local partners. Water.org’s WaterCredit initiative leverages the existing relationships, infrastructure and expertise of financial institutions to increase access to capital for water and sanitation, and to educate and empower low‐income households to invest in water and sanitation facilities.

The WaterCredit Adoption (WCAD) Program, is Water.Org initiatives to scale up the impact outreach of WSS financing product by engaging large scale financial institution and/or through partnership with association. Indonesia is just recently starting to start the opportunities with the potential microfinance association partner.
About the Partner
WOI Partners are microfinance institutions who mainly operating in Java Island, Indonesia, with various types of legal form including rural banks, cooperatives, venture capital, and association. Our clients are also providing financial services for both group and individual lending using conventional and sharia type of services.. Their clients’ demography is ranging from various sectors (agriculture, fisheries, small traders, casual workers, etc.) who lives in rural and urban areas.
Water.org intends to engage consultant firms with previous experience of working with microfinance institutions and NGOs. Previous experience of assessing development work in the area of water and sanitation would be an advantage. The selected consultant will be engaged to provide services on training module development and provide training to WOI rural bank partners in Central Java.. Training module development includes reviewing the generic training materials set provided, provide suggestion of module presentation in the local context, development of training needs assessment, and training pilot at selected areas.
Proposed Third Party Engagement:
Project : Module Development and Training Delivery
Location : Jakarta and Central Java
Number of people : 1 team
Duration : 12 months
Estimated Month to start : December 2018

Assignment Summary
Consultant will be responsible to assist Water.Org in reviewing the generic modules set and provide recommendation to modify and adjust the content to the local Indonesian microfinance context. The module set will be used by WOI microfinance institution partners to strengthen their internal capacity in developing, scaling up, and sustaining the WSS product.
The module sets contain of four important parts that complement one to another:
1.      Training Module/Materials: consist of 15 chapters related to microfinance WSS product development subject including; market research and strategy, networking, portfolio management, client management, sustainability tools, incentives scheme, and capital mobilization.
2.      Trainer Manuals: is the document that accompany each of the modules to assist trainers when delivering the training session. It mainly contains the method for trainers to lead a training and group activities. It also has a deeper explanation on the materials presentation. The training is also expected to be spread out throughout clients’ branches by the attendees. This manual is expected to be able to help the trainees in delivering the message to their peers.
3.      Working Paper/Case Study: each module is also completed with case study and working paper for group discussion activity. These materials are the supporting materials to help participant understand the key messages.
4.      Toolkit: Water.org’s standaradised guidelines for WSS product development which provides more extended technical information to the materials.

The following table provide deliverables expected from consultant:
Activity Description
Estimated Working Day(s)
Module Review
Consultant to explore and understand the generic package of the training modules.
Consultant to dig deeper into the key messages and adjust the content based on the Indonesia microfinance best practices. It is expected to include the many types of microfinance's best practices as broad as possible (cooperative, venture capital, rural banks, small to medium size banks, etc.) to better provide case study and motivational messages to the trainees.
The module set is also subject to be translated into Bahasa Indonesia with adjusted financing terms as needed.
Adjusted Module
8 Days
Trainer Manual
Adjusted Trainer Manual
Toolkit Review
Adjusted Toolkit
Working paper/case study
Adusted Working Paper/Case Study
Training pilot
Consultant to test out the adjusted modules to similar possible participants.
Consultant to seek the information quality and training method effectiveness of the adjusted training module set through one training pilot. Feedback from the training pilot should be well documented and addressed to further refine the module.
- Training pilot delivery on selected topic
- Report on training pilot
7 Days
Module set refinement
Consultant follow up the feedback from the pilot
Consultant perform refinement to the modules set based on the feedback received during the pilot.
Refined Module Set
3 Days
Presentation to WOI Team
Consultant to present their recommendation of the adapted modules
Consultant presenting the final module set to WOI team
1 Day
Training Delivery
Delivery of training to WCAD Partners based on the future arranged schedule
Consultant to provide the training to WOI's WCAD partners at the arranged schedule.
Training Delivery and Training Report
To be adjusted with the schedule

Request for Proposal

Water.org wishes to hire a Consultant to work with Water.org to conduct the above described scope of work. The proposal should include a technical and financial proposal (see sample budget template attached) as well as a project timeline. Applicants may be firms or groups of individuals with a designated team lead. Applicants will be selected based on the following consideration:
1.      Proposed staffing plan includes at least one native or fluent English speaker.
2.      Proposed staffing plan includes sufficient number of training expert to deliver the scope of work.
3.      Demonstrated experience and familiarity with the WASH and/or microfinance sector.
4.      Demonstrated experience with conducting household training.
Water.Org will accept applications that include technical and budget Proposal and Company Profile. Please submit the documents by email to positions_indonesia@water.org and eyoanita@water.org no later than December 7th, 2018 noting “Module Development & Training Provider in the subject line.

Applications that fill in these criteria will be reviewed as they are received.

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