Tuesday, December 4, 2018

SNV is looking for WASH SDGs Sanitation Road Map (consultancy work)


Sanitation Road Map

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 38 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. Our global team of advisors use their specialised expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and WASH to improve the health and livelihoods of millions of people, with a focus on the poor and marginalized groups.

The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sustainable Development Goals (WASH SDGs) Programme

SNV understands safe urban sanitation and hygiene services as a pre-condition for health and economic development in cities. With urban growth in Indonesia averaging 4.4% a year (World Bank, 2016), a failure to invest in urban sanitation will become a barrier for almost any development. Access to sanitation is a human right and governments are the duty bearers of progressive realisation of this right. With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Indonesia's government has committed to work towards universal access to safely managed sanitation services and improved hygiene.

Through its DGIS funded WASH SDGs programme, SNV supports local governments of Bandar Lampung & Metro Cities in Lampung Province and Tasikmalaya City in West Java Province to achieve sustainable and inclusive city-wide sanitation service in their area. In partnership with national and government counterparts, the WASH SDGs programme aims to improve the way human waste is managed by addressing the entire sanitation chain and answering different needs among the population with appropriate and sustainable service delivery models.

During the WASH SDGs programme implementation, SNV will conduct Sanitation Road Map. The Road map is an effort to prepare Tasikmalaya City Government in developing plans and actions to achieve targets sets out in the existing SSK, RPJMD and Renstra SKPD, provide guidance with clear and measurable steps and phases to achieve safely managed sanitation and affordable services especially domestic wastewater management and hygiene for the next 5 years.

Scope and Purpose

The challenges & complexity of domestic wastewater management within the Indonesian urban context will increase with the acceleration of population growth & density.
Tasikmalaya , the city with 619,847 population (163,118 HH)[1] also having huge sanitation challenges due to poor sanitation situation especially waste water management is not recognized as priority and there is why it is negligible or low budget allocation for sanitation programs and infrastructure.

The baseline survey on the existing sanitation condition of Tasikmalaya city that SNV conducted from February - April 2018 the results shows that only 89% of city population have toilet, while 11% still practising Open defecation (OD). From the 89% that have toilet only 45% have containment and only 10% have been desludged. Out 10% respondents that owned toilet and have been desludged only 3% were transported and dumped in to the treatment plant and 7% not being treated or discharged into open water bodies,.

The city also has several communal system coverage with only 7.31% of the total population and spread in 10 sub-districts having access to communal system.
Issues about high open defecation practices and hygiene promotion identified as huge challenge.
Clearly , there is an urgent need to develop clear sanitation policies be given high priority.

The city of Tasikmalaya just recently established Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD SPAL-D) for waste water management which still need to be strengthened both in human resources and management capacities.

Under Presidential decree no. 59/2017 on achieving the sustainable development goals is a foundation to allocate priority and budget and Tasikmalaya City at various levels have their sanitation related mandates and contribution to achieve the City as well as National target.

At the city level, Bappelitbangda as the leading sector to implement this strategic plan as well as coordinate the sector activities tried to provide efforts in the development of wastewater management and implementation of sanitation infrastructure facilities. Despite these efforts, the strategic plan was not fully realized.

Furthermore, The Pokja Sanitasi (a multi sector sanitation working group) appointed at provincials/district/city levels to facilitate and oversee planning and implementation struggling in securing sanitation budget because local governments are required to use the 'nomenclature' provided by MOHA when identifying program and activities to be funded by the APBD.

In addressing these challenges more attention needs to be given to some key dimensions comprising spatial planning, regulatory & institutional settings, selection of technologies, financing of investments and operations, gender and social inclusion , service management including treatment, disposal and re-use.

Recognizing that only 3% of safely managed sanitation in Tasikmalaya and the overall country target of 50% safely managed by 2030 the best strategy to cope with situation are urgently needed.

Sanitation Road Map Development Framework [2]

1. Existing sanitation condition

2. Expected condition in the future

3. 5 year work plan

A. Key components

- Demand creation & behaviour change

- Sanitation supply chains

- Sanitation financing

- Governance

- Treatment Disposal & re-use.

B. Enabling Environment

- Existing regulation

- Monitoring role

- Planning role

- Finance incentive

C. Role & Function of Line agencies & WW Capacity

- Institutional management

- Human Resource Management

- Operational Asset Management

- Collaboration with private sector & CBO

- Socialization, promotion, campaign (Community Outreach)

- Customer relation Management

- Finance Management

The consultancy is conducted through review of existing Tasikmalaya City data and documents related to plans, achievement and management of line agencies & wastewater services and hygiene issues in order to get better understanding of wastewater management status as a basis for preparing Sanitation Road Map in achieving expected conditions in the future , comprise of :

- Mandate of the city government for wastewater management and hygiene issues,

- Data on coverage status on access and quality of wastewater management services and hygiene,

- Condition of Enabling environment (function, regulation, planning, supervision & role and function of related institutions),

- Status of safe & affordable sanitation services & hygiene.

- Performance of line agencies & wastewater operator management capacity.

To increase awareness, institutional role & responsibilities , strengthening sector coordination with strong buy in, Bappelitbangda as multi-agencies coordinator, influence commitment on City Sanitation planning , budgeting and monitoring are critical element for successful & sustainable implementation.

Treatment & re-use options will also taken into consideration which may include involvement of the private sectors or education institution (University) , setting up of related management and oversight structure which also implies on budget , capacity & time of the city.
To agree on the measureable target and quality of services to be achieved over the next 5 years and establish activities based on the target and future goal of safely managed sanitation, includes :

1. Demand Creation & behaviour change

2. Sanitation supply chains

3. Sanitation Financing

4. Governance

5. Treatment , disposal & re-use.

As good sanitation practices need to reach all levels of the urban community, government needs to integrate vulnerable & marginalized people into their service chain also application of the gender responsiveness as a principle in the planning of waste water management services and hygiene. Gender and social inclusion aspects are important aspect that need attention. Gender integration and social inclusion are based on :

- Access : men and women from all social groups have equal opportunities to be directly involved in the process of preparing the sanitation road map at all stages.

- Participation : involve and encourage men and women from all social groups to contribute proactively in the process of preparing Sanitation road map at all stages.

- Control : provide opportunities for men and women from all social groups to make decisions about issues and problems, targets to be achieved and the types of activities to be carried out in the planning.

- Benefits : provide opportunities for men and women from all social groups to take a role in following up our implementing the Sanitation Road Map.

Approach & Methodology
A three-step process is recommended for the Sanitation Road Map consultancy :

1. Desk review based on:

- Secondary information on the existing Tasikmalaya City data and documents related to plans, achievement and management of wastewater services and hygiene

These reviews provide preliminary conclusions on the following :

- Data on access coverage and quality of services for each existing technology : on-site system, communal IPAL and treatment plant facility.

- Data on enabling environment : regulatory, related institutional capacities role and function, planning.

- Data on waste water institution/operator : organizational system & management, human resources, operational and management services and customer relation management.

- Data on wastewater income : effectiveness , tariff collection, etc.

- Data on potential waste water treatment and re-use.

2. Sanitation Road map will be developed through research , FGD and interviews guided by the questions identified after the analysis and informed by the above framework.
Following the series of consultancies and to ensure that its effective and achieve expected target a participative workshop on the Sanitation Road Map with all related stakeholders will be organized in order to get agreement and commitment from all related institutions.

3. Participative workshops with all related stakeholder to get agreement on the measurable targets and quality of services for the next 5 years for the following :

o To have common understanding and perceptions around safely managed sanitation and hygiene , the situation of current access and the type and level of services that need to be in place to achieve the WASH SDG

o In view of that overarching goal, clarification of the roles and responsibilities of each related institution and also role of the private sectors, as well as challenges and opportunities to improve performance for all.

o To explore the situation of different parts of the city (densely populated, peri-urban, slums, new developments) and different customer segments (ODers, potential upgraders, potential emptiers, public and private institutions) and agree on how to increase coverage and quality of services, also considering the most adequate technologies

o To have agreement on the target size of increasing coverage , capacities and quality of services of treatment plant (IPLT) considering the costs of investment and development of enabling environment for safe and sustainable services from the entire sanitation chain.

o To explore potential financing strategy of investment and operations.

o To have common understanding and perceptions to include men and women from all social groups, notably the most vulnerable ones for the program at all stages.

o To explore potential opportunities of treatment and re-use.

The expected deliverables from the selected consultants are:

1. Detailed Assessment Protocol, including assessment questions and detailed methodology

2. First Report Draft in English, with a 2 pages summary in Bahasa Indonesia

3. Participative workshop in Tasikmalaya city

4. Final Sanitation Road Map document

5. Final Report in English, with a 2 pages summary in Bahasa Indonesia


The consultancy will be starting from 17th December 2018 and is expected to be completed by 9th February 2019.


SNV will cover consultants' service fee, travel and accommodation costs in assessment area, and activity costs according to SNV's internal policy.

The applicants are requested to submit a financial proposal in line with activities and results.

Implementation Arrangement

Consultants will report to City Coordinator / SNV's WASH Governance expert and will work closely with the programme's Team.

Payment will be made in IDR to the agreed account.


The qualification for this position as follows:

1. Experienced professionals with minimum 5 years' experience in facilitating and developing Sanitation Road Map in Indonesia

2. Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia

3. Able to write report in English

How to submit proposal

Interested candidate/company/team shall submit their proposal via email to indonesia-procurement@snv.org<mailto:indonesia-procurement@snv.org> by Sunday, 09 December 2018 at the latest.

Proposal shall at least consist of:

1. Financial proposal/professional fee;

2. Proposed method and tools;
3. Detail portfolio
4. References from previous work

Application Process

Please send the application documents as follow:

* Application letter

* CV of the Consultant

* Sample of Sanitation Road Map Document and report

* Technical and financial proposal

to indonesia-procurement@snv.org<mailto:indonesia-procurement@snv.org> by 9 December 2018 with the subject "WASH SDGs Sanitation Road Map".

For more information on SNV please refer to our website: www.snv.org<http://www.snvworld.org>


[1] SSK Tasikmalaya 2017-2021

[2] Adapted from IUWASH Road Map Development Framework

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