Monday, February 11, 2019

Vacancy Announcement : Short Term Technical Assistance (STTA) - Climate resilience valuation expert in agriculture sector

Scope of Work
STTA of Climate Resilience Indicator for National Midterm Development Planning (RPJMN) 2020-2025 Climate resilience valuation expert in agriculture sector

A.        Background In RPJMN 2020-2024 drafting, specifically the Chapter on Climate Resilience in Chapter 8 through the RPJMN Technocratic Draft 2020-2024, where the direction of policies and strategies are currently being formulated and targets of development indicators related to climate resilience. RAN-API has been reviewed since 2017, which includes scientific studies of climate projection, potential hazards of climate change in 4 priority sectors (water, ocean and coastal, agriculture, and health), vulnerability and risks of climate change in the agricultural sector, and climate resilience index development. This scientific studies outputs become the main input of technical content and strategic issues in RPJMN 2020-2024, especially in the climate resilience and its relation to disaster chapter. These various review processes and approaches in implementing climate change adaptation strategy have not been able to fully integrate the process from risk assessment to the assessment of climate change adaptation interventions’ achievement.
The adaptation planning measurement formula could identify interventions, investments, and risk reductions through various adaptation schemes. This could be used as a comprehensive approach in the climate risk management system, which is needed to ensure development that is resilient to the impacts of climate change (climate resilience development). Therefore, we need a framework model and set of methodologies that can answer the gap in climate risk management. This too can provide information on the effectivity of adaptation interventions in various programs and activities in related sectors.
That framework model has to be able to answer these following questions:
a.        What are the potential economic impacts of future climate change?
b.        How many of those potential economic impacts could be transferred or reduced, through adaptation? What kind of measurement tools could be used and how are they targeted?
c.        What kind of policies/ investments/ programs/ and activities needed to fulfill the target? Are the earned benefits exceed the cost (cost & benefit)?
B.        Purposes
Purposes of “Climate Resilience Indicator for National Midterm Development Planning (RPJMN) 2020-2025” are liste below: 1.        To have the most suitable instrument in measuring the strategy achievement of climate resilience in the National Midterm Development Planning (RPJMN) 2020-2025. That indicator should be able to calculate the value of transfer of risks from the impacts of climate change, so that risk reduction targets could be achieved and mapped.
2.        To find out the potential economic and non-economic impacts of climate change in baseline period and projections.
3.        To get the most suitable adaptation interventions through policies/ investments/ programs/ activities that are dynamically simulated in handling the impacts of climate change which have the highest risk reduction of climate economic impacts and provide higher climate resilience based on the formed indicator.
C.        Scope of The Work
The activity of " Climate Resilience Indicator for National Midterm Development Planning (RPJMN) 2020-2025" is carried out through analysis of climate economic impacts in the baseline period and projections caused by hydrometeorological disasters in the RAN API sectors, in accordance with the results of climate change potential hazards study which have been conducted previously. The scope of the work is as follows:
Analysis scope
34 provinces and 7 ecoregion in Indonesia
Analysis periode
Baseline and projection
Priority sectors
Ocean and coastal
Climate change parameters
Scientific studies of RAN API review – Atmospheric and Ocean Climate Projection
Climate Change potential hazards
Scientific studies of RAN API review – Potential Hazard of Climate Change
D.        Approach
The disaster risk reduction approach based on the Sendai framework focused on the target of reducing the number of fatalities due to disasters, reducing the amount of economic losses, and reducing the amount of infrastructure and environment damages. Various approaches are used to measure the potential economic and non-economic impacts of climate change. One of them is the ECA (The Economics of Adaptation) method. E.        Job Duties and Responsibilities
Details of the work on the Climate Resilience Indicator for National Midterm Development Planning (RPJMN) 2020-2025 are as follows: 1.        Methods and approach formulation, assessment of climate change economic impacts in baseline period and projection in 4 RAN API sectors.
a.        Data, information, and knowledge inventory
1)        Data collection and inventarization, sources from scientific study in RAN API review (climate projections and potential hazards of climate change) in priority sectors;
2)        Conduct literature review from various journals related to modeling climate economic impact at national and international levels; and
3)        Identify relevant methodologies in assessing the valuation of climate change impacts.
b.        Carry out technical activities related to the Climate Resilience Indicator for National Midterm Development Planning (RPJMN) 2020-2025 in 4 RAN API sectors.
1)        Develop dynamical model in climate resilience indicator to calculate the climate economic impact;
2)        Assess climate economic impacts in baseline period and projection;
3)        Conduct simulation on intervention (policies, programs, and activities) in handling climate change impacts with the prepare scenarios; and
4)        Select the best adaptation scenario recommendations in handling climate change impact based on the simulation in point “3)”
2.        Preparing reports “Climate Resilience Indicator for National Midterm Development Planning (RPJMN) 2020-2025”.
3.        Cooperate with RAN-API Secretariat and Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas.
F.        Output
Output of the Climate Resilience Indicator for National Midterm Development Planning (RPJMN) 2020-2025 are:
1.        Draft report which must be submitted in early March
·        Containing temporary information of spatial results and the analysis of climate change impacts valuation in the baseline period and projection.
·        Containing temporary results of simulation on intervention (policies, programs, and activities) in handling climate change impacts.  
2.        Final report and executive summary which must be submitted in April, containing final results and improvement to the final report.
G.        Ownership Clause
1.        This activity are based on the coverage and on the development and demand of Ministry of National Development Planning/ Bappenas; 2.        The data, information, outputs and results of the analysis resulting from this study are submitted and become the copyright/ property of the Ministry of PPN/ Bappenas c.q the Directorate of Environmental Affairs and RAN API Secretariat.
H.        Terms of Service Providers
Climate resilience valuation expert in agriculture sector
Background and Experiences:
Experienced in climate change adaptation of agriculture sector; Master graduated (S2) in Environmental Economics/ Agriculture/ or its kind.
-        Conduct collection, processing, analysis, validation and evaluation of data & information on climate change impact in agriculture sector
-        Develop a formula for calculating climate economic impact in agriculture sector
-        Conduct climate economic impacts assessment in agriculture sector
-        Develop policy scenarios in handling climate change impact in in agriculture sector
I.        Timeline

Main study  
Data collection and inventarization, sources from scientific study in RAN API review (climate projections and potential hazards of climate change) in priority sectors.
Conduct literature review from various journals related to modeling climate economic impact at national and international levels.
Identify relevant methodologies in assessing the valuation of climate change impacts.
Develop dynamical model in climate resilience indicator to calculate the climate economic impacts.
Assess climate economic impact in baseline period and projection.
Conduct simulation on intervention (policies, programs, and activities) in handling climate change impacts with the prepare scenarios.
Draft report
FGD of draft report
Final report and executive summary
Workshop of final report and assessment

     Work plan/ Level of Effort
No. Activities Duration Feb Mar Apr
1. Developing climate associate L&D assessment framework based on the availability of data at national level 8 days
2. Estimating the amount of potential L&D on each indicator 10 days
3. Formulating national objectives, policies, and planning strategies, and priorities for the next 5 years to reduce value of potential L&D 7 days
4. Developing a brief paper and presentation materials in Bahasa for the preparation of RPJMN 2020-2024 5 days

Interested applicants are invited to send their CV and cover letter to latest by 13 February 2019 5 p.m. Applicants are instructed to write Climate resilience valuation expert in agriculture sector – NAME” as the Subject line of their email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified

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