Sunday, March 17, 2019

Consultancy on WASH Awareness Promotion and Communication

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 38 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. Our global team of advisors use their specialised expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and WASH to improve the health and livelihoods of millions of people, with a focus on the poor and marginalized groups.

The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sustainable Development Goals (WASH SDGs) Programme

SNV understands safe urban sanitation and hygiene services as a pre-condition for health and economic development in cities. With urban growth in Indonesia averaging 4.4% a year (World Bank, 2016), a failure to invest in urban sanitation will become a barrier for almost any development. Access to sanitation is a human right and governments are the duty bearers of progressive realisation of this right. With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Indonesia's government has committed to work towards universal access to safely managed sanitation services and improved hygiene.

Through its DGIS funded WASH SDGs programme, SNV supports local government of Tasikmalaya City in West Java Province to achieve sustainable and inclusive city-wide sanitation service in their area. In partnership with national and government counterparts, the WASH SDGs programme aims to improve the way human waste is managed by addressing the entire sanitation chain and answering different needs among the population with appropriate and sustainable service delivery models.

The baseline survey on the existing sanitation condition of Tasikmalaya city that SNV conducted from February - April 2018 the results shows that only 89% of city population have toilet, while 11% still practising Open defecation (OD). From the 89% that have toilet only 45% have containment and only 10% have been desludged. Out of 10% respondents that owned toilet and have been desludged only 3% were transported and dumped in to the treatment plant and 7% not being treated or discharged into open water bodies.
Issues about open defecation practices and hygiene promotion identified as huge challenge and there is an urgent need to solve the problems.

To accelerate the process , SNV in collaboration with Tasikmalaya LG is designing and developing The WASH awareness promotion and Communication Plan for Tasikmalaya City.

Scope and Purpose

The findings from the baseline survey are closely related with the capacities and strategies of the key stakeholders identified through the outcome assessment that SNV conducted . It was found that sanitation and hygiene programmes are currently being implemented (including specific ones for slum areas) by the government authorities but Tasikmalaya city does not have an evidence based, outcome driven, demand creation and behaviour change strategy in place.

Also, the result from formative research on Sanitation Behaviour and Willingness to pay that SNV conducted for Tasikmalaya City in November 2018 found that it is common that households do not use septic tanks and discharge it to rivers or waterways and open defecations are still acceptable.

Despite ongoing efforts to meet the national sanitation target, the different line agencies struggle to align agendas and approaches, and to coherently steer and fund the sector's long term development in view of city wide sanitation and hygiene services provision. No particular measures are in place to promote the participation of women and other vulnerable groups. Service providers, public and private alike, were found to operate in a regulatory void, lacking standard operating procedures that observe operational health and safety concerns, with incompliances going unidentified and thus unaddressed.

Containment was found to be a substantial problem in Tasikmalaya, as more than 50% of the toilets overflow/leak or discharge directly to the environment.
Finally, improved hygiene should not come second to the sanitation efforts. Hand washing with soap is a critical challenge that will require a smart and tailored promotion strategy in order become the new, well established social norm. Working through community, religious, youth and women groups' leaders have proven to be successful elsewhere in Indonesia, so a similar approach is also recommended. Special emphasis is to be placed in schools and health facilities, given their level of influence and potential for dissemination of improved behaviours to the local communities.
Based on the recent findings from SNV Formative Research - Sanitation Behaviour and Willingness to Pay that conducted in 2017 the Behaviour Change Communication Strategy for Tasikmalaya is developed as follows :

[Objectives and Messages]

[To improve the knowledge on on-site sanitation system options Sanitation system options in limited space, cost-efficient options for peri-urban HHS ,To improve the knowledge on sanitation systems, linkage to health) Sanitation chain & its linkage to health aspect ,To enact the high intention to build ST Cost & payment options ,Tasikmalaya Behaviour Change Communication Strategy]

Using the WASH Behaviour Change Communication Strategy above is the guide for the execution of promotion and communication plan effort related to improved sanitation and good hygiene practice targeting :

- Primary audiences : Those among whom the actual change is intended (Head of HH : male/female, wife/spouse )

- Secondary audiences : Those who influence the primary audiences ( children, teachers, community leaders, religious leaders, women groups - such as PKK/Posyandu) or religious groups, masons)

- Tertiary audiences : Those with whom advocacy to create a favourable structural and social environment would be carried out ( Local Governments, Member or Local Parliaments, Journalists/media)

The WASH Awareness raising promotion and Communication channels is as follows :


Last but not least, addressing gender issues in the whole step of promotion and communication process is very important to ensure that both men and women are able to actively participate in activities, contribute to decisions over how resources are utilized, and benefit from it. Gender mainstreaming also takes into account the specific needs of all gender groups such as men, women, boys, girls, the elderly, and disabled. Taking into consideration gender issues will also help ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of improved sanitation facilities through improved use and maintenance.

A system for monitoring and evaluation of the WASH Promotion & Communication Strategy is also to be developed as needed to inform on the strategy's progress and implementation and to understand whether the strategy is having the intended impact.


1. Desk review from secondary sources (various communication materials already developed by Tasikmalaya LG )

2. Literature review from SNV related research document and formative research

3. Field visit to elicit various motivational factors that can be translated into messages to build pride and ownership in good sanitation and hygiene promotion.

Deliverables :
The expected deliverable from the Consultant are :

1. Develop city-specific promotion & communication plans for rolling out the strategy.

2. Detail promotion & communication plan to raise awareness and educate people on the importance of preserving environment and changing the way people think so that open defecation is no longer acceptable and (also) people understand and move towards safely managed.

3. Develop Creative and fun theme to increase people awareness on the importance of sanitation and good hygiene behaviour.

4. Design communication tools according to point 2 and 3.

5. Develop Monitoring & Evaluation System to inform on the progress and intended impact.


The consultancy work will be starting from 3 June 2019 and is expected to be completed 31st August 2019.


SNV will cover consultants' service fee, travel and accommodation costs in assessment area, and activity costs according to SNV's internal policy.

The applicants are requested to submit a financial proposal in line with activities and results.


* Qualifications in a relevant discipline (e.g. communication, advertising and marketing)
* At least 5-10 years experience as a communication & promotion design
* The consultant shall have experience working in WASH Sector
* The consultant should have proven expertise in developing promotion and communication strategy and plans aimed at behavioral change.

The consultants must be fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and able to write report in English.

Application Process

Please send the application documents as follow:

* Application letter

* CV

* Sample of Promotion & Communication Project

* Technical and financial proposal

to<> and cc to<> and<> by 31st March 2019 with the subject " WASH Awareness Promotion and Communication Consultant"

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