Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Youth Initiative Facilitator of Youth Capacity Development Workshop

Youth Initiative
Facilitator of Youth Capacity Development Workshop

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 38 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. Our global team of advisors use their specialist sector and change expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and WASH to facilitate sustainable change in the livelihoods of millions of people living in poverty.
The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Sustainable Development Goals (WASH SDGs) Programme
SNV understands safe urban sanitation and hygiene services as a pre-condition for health and economic development in cities. With urban growth in Indonesia averaging 4.4% a year (World Bank, 2016), a failure to invest in urban sanitation will become a barrier for almost any development. Access to sanitation is a human right and governments are the duty bearers of progressive realisation of this right. With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Indonesia's governments has committed to work towards universal access of safely managed sanitation services and improved hygiene.
Through its DGIS funded WASH SDGs programme, SNV supports local governments of Bandar Lampung & Metro Cities in Lampung Province and Tasikmalaya City in West Java Province to achieve sustainable and inclusive city-wide sanitation service in their area. In partnership with national and government counterparts, the WASH SDGs programme aims to improve the way human waste is managed by addressing the entire sanitation chain and answering different needs among the population with appropriate and sustainable service delivery models.
Youth Empowerment For Sustainable Development Goals (YES) Initiative
Behaviour changes in community and our ability to change the way we build and manage our urban space will ultimately be the success factor in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 6, especially Target 6.2., i.e. by 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations. Young generation is the agent of change that can bridge the present and the future, linking local and global agendas. Therefore, their role in achieving safely managed sanitation in urban areas is important.
WASH SDGs programme through Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development Goals (YES) Initiative create platforms for young people to connect and collaborate their ideas so that they have significant role to improve safely manage sanitation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable groups in order to achieve SDGs 2030.
Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development Goals (YES) as initiative youth activities are carry out with an approach which emphasize on three aspects: cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The first is cognitive aspect while emphasizes that young people know and understand WASH SDGs goals and their impact by 2030. The second aspect is Affective, while emphasizes young people have good attitude in sanitation (awareness, care and responsible) and having ability to act. Third aspect is Psychomotor, while emphasizes on actions, so that young people have significant role and contribution to achieving the WASH SDGs goals.
In October 2018, 46 youths were selected and involved in initial activity through youth sanitation camp (YSC) for 3 days to have better understanding on sanitation challenges in Lampung and how their role to influence stakeholders in improving safely managed sanitation notably faecal sludge management.
Several mini project were developed by youth as follow up action as result of youth sanitation camp for promoting behavior change for sanitation. To make Youth group role effective, SNV provide capacity building on sanitation knowledge (household and school), communication, advocacy and project management to improve their capacity to support implement mini project. It is expected that the mini projects implemented will be measureable, suitable and align with the goals of WASH SDGs program. According to those expectation, SNV would hire a consultant as facilitator for implementation of Youth Capacity Development Workshop.

1. To improved youth capacity on sanitation (households and schools) to be able to assess and mapping sanitation conditions in the community and school in implement mini project

2. Strengthen of youth communication and facilitation skills to be able promoting behavior change for sanitation in implement mini project

3. To improved youth capacity on advocacy to act as advocates/promoters of SDG 6.2 in implement mini project

4. To improved youth capacity on management project to support the planning, implementation and monitoring evaluation of mini projects so that they are measurable, suitable and align with the goals of WASH SDGs program.

Expected output

1. The Youth will be able to assess and mapping sanitation conditions in the community and school in implement mini project

2. The Youth will be able to communicate and facilitate community for promoting behavior change for sanitation and able to develop communication strategy to support it

3. The youth will be able to act as advocates/promoters of SDG 6.2 in implement mini project

4. The youth will be able to develop, implement and monitoring evaluation of mini project in a measurable, suitable and align with the goals of WASH SDGs program.


* Give general overview of the point needed to be facilitate

* Provide one (1) Cofacilitator to support main facilitator

* Pay the fee and cost related to the facilitate the workshop


* Develop Workshop scenario (tools, method, M&E)

* Design Monitoring & Evaluation for check participation of the participant and effectiveness of the workshop

* Facilitate the workshop

* Make an excecutive report


1. Workshop scenario (available prior implementation and agreed by SNV)

2. An executive report (in English)

The assignment in four days at 25-28 April 2019 with the following details:

* Half day for preparation

* 3 days (26-28 April 2019) to facilitate the workshop

* Half day for reporting

Candidate Profile:

1. Minimun Bachelor Degree in related field

2. Minimum 10 years' experience in the field of WASH in Indonesia.

3. Knowledge and experience in behavioural change communication is required.

4. Have Experience with participatory development approach

5. Advanced participatory facilitation and communication skills

6. Excellent command of spoken and written English

7. Good computer skills (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point, Internet and E-mail

Total amount billable to the provision of service is IDR 2.100.000/day. Accommodation, DSA and travel cost to deliver assignments outside his/hers home base will cover by SNV.
Aplication Process
Please send the application documents as follow:
* CV of the applicant
* Financial Proposal

to<> before 4 April 2019 with the subject "Facilitator- Youth Capacity Development Workshop".

Procurement and Contract Officer

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Jl. Kemang Timur Raya No.66 |Jakarta Selatan 12730 | Indonesia<> |<> |Skype : Alice Ellys |+62 (0)21 719 9900

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