Friday, June 18, 2021

EoI: Consultant for Facilitating and Coordinating Local Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Food System in Makassar

 Hivos is an International non-governmental organization based in the Netherlands guided by humanist values and seeks new solutions to persistent global issues. It aims at structural poverty alleviation with a strong focus on civil society building and sustainable economic development. Hivos works with local organizations to contribute to a free, fair and sustainable world. For its Hivos seeks qualified candidates for the position of:

Title :  Consultant for Facilitating and Coordinating Local Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Food System in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Duration :  8 months (maximum 16 days
Report to :  Project Manager – Local Harvest


The SWITCH Asia Local Harvest project: Promoting sustainable and equitable consumption and local food systems in Indonesia is supported by the European Union and implemented by Hivos and its partners: AMAN (Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara), ASPPUK (Asosiasi Pendamping Perempuan Usaha Kecil), NTFP-EP (Non Timber Forest Product-Exchange Program) Indonesia and Yayasan WWF Indonesia.  The project is implemented in 8 provinces (14 districts) and 5 cities in Indonesia over a period of four (4) years commencing March 1, 2018.
The specific objective of the project is to stimulate a significant shift in consumption patterns towards sustainable and ethically sourced food products in Indonesia through increased knowledge and awareness of consumers about the impacts of their food choices; increased capacities of food MSMEs and producers - including women and indigenous people - to penetrate markets; and a favourable policy environment for uptake of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) practices in the food sector. One of the result areas of the project includes support and adoption from national and local governments on policies and guidelines to promote SCP of green, healthy, fair and local food products.
As part of the project implementation, multi stakeholder forums/platforms on food system will be established in five cities – Jakarta (national level), Bandung, Makassar, Medan and Yogyakarta. The local multi-stakeholder platform will include, but not limited to, government agencies, producer representative, SMEs and retailers, academics, CSOs and consumer representatives, who will share experiences and discuss potential synergy in promoting sustainable consumption and production in the food system.  The local platform will be part of the multi stakeholder platform on food system at the national level that initiated by the project in collaboration with BAPPENAS. The key output from the platform is a joint agenda for policies and actions on the promotion of SCP for local food products (strategy paper).

Scope of Work
The consultant is expected to:

  1. Organize and facilitate a series of workshop/ discussions with key stakeholders for the establishment of the platform in Makassar.
  2. Develop a strategy paper that consisted of issues, strategy and a joint agenda for policy and actions in promoting SCP in local food system based on workshops result and discussion with key stakeholders.
  3. Review the project documents and other documents related to the relevant local SDGs target (SDGs 2 & 12) and collect relevant information from reliable sources.
  4. Discuss with Hivos, implementing partners, allies, consultants, and other relevant stakeholders i.e. government for developing strategy and plan for the establishment of the multi-stakeholder platforms.
  5. Provides support on the establishment/formalization of the multi-stakeholder platform, including recommendation on how the platform can be managed effectively through:
  • Collaboration with existing city-level multi-stakeholder platforms/fora/committees on SCP of food and urban food system (if any). This includes any Local Food Security Agency and/or Council (Badan Ketahanan Pangan Daerah atau Dewan Ketahanan Pangan Daerah) or similar institution.
  • Collaboration with existing multi-stakeholder platforms/fora/committees that do not (yet) discuss about SCP of food but could potentially be enriched with SCP agenda, and provide assessment of their members, agenda, processes, functioning and results so far. For example: regional level SDG forums.
The assignment will be completed within 8 months from the date of the signing of the contract with a maximum of 16 working days.

  • A concise report on series of workshop (including milestones) for developing a local multi stakeholder platform on food system in Makassar.
  • A strategy paper (including road map) on food system in Makassar based on the workshops and discussion with the key stakeholders to be distributed to the relevant government agencies and key stakeholders, and recommendation for establishing / formalizing the platform.
All reports (in Bahasa Indonesia and English) should be submitted in electronic version in relevant Microsoft Office format.

Key Qualifications

The consultant or team of consultants should:
  • Have extensive experience in facilitating local multistakeholder platforms/forums;
  • Have experience working with CSOs and local governments;
  • Have familiarity in lobby and advocacy processes and experience and working on lobby and advocacy activities in various levels of policymaking;
  • Have ample knowledge and experience working in the issues related to local food system;
  • Have the ability to draw upon a range of inputs from existing contacts, data and professional experience, and synthesize the findings into a readable and practical narrative;
  • Preferably based in Makasar and has a relevant and extensive contacts and network.

How to apply:
A proposal including the work plan and budget, with CV and cover letter, should be addressed to PM Local Harvest at email: and with subject “Consultant for Facilitating Local Multi-stakeholder Platform in Makassar”

Deadline for submission of proposal is June 28th, 2021.

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

1 comment:

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