Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Finance Officer- Jakarta

EoI Number I05:  ISEAN Finance Officer
Issuance Date: Oct 15, 2014    


The Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly implemented the ISEAN Hivos Program supported by Global Fund Round 10. This program has the main goal of reducing the risks, vulnerability and impact of HIV and AIDS on the lives of MSM and transgender people in Island Southeast Asian Nations. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Timor Leste. Hivos, as the Principal Recipient of the grant under the ISEAN-Hivos Program Global Fund Round 10 anticipates its Phase 2 of implementation from October, 2013 to September, 2016.

In this regard, ISEAN is seeking applications for ISEAN Finance Officer that will be based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

As the ISEAN Finance Officer, you will be working under the direct supervision of the ISEAN Regional Program Manager (RPM) and in close collaboration with the ISEAN Board Members, other secretariat staff and partners. You will be responsible for following activities:
1.    Assist and advise in the budgetary development and/or implementation of financial processes for all projects in       partnership with the ISEAN Board and staff;
2.    Assist the RPM in maintaining accounting records and preparing financial reports by ensuring the implementation       of the agreed financial systems and procedures, including documenting all financial transactions and                 maintaining all financial documents: prepare daily accounts, contracts, regulations, financial correspondence,       bank bookkeeping documents, budget-expenditure and supporting documents for fund expenditures in chronological       order and in a secure manner;
3.    Verify the accuracy and integrity of the financial reports at ISEAN, including clarifying that all expenditures       from various fund sources have been executed transparently and accountably in accordance with the prevailing         regulations and in line with the program objectives;
4.    Consolidate fund requests from the Country Networks and prepare them for submission to the PR or SRs based on         the stipulated procedures;
5.    Conduct variance analysis and communicate the results to PR or other funders;
6.    Ensure that adequate internal controls are in place that are compliant with funders’ requirements;
7.    Ensure budget tracking, sound financial management, including programmatic budgeting, quarterly spending             projections, monthly spending reviews, and monitoring of transfers/payments;
8.    Assist ISEAN staff in the preparation of financial materials for meetings, trainings and workshops;
9.    Maintain records and inventory control of project assets;
10.   Ensure full cooperation and the proper implementation of annual external audits of the Secretariat’s financial       statements, in accordance with the agreed audit plan and any internal audit of the Secretariat by the PR;
11.   Monitor progress against the audit plan and set up a process for reviewing and following up audit                     recommendations
12.   Develop and implement an effective internal audit system for the Secretariat and monitor any recommended             follow-up actions;
13.   Supervise the disbursement of office petty cash;
14.   Coordinate communication with stakeholders on ISEAN’s financial matters; and
15.   Assist in other tasks of the ISEAN, as required.

•    An Indonesian national or permanent resident.
•    Education: A formal diploma or university degree in any related fields, preferably in finance, accountancy,          development studies or management studies, or equivalent competency would be considered helpful.
•    Up-to-date with finance and tax regulations of Indonesia.
•    Language: Demonstrated high proficiency in English reading, writing and speaking ability. Native speaker of a        ISEAN language is compulsory (Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, Filipino, Tetum, Chinese or Tamil)
•    Experience: Relevant professional or personal experience in accounting and finance. Familiarity with Global Fund      processes and procedures an advantage.
•    Skills: Know and masters any accounting software. Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills. High level      of community connectivity (understand the dynamic of communities of MSM and transgender people). 
•    Self-motivated, outgoing personality and a passion for communities of MSM and transgender people. 

Interested applicants are invited to submit a cover letter (Title: ISEAN Finance Officer) accompanied by full resume stating details of educational qualifications and working experience, before October 26, 2014 to:

ISEAN encourages those who are under the age of 30 and identity as either gay, men who have sex with men, transgender or PLHIV to apply.

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