Thursday, March 15, 2018


The project is being conducted in the Garang River Basin area, which falls under the administrative boundaries of Semarang City and Semarang Regency of Central Java Province. The overall goal of TRANSFORM is to reduce loss and damage caused by flooding in Semarang City. This will be achieved through the project’s intermediate goal which aims to have mechanisms in place that enable government representatives, communities and other relevant actors to prioritize flood-reducing interventions and investments that benefit upstream and downstream communities of Garang River Basin.

Initially, the TRANSFORM team assumed that upstream area only contributes to risk factors such as deforestation and shifting land use that exacerbate flood risk in downstream areas. The rapidly degrading upstream environment is also a stress factor that threatens upstream households. However, based on project findings, the upstream areas are also affected by flooding, and the key stakeholders in the upstream areas would like to reduce the extent of the flooding taking place in their communities.. Out of 16 upstream villages in the TRANSFORM program area, 6 have been identified as flood-prone area. This includes Susukan Sub-district, Bandarjo Sub-district, Ungaran Sub-district, Kalirejo Sub-district, Sidomulyo Sub-district, and Lerep Village. Between August and October 2017, IRDEM (Initiative for Regional Development and Environmental Management) as Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia research partner has conducted a baseline assessment using the Flood Resilience Measurement Tool (FRMT) developed by Zurich Alliance. It is identified that floods are triggered by river’s overflow or clogged drainage. Floods that have occurred in this region did not cause casualties, but rather the loss of assets and property. In addition to causing loss of property, flood also causes disruption of access.

As part of building flood resilience of the six communities, Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia (YMCI) has worked together with IUCCE (Initiative for Urban Climate Change and Environment) in making Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) documents which is similar to community action plans between November 2017 and January 2018. Series of workshops and community meetings have been done to complete the CBDRM document for each village/sub-district. The documents consist of flood area mapping, evacuation route and site, problem prioritization, and list of strategies. One of the workshop also evaluated the possibility of the proposed strategies to be implemented and looked at the willingness to participate from community’s side. As additional information, YMCI has worked in the 16 downstream flood-prone communities through Zurich Flood Resilience Program before. TRANSFORM Program aims to build social bonding between flood prone communities in both upstream and downstream through better disaster preparedness capacity.

Based on the prioritization using several criteria, there are some actions that are recommended to be implemented to build community flood resilience in the 6 mentioned upstream areas. The action is ranging from disaster preparedness group establishment, flood preparedness and first aid training, to communication and disaster-stakeholders network establishment. By working on these actions, it is hoped to build community resilience in several themes such as life and health, assets and livelihood, also governance.
Following the completion of CBDRM or community action plans in 6 flood-prone communities in Semarang Regency, TRANSFORM Program is planning to assist the implementation of prioritized actions. Therefore, TRANSFORM is looking for a consultant that works for this scope:
a.    Carry out implementation of prioritized actions that build community flood resilience based on CBDRM:
o   establish disaster preparedness groups;
o   first aid and flood preparedness training;
o   establish flood emergency response communication mechanism and network
b.    Work together with key stakeholders in disaster field to make sure the sustainability and ownership of the deliverables
All activities will be implemented closely with the assistance from Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia.
To achieve the objective above, the implementing partner needs to produce the following output:
1.    Disaster Preparedness Group in communities that have the willingness to establish the group (at least in Lerep, Bandarjo, and Susukan, as mentioned in CBDRM);
2.    Training or capacity building events of first aid and flood preparedness (involving all 6 flood-prone communities in upstream area of Semarang Regency and 16 flood-prone communities in downstream area of Semarang City – to build social cohesion of cross-communities in Garang River Basin);
3.    List of important telephone number for flood emergency response that connects and informs the 6-flood prone communities in upstream area (and communication mechanism if possible);
4.    Summary activity report that provides the process, result, and lessons learned. (in Bahasa Indonesia and English)
The processes, approach and quality of outputs will be reviewed and require approval from Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia throughout the process.
3 months, started from Mid-March 2017 until Mid-June 2018.
Consultant must meet the following competencies:
1.    Have resources and experience working on DRR at the community level for at least  3 years, particularly on Flood Risk Reduction to community around river banks;
2.    Have a good understanding of the Semarang area, its vulnerability and resilience strategies.
3.    Have resources and experience in assisting community related to strengthening livelihood activities and understanding market systems;
4.    Have resources and experience on community development at least for 3 years;
5.    Have good relationship and experienced in working with related government institutions; Capable to write report both in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia retains ownership of research produced under this contract. The consultant will be able to use materials based upon agreement with Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia regarding the public usage, distribution or publishing of the research or any material produced under this contract.  Both parties agree to properly credit the other party on public presentations or any form of dissemination of the material borne from this initiative.

Applicants should send their CV/portfolio to before 21 March 2018 

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