Friday, November 30, 2018

Position Title: IT Programmer Consultant

Linkages Across the Continuum of HIV Services for Key Populations Affected by HIV – or “LINKAGES” – is USAID’s first global project dedicated to key populations (KPs). LINKAGES aim to accelerate the ability of partner governments, key population civil society organizations and the private sector to more effectively plan, deliver and optimize comprehensive, scaled HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment services that reduce HIV transmission among KPs and their sexual partners and improve the quality of life for those who are HIV positive. 

LINKAGES is led by FHI 360, in partnership with Pact, IntraHealth International, and the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill.  The project also taps into and amplifies local capacity for long-term sustainability and country ownership of key population programming. To that end, LINKAGES engages a diverse array of experienced organizations and special experts already working with key populations in Indonesia.  LINKAGES prioritize programming that aligns with PEPFAR 3.0’s five key agendas – impact, efficiency, sustainability, partnership and human rights – to achieve global 90-90-90 goals, sustainable programming, and an AIDS-free generation.
In Indonesia, the project contributes directly to the targets identified in the National AIDS Commission’s National Strategy and Action Plan (SRAN), 2015-2019 and the Ministry of Health (MOH) HIV National Action Plan.  Our success is intricately tied to the efforts of the national program, which is led by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and National AIDS Commission (NAC), and largely funded by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM).  Accordingly, LINKAGES focus its resources on two priority areas – Jakarta and Papua – where the potential for epidemic control is greatest.  Under the leadership of the GOI, we also advance technical innovations that are evidence-based but may not yet be enshrined in policy or practice.
in FY19/COP18 implementation plan, LINKAGES Indonesia is still providing Technical Assistances (TA) to Provincial Health Office (PHO) of DKI Jakarta. One of LINKAGES support in Fiscal Year 2019 is continuing upgrading “Jak-track” web base application system.. The system has been endorsing by government and launching by Governor of DKI Jakarta, As a Linkages commitment to expand the application with several strategic menus and features base on what end user need (Health Facilities) site. Several features in the “Jak-track” application need to revise based on user testing experience and input. As part of the ultimate achievement across these results areas supported by Information communications technology (ICT) innovation and solutions, LINKAGES plan to hire a New IT Programming Consultant for period January 2019 to June 2019..
Incumbent will work under the direction of the LINKAGES ICT4D Advisor and in close coordination with the LINKAGES/Indonesia capacity development/partner engagement and Clinical Service Unit (CSU) team to provide focused technical expertise in accordance with the following components of the LINKAGES FY19 work plan:
1.     Support ICT4D team on training “Jak-track” web-based application system to health facilities, CSO, DHO and PHO. During the training, incumbent collect an input, information, suggestion and or request from the user. 
2.     Support ICT4D team on coding and programming minor correction/revision for Jak-track menus, and work to gather with Jak-track Developer consultant for major correction/revision of the system. This application is now running as Beta 2.0 version and LINKAGES needs to keep it updated regularly based on user feedback and input.  Consultant will upgrade/maintained this application regularly from Beta 2.0 to Beta 2.1, Beta 2.2, etc. 
3.     Support ICT4D team maintaining Jak-track application system server, connection and network, including ensure that data transfer (data interoperability) between “Jak-track” and Jakarta Databank web base application system. For this purpose, consultant will be based in DATIN, Provincial Health Office or visit regularly to DATIN office and or PHO.  
Deliverable within this SOW include:
ü  Technical Documentation for any update, refine, change and revise of script/coding of Jak-track application system.
ü  Monthly reporting for Software, server, connection and network maintenance for Jak-track application system.
ü  Monthly reporting for Jak-track training and or relevant training to Jak-track issues.
ü  Provide TA to DHO, PHO  team and or CSU team for data interoperability and ensure that the team can use/import raw data from Jak-track database for future analysis.  

Activities for those deliverables are as follows:
A.    Regular check, update, revise/refine, develop a minor correction and maintain of function and or coding script of “Jak-track” application/software platform on time (Maximum 40 days) including but not limited as following item:
a.     Online Reservation
-          Online request notification Dashboard at Health Facilities level and E-mail notification to Health Facilities Officer
-          Consultation to Medical Doctor and Only Appointment to take ARV (or related medicine)
b.     Facility to Facility Transfer (referral in/out)
-          Transfer patient to other facilities and Archive document (pdf) for patient out confirmation latter
-          Pickup patient from other facilities with TOKEN Code and Archive document (auto pdf creates) for patient on confirmation letter
c.     PITC Transfer
-          UIC /blood specimen transfer from sub-sub district Health Facilities
-          Status update (Visited, not visited, Lost) 
d.     Enroll in Care (PDP)
-          Dashboard Alarm system for upcoming ARV patient and ARV retention Monitoring
-          Search UIC (If it found then click referral in if don’t found record new) and Record New Form
-          Import (Excel format, based on Health Facilities Excel form pre-ART registration)
e.     Dashboard Integration Monitoring
-          New Case Finding Table (enroll in care in the same or other facilities site table
-          Integration between sub-sub and sub district level and between clinic at Sub district level
f.      LTFU (Lost to Follow Up) Monitoring and tracking system
-          Table view for Patient who over time for Re-fill medication and LTFU patient
-          Table view for Termination Patient (Died, move to another province)
-          Tracking notification to CSO Email and to PKL (sub sub district) email and Feedback from CSO& PKL by email and then update to termination table
g.     Partner Notification Monitoring
-          Create New table view to Grab data from previous form/database
-          Provide menu/sub menus/button for data edit (and complete form)
-          Monitoring Table and “Digital Notification” function
B.    Export Raw data and or Create a Table output for analysis (maximum 20 days)
a)    Prepare and present raw data and or table output to ICT4D team.
-        Support ICT4D team and or CSU team to do table and graph analysis including but not limited to cascade analysis, performance threshold and graphics analysis

-        The IT Programmer will be a skilled and experienced software developer responsible for the detailed design, implementation, and testing of subsystems and system components in complex, multivendor, multi-platform environments..
-        The IT Programmer should not use any proprietary platform, plugin, theme, photos or other web components without written approval from ICT4D Advisor. 
ü  Five years of experience as a software engineer; demonstrated success in developing a variety of software systems while taking on increasing responsibility for analysis, design, implementation and task deployment (with significant individual contribution as a programmer).
ü  Five-year experience in Open Source development, strong individual skill in PHP OOP and or Code Ignitor Frame work exposure highly desirable..
ü  Proven experience in solving challenging technical problems and supporting multiple projects and objectives simultaneously and efficiently.
ü  Five years of experience developing data-driven applications utilizing significant relational database engines as part of the overall application architecture (experience with any or all the following programs is highly desirable: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server).
ü  Five years of experience building web-based software systems, utilizing N-tier architectures, dynamic content, highly-scalable approaches, and complex security models/implementations as well as using at least one popular web framework (JSF, Wicket, GWT, Spring MVC).
ü  Proficiency in developing and troubleshooting complex software systems that run in mixed environments including Linux, Unix and/or Windows on desktop, server, tablet, and mobile systems.
ü  Previous experience configuring and using any or all of the following is highly desirable:
Ø  Web services APIs through web services
Ø  Writing scalable, globally distributed applications
Ø  UI and human-computer interaction design
Ø  Enterprise application integration;
ü  Content Management and Learning Management System exposure highly desirable.
ü  Experience and familiarity with test-driven development, software development methodology and release processes, document requirements and specifications.
ü  Proficiency in both written and spoken English is required.

The consultancy will be based in Provincial Health Office in Jakarta, Indonesia with possiblity hight itenstion traveling araound Jabodetabek and District. Consultant can claim at cost local transport.

3 January 2019 to 30 June 2019 with approximate total 60 days. Consultant can claim invoice per month based on actual days of work in a month.

The consultant will be paid on daily basis.  Payment will be made monthly after the successful deliverable completion and approval of tasks assigned during that month.

If you are math with this criteria, please send your CV to no later than 9 December 2018. Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted for interview.

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