Sunday, March 26, 2023

Invitation to tender – RFP No. 83434848 Baseline Study in Three Regions of LASSO


Invitation to tender – RFP No. 83434848 Baseline Study in Three Regions of LASSO.


Project No /Name           : 21.9018.9-001.0

Brief project title             : Land and Seascape Solution for Indonesia (LASSO)

Country                             : Indonesia


As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. On behalf of the German Government, GIZ currently provides advisory services to the Government of Republic Indonesia since 1975. For further information, please visit


The project “Land-and Seascape Solutions for Indonesia (LASSO)” aims at developing and deploying an ecosystem approach for land and seascapes in at least three regions in Indonesia. As such, its focus lies on biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration, including efforts to strengthen the sustained provision of eco-system services, strengthen blue and green economies as pathways to sustainable development, including agroforestry, aquaculture, and the promotion of ecotourism.


In order to achieve the above objective, GIZ LASSO project is currently seeking a Contractor (Consulting Firm/Company/Organization) to conduct the Baseline Study on Basic Physical and Socio-economic Data in Three Regions of LASSO. The detail services is set forth in the attached of Term of Reference and other annexes.


Please follow the link below for downloading the tender packs document:


Bidding Opportunities: GIZ Indonesia


(Deadline 040423) 83434848 -LASSO- Baseline Study in Three Regions of LASSO. (, 1,80 MB) 


The tender documents consists of;

  1. Terms of Reference
  2. Technical Assessment Grid
  3. Justification Table
  4. Eligibility Assessment Grid
  5. 4.1 Self-declaration form as part of the eligibility assessment for open tender
  6. Price Schedule Form
  7. Bidding Q & A
  8. General Terms & Conditions
  9. Tender process Timeframe


Should you be interested in providing this service, please send your proposal to  at the latest on Tuesday, 04 April 2023.  Any proposal arriving after the deadline will not be considered.


If you have any further questions in this respect, please to use the Q&A Form (as Annex 6) and send it to   and cc to  within the period 27.03 - 03.04.2023. The queries will be answered by E-mail.


Thank you very much for your kind attention. Kindly looking forward to hearing from you.

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